ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan penerimaan dan penatausahaan
prasarana, sarana dan utilitas di Pemerintah Kota Bekasi sesuai dengan ketentuan yang
berlaku dan tata kelola yang baik dalam mewujudkan akuntabilitas keuangan. Penelitian
ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus di Pemerintah Kota
Bekasi. Analisis permasalahan penelitian menggunakan metode perbandingan antara
pelaksanaan penerimaan dan penatausahaan PSU dengan ketentuan yang berlaku,
kebijakan penyerahan PSU dengan peraturan daerah dan prinsip-prinsip umum
governance. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penerimaan dan penatausahaan PSU belum
sepenuhnya mengikuti ketentuan yang berlaku dan tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik.
Beberapa kendala menyebabkan penerimaan dan penatausahaan belum memadai.
ABSTRACTThis study aims to analyze the implementation of the acceptance and administration of
infrastructure, facilities and utilities at municipality of Bekasi in accordance with
applicable regulations and good governance to achieve financial accountability. This
study is a qualitative research, with a case study approach at municipality of Bekasi.
Analysis of the research problems uses a comparison between the implementation of the
reception and administration of PSU with applicable regulations, policies handover PSU
with local regulations and the general principles of governance. The result shows that
the acceptance and administration of infrastructure, facilities and utilities have not fully
comply with the provisions of law and the good government governance practice. Some
obstacles cause the reception and administration of infrastructure, facilities and utilities
still inadequate, This study aims to analyze the implementation of the acceptance and administration of
infrastructure, facilities and utilities at municipality of Bekasi in accordance with
applicable regulations and good governance to achieve financial accountability. This
study is a qualitative research, with a case study approach at municipality of Bekasi.
Analysis of the research problems uses a comparison between the implementation of the
reception and administration of PSU with applicable regulations, policies handover PSU
with local regulations and the general principles of governance. The result shows that
the acceptance and administration of infrastructure, facilities and utilities have not fully
comply with the provisions of law and the good government governance practice. Some
obstacles cause the reception and administration of infrastructure, facilities and utilities
still inadequate]"