Ditemukan 1 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Sri Kumala Devi
Abstrak :
Nyeri adalah pengalaman tidak menyenangkanakibat kerusakan jaringan bersifa tsubjektif dapat dinilai dari ekspresi wajah, gerakant ubuh,
menangis dan istirahat dengan skala nyeri yang dapat digunakan adalah Neonatal Infant
Pain Scale (NIPS).Terapi non
farmakologis mandiri dapat dilakukan perawat untuk meminimalisir nyeri neonatussete
lah tindakan invasif. Pemberian kombinasi NNS
Penelitianinimerupakanpenelitianquasi experimental post test only control group
design. Sampelpenelitiansebanyak 20
respondendibagimenjadikelompokintervensidankelompokkontrol. Analisis data
menggunakanujiindependent ttest.
Kelompokintervensidengannilairesponnyeriterendah 0 dantertinggi 2
dengannilaitengah 0,5. Kelompokkontroldengannilainyeriterendah 5 dantertinggi
7 dengaannilaitengah 0,5. Rekomendasihasilpenelitianini, pemberiankombinasi
NNS dansukrosasebagaiterapi non
Pain is an unpleasant subjective response due to tissue disruption. In neonates, it
can be assessed by Neonatal Infant Pain Scale (NIPS) from the facial expression,
body movement, crying or resting behavior of the infant. Nurses may carry on the
non-pharmacological intervention to minimize the pain of the neonates after
invasive procedures. One of the interventions is the combination of Non Nutritive
Sucking (NNS) and sucrose. This research was designed as the quasi experimental
post test only control group research involving 20 participants in the control and
intervention group. The data were analyzed using independent t-test. The research
found the lowest pain response scale was 0 and the highest was 2, with the median
0.5, in the intervention group. Whereas, in the control group, the lowest and
highest pain scales were 5 and 7, respectively, with median 0.5. This research
suggests this combination of NNS and sucrose to reduce the pain response in
neonates after intravenous catheter insertion.
T 30380
UI - Tesis Open Universitas Indonesia Library