"Tesis ini mengevaluasi 4 mata kuliah program web suplemen yaitu mata kuliah Pelayanan Bahan Pustaka, Manajemen Perpustakaan, Dasar-Dasar Dokumentasi dan Kerjasama dan Jaringan Perpustakaan yang dijadikan balhan ajar dalam pengajaran menggunakan sistem e-learning. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuantatif, dengan mendeskripsikan data yang masuk melalui kuesioner.
Hasil yang diperoleh dalam evalusi adalah program web suplemen bahan ajar tersebut responden merasakan manfaat pemahaman yang lebih mudah dari mata kuliah tersebut, penambahan pengetahuan tentang ilmu perpustakaan. Di sawing itu responden merasa lebih siap dalam menghadapi ujian semester dengan adanya soal-soal latihan beserta umpan balik dalam materi web suplemen tersebut;This thesis evaluates web-supplements programs of the four courses.
......This thesis evaluates web-supplements programs of the four courses: Bibliographical Services, Library Management, Basic of Documentation, and, Library Collaboration and Network. Those are used as course material in the e-learning system. The research uses quantitative method using descriptive data from quesionnaires.
The result of the evaluation shows that the respondents consider to get the advantages of the easiness in grasping the course materials and improving on the library science knowledge. Furthermore, the respondents consider that the exercises and their feedbacks in the web-supplement programs make them feeling well-prepared to cope with the semester examination. In fact, they do not have any difficulties to access those programs, and especially the respondents who work, are not disturbed by the way the programs do."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2010