"Saat ini sedang terjadi konflik perebutan sumberdaya di kawasan hutan Kabupaten Bone Bolango. Konflik berawal dari kebijakan pemerintah pusat mengeluarkan alokasi pemanfaatan sumberdaya mineral berupa Kontrak Karya (KK) Generasi II tahun 1971 kepada PT. Tropic Endeavour Indonesia (TEI). Kemudian di perbaharui Kontrak Karya Generasi VII tahun 1998 kepada PT Gorontalo Mineral. Pada saat itu kawasan hutan masih berstatus Taman Nasional Bogani Nani Wartabone (TNBNW). Mengingat fungsi hutan Taman Nasional adalah kawasan yang menjadi penyangga ekosistem hutan seperti flora dan fauna yang endemik serta sebagai penyerap karbon. Seharusnya KK atau ijin eksplorasi tidak dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah pusat.
Masalah yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh konflik terhadap kondisi bio-fisik lingkungan, kehidupan sosial, dan kebutuhan ekonomi masyarakat sekitar, peran oknum atau lembaga yang berperan dalam konflik tersebut, rumusan penyelesaian konflik antara masyarakat lokal dengan PT. Gorontalo Mineral pada kasus pemanfaatan ruang kawasan hutan produksi terbatas, resolusi yang baik sehingga dapat diterima oleh pemerintah, masyarakat dan perusahaan, pemanfaatan ruang dan strategi pemberdayaan masyarakat lokal yang sebaiknya dilakukan di kawasan hutan produksi terbatas untuk mengurangi atau meredam konflik.
Metode penelitian adalah deskriptif-kualitatif pendekatan studi kasus melalui pengamatan lapangan, penelaahan dokumen, wawancara, dan diskusi kelompok. Analisis sesuai tujuan untuk memahami sikap, prilaku, pandangan masyarakat secara perorangan maupun kelompok terhadap kondisi lingkungan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sejarah masuknya perusahaan tambang pada tahun 1971, lubang hasil eksplorasi digunakan masyarakat sebagai tambang liar sehingga menyebabkan konflik perebutan kawasan aktivitas sosial meningkat, tingkat kebutuhan ekonomi masyarakat meningkat, kondisi biofisik hutan produksi terbatas terjadi kerusakan walaupun belum berpengaruh signifikan terhadap lingkungan sekitar.terbukti dengan tingginya laju erosi dan sedimentasi, pencemaran air di badan sungai. Untuk meminimalisir konflik ditawarkan beberapa solusi untuk mengakomodir semua kepentingan, dengan merubah kawasan hutan dan tampa merubah status kawasan hutan. Pemberdayaan masyarakat menggunakan model dari L. Sukardi tetapi belum memberikan hasil terhadap pengelolaan kawasan hutan yang berkelanjutan sebab masyarakat masih lebih mengedepankan pendapatan ekonomi dibandingkan rehabilitasi kerusakan lingkungan.
To date, there has been a conflict in the forest resources of Bone Bolango. Conflict begins with central government issuing policies about the allocation of utilization of mineral resources in the form of Contract of Work (CoW) Generation II Year 1971 towards PT. Tropic Endeavour Indonesia (TEI). An updated Generation VII Contract of Work Year 1998 was subsequently issued for PT. Gorontalo Minerals. At the time, the forest was still considered as conservation area, also known as Taman NasionalBoganiNaniWartabone (TNBNW). Given the function of the National Park forest is a buffer area of forest ecosystems, such as the endemic flora and fauna as well as a carbon sink, KK or exploration permits should not be issued by the central government. The existing conflict continued until 2010, causing changes in some parts of the TNBNW.
The problem studied in this research aims to explain the history of the entry of the company, the causes and consequences of conflict between the locals with PT. Gorontalo Minerals in case of utilization of limited production forest area, the effect of conflict on the condition of the bio-physical environment, social, and economic needs of the local communities, the role of individual or institution in the conflict, the formulation of conflict resolution between the local communities with PT. Gorontalo Minerals in the case of utilizing the limited production forest area, a good resolution that is acceptable to the government, the community and the company, space utilization and local community empowerment strategies that should be done in a limited production forest areas to reduce or mitigate conflicts.
The method employed in this study is descriptive qualitative through case study approach, which includes field observations, document analysis, interviews, and group discussions. Analysis of the purpose to understand the attitudes, behavior, public opinion (individually or in groups) on environmental conditions is also carried out.
The findings of this study reveal that the history of the entry of mining companies in 1971 hastriggered a number of issues. These are the escalation of conflict in the social activity areas,the increasing level of economic necessity of the locals, and the destruction of the biophysical condition of the forest (though the impact on the surroundings is still insignificant) as evidenced by the high rate of erosion and sedimentation, water pollution in the river banks. To minimize the conflict,thereare some solutions which can accommodate all interests, by changing the forest area without necessarily changing its status. Community empowerment is motivated by model of L. Sukardi, but it has not provided significant impact to the sustainable forest management because the locals still tends to emphasize economic returns compared to rehabilitation of environmental damage."