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Abstrak :
Budidaya ikan dalam keramba jaring apung (WA), marupakan salah satu kegiatan yang berkembang pesat di waduk Jatiluhur. Dasar pertimbangan pengembangan BJA ialah untuk pemanfaatan sumber air waduk dan untuk memberikan sumber pendapatan altematif bagi masyarakat di sekitamya. Dampak positif dari pengembangan BJA antara lain meningkatnya lapangan kerja bagi masyarakat di sekitarnya dan meningkatnya produksi ikan untuk konsumsi dalam negeri. Jumlah Keramba Jaring Apung (KJA) yang beroperasi di waduk Jatiluhur terus mengalami peningkatan dari 15 unit KJA pada tahun 1988 menjadi 2.100 unit KJA pada tahun 1997 dengan total produksi ikan yang di panen hingga tahun 1997 sebanyak 1.545.32 ton. Namun demikian perkembangan WA tersebut telah menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap kualitas perairan, dan menyebabkan kegagalan panen akibat kematian ikan budidaya secara masal pada tahun 1996 dan 1997. Dalam rangka pengendalian dampak negatif BJA tersebut, telah dilakukan berbagai upaya antara lain : penataan ruang waduk dan pengembangan KJA sistem ganda. Kematian ikan akibat perubahan kualitas air biasanya terjadi pada awal musim penghujan saat cuaca mendung, dimana intensitas cahaya matahari sangat rendah, sehingga menyebabkan rendahnya laju fotosintesis dan rendahnya produksi oksigen (02) dalam air. Berdasarkan data time series kualitas air di Ciganea terdapat peningkatan kandungan nutrien yang dihasilkan dari dekomposisi limbah organik yang berasal dari BJA. Peningkatan nutrien tersebut mengakibatkan meningkatnya kesuburan perairan dan densitas fitoplankton, sehingga akan meningkatkan kebutuhan 02 yang diperlukan fitoplankton pada malam hari. Pada kondisi populasi fitoplankton yang padat dan padatnya ikan dalam KJA, menyebabkan terjadinya defisit 02 yang lebih besar, akibatnya jumlah ikan dalam KJA yang mengalami kematian juga meningkat. Jadi masalah utama yang menyebabkan menurunnya kualitas air di lingkungan budidaya adalah limbah organik dari kegiatan BJA, sehingga permasalahan yang di kaji pada studi ini ialah terjadinya perubahan kualitas air waduk akibat kegiatan BJA, dan proses terjadinya kematian ikan budidaya secara masal dalam KJA. Tujuan dari studi ini ialah untuk mengetahui : 1) pengaruh kegiatan BJA terhadap perubahan kualitas air di lingkungan budidaya, waduk Jatiluhur, 2) perubahan kualitas air dari waktu ke waktu melalui indikator parameter kunci kualitas air yang terkait dengan kegiatan BJA, dan 3) perbedaan kualitas air antara daerah WA (Ciganea) dan non BJA (Ubrug) di waduk Jatiluhur. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut di atas, maka dalam studi ini dapat disusun hipotesis sebagai berikut : Pertama : Tidak ada perbedaan kualitas air antara daerah BJA dan daerah non BJA. Kedua : Ada kecenderungan penurunan kualitas air dari waktu ke waktu di Ciganea, mulai sebelum ada kegiatan BJA sampai timbul masalah kematian ikan. Studi ini dilaksanakan di perairan waduk Jatiluhur, Purwakarta, Jawa Barat, dari tanggal 12 Pebruari - 5 Maret 1999. Lokasi penelitian berada di perairan Ciganea yang merupakan areal BJA dan perairan Ubrug yang merupakan areal non budidaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam studi ini ialah metode surval dengan pendekatan observasi lapang di daerah terpapar dan daerah non terpapar pada kedalaman yang berbeda. Luas perairan Ciganea sekitar 40 ha dengan kedalaman ± (34 - 50) m, keadaan perairan relatif tenang karena jauh dari masukari air sungai, sedangkan perairan Ubrug luasnya sekitar 50 ha dengan kedalaman } (16 - 30) m terletak di sebelah selatan Ciganea, keadaan perairan relatif dangkal dan berarus sedang karena merupakan muara sungai Cilalawi dan Cisomang. Pengambilan sampel air dilakukan di perairan Ciganea pada 5 titik pengamatan (stasiun) dengan jarak antar titik 750 m dan di perairan Ubrug pada 3 titik pengamatan yang dianggap mewakili dengan jarak antar titik 1500 m. Pengambilan dilaksanakan sekali seminggu, selama satu bulan dan dilakukan secara vertikal untuk 3 lapisan kedalaman yang berbeda (permukaan, tengah dan dasar perairan) dengan menggunakan Bottle Water Sampler volume 3,5 L. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dari pagi hingga siang hari, dengan 1) Perlu pengendalian jumlah KJA yang terdapat di perairan Ciganea, waduk Jatiluhur, karena jumlah KJA yang ada telah melampaui dada dukung lingkungan atau jumlah optimum yang di perbolehkan yaitu 400 unit KJAlwilayah. Pengendalian tersebut harus dilakukan oleh instansi yang bertanggung jawab yaitu Dinas Perikanan Propinsi Dati I Jawa Barat, dengan menerapkan sangsi hukum antara lain dengan tidak menerbitkan Surat ljin Usaha Perikanan (SIUP) untuk BJA dan mengurangi jumlah KJA yang ada dengan memindahkan ke lokasi lain diluar Ciganea sesuai dengan Rencana Tata Ruang Waduk yang ada seperti di daerah Cipariuk, Pasir Jangkung, Batu Kerong, Tegal Malaka dan Cilingga. Hal tersebut dapat dilakukan melalui sosialisasi kepada masyarakatlpetani BJA, dengan pendekatan penyuluhan, pelatihan dan peningkatan kesadaran, agar mereka ikut berperanserta aktif dalam menjaga pelestarian perairan waduk. 2) Perlu disosialisasikan tentang cara pemberian pakan yang sesuai dengan ketentuan, yaitu sebanyak 3 % dari berat badan ikan yang dibudidayakan. Hal itu dimaksudkan untuk mengurangi jumlah sisa pakan yang masuk ke perairan, sehingga dapat mencegah terjadinya pencemaran perairan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian jumlah sisa pakan yang terbuang ke perairan waduk adalah sekitar 5 kgMari, sehingga agar supaya tidak menimbulkan pencemaran perairan, maka jumlah sisa pakan yang terbuang harus lebih kecil dari 5 kg/hari (< 5 kg/hari) atau sekitar (1-1,5) kg/hari, sehingga hal itulah yang menjadi pedoman yang harus dipatuhi oleh semua prang yang melakukan kegiatan WA di waduk Jatiluhur. Agar hal tersebut dapat terlaksana dengan baik, maka harus disosialisasikan kepada masyarakat khususnya kelompok usaha BJA/petani BJA melalui berbagai pendidikan/pelatihan dan percontohan agar ketentuan-ketentuan yang telah disepakati dapat dipatuhi dan dilaksanakan. 3) Perlu peningkatan pemantauan, pengendalian dan pengawasan, terhadap kegiatan BJA di Ciganea, waduk Jatiluhur, balk dari aspek kualitas air maupun jumlah KJA yang beroperasi. Untuk pemantauan kualitas air tersebut harus dilakukan secara rutin, diikuti dengan pengendalian jumlah KJA yang beroperasi yang dilakukan melalui koordinasi dengan instansi terkait dan melibatkan lembaga masyarakat yang ada di daerah tersebut, dengan Dinas Perikanan sebagai koordinator dan penanggung jawabnya. Selanjutnya dalam pelaksanaan pengawasan perlu peningkatan penegakan hukum (law enforcement) baik kepada pengusaha BJAlpetani BJA maupun kepada aparat pemerintah. Agar kegiatan tersebut dapat berjalan dengan balk, perlu diterapkan sanksi hukum yang tegas bagi setiap pelanggar sesuai dengan ketentuan hukum yang berlaku (UU. No. 911985 tentang Perikanan, 2311997 tentang Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup) dan apabila perlu pencabutan S1UPBJA agar mereka patuh. Disamping hal tersebut perlu dibarengi dengan upaya pemberdayaan kepada kelompok usaha BJAI petani BJA melalui sosialisasi, penyuluhan, pendidikan/pelatihan dan penyadaran hukum, sehingga diharapkan mereka dapat ikut berperan serta aktif dalam menjaga kelestarian lingkungan perairan dan mengawasi tindak pelanggaran yang terjadi. 4) Perlu pengembangan teknik BJA yang ramah lingkungan yaitu Keramba Jaring Apung Ganda (Berlapis) untuk mengurangi Iimbah pakan yang masuk ke perairan waduk. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian teknik budidaya ini dapat meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan pakan dan mencegah pencemaran perairan. Namun demikian untuk dapat dikembangkan dimasyarakat, hal tersebut masih perlu dikaji lebih mendalam terutama dari aspek ekonomi agar dapat terjangkau oleh masyarakatlpetani BJA dan aspek kemudahannya agar dapat dicontohldipraktekkan, dan sebelum dikembangkan secara luas hangs disosialisasikan terlebih dahulu kepada masyarakat melalui kelompok usaha BJA/petani BJA. ......The Effects of Fish Culture on the Water Quality of Reservoir (A Case Study on Fish Cage Culture in Ciganea, Jatiluhur Reservoir, Purwakarta, West Java)Fish cage culture was carried out intensively in Jatiluhur reservoir. This activity was developed to utilize the available water resources in the reservoir and to provide alternative income source for the community around the reservoir. Beside that, positive impact the development of cages culture such us the increasing fish production for domestic consumtion and job opportunity for local community. Based on the statistical data the number of cage culture used for fish culture increased steadily for 15 unit in 1988 to 2.100 unit in 1997. Total production of fish harvested in 1997 is 1.545,32 tones. However, this considerable development of the cage culture has resulted in an adverse impact of water quality which in few resulted in the failure of production. It is reported that in 1977 about 50 % of the cages could not be hatvested as the fishes were died. The collaps of production resulting from the low water quality, usually happens during early raining season where the solar radiation is quite low. This results in the low rate of photosynthesis and consequently low oxygen production. In order to control the adverse impact of the cage culture the spatial planning was set up by reservoir management authority in collaboration with the provincial government and interrelated institution. Based on the time series data of water quality in Ciganea, there is increase in the concentration nutrient resulted of the decomposition of the great concentration production waste of cage culture. Increases in concentration nutrient resulted in eutrophication and increasing phytoplankton density, which In few increase consentration of oxygen required by phytoplankton during night time. Increasing phytoplankton and fish densities resulted in hightly defisit oxygen, consequently the number of fish cultivated in the cage that were dead also increase. It is clear that the main problem causing dateriotation of water quality is production waste that consisted of feed waste and metabolite. Therefore, this study is focused on the changes of the water quality in aquaculture areas of reservoir resuldted by cage culture activity. The objectives of the study are, {1) to find out the effects of cage culture activity on water quality change in waters environment; (2) to evaluate of the environmental impact of the cage culture on the water quality in Ciganea areas Jatiluhur reservoir. The objectives of the study are, (1) to find out the effects of cage culture activity on water quality change in waters environment; (2) to evaluate of the environmental impact of the cage culture on the water quality in Ciganea waters, Jatiluhur reservoir. The hypothesis in this study to be tested are : First There are not the differences of water quality in both the cage culture compared with in non cage culture areas. Second : There are the tendences of water quality decrease on periodically in Ciganea areas, before cage culture development until case of death fishes. The area of sudy are Ciganea and Ubrug waters of Jatiluhur reservoir, Purwakarta, West Java. The study was conducted during February 12 to March 5 1999. The Ciganea waters was used for cage culture, while Ubrug waters was free of cage culture activity. The methode of study used are survey methode, survey was conducted to collect water samples and to observe aquaculture activities reservoir and environment condition. The Area of Ciganea waters was about 40 ha, it's depth varied between (35-50) m. The waters was relatively stagnant quaite a far from the inlet of reservoir. Area of Ubrug waters was about 50 ha, it's depth varied between (16-30) m, it is south word of Ciganea. The waters condition relatively shalow, moderate curent and as the estuary from Cilalawi and Cisomang rivers. The water samples were collected weekly from 5 stations in Ciganea and 3 stations in Ubrug, using 3.5 liters Kemmerer Bottle sampler in vertical depth of surface, centre and at the bottom water. Distance between station in Ciganea and ubrug are about 750 m and 1500 m representatively. The depth of water sampled were the (0-0,5) m layer, the (1,4-1,8) m layer and the (34-49) m layer. Sampling was carried out during the day time. The physico-chemical characteristic of the water quality measured ware temperature, transparancy, pH, DO, BOD, alkalinity, amonia, amonium, nitrite, nitrate, posphate, and suspended of organic matter. Water samples ware analysed in the chemical laboratory belong to the Research Institute of Fresh Water Fisheries, compared to the standard quality of C catagory, stipulated through Governor of West Java Decree No. 38/1991. The hypothesis were tested by using statistical analysis. Results of the study show that : 1. The water quality in Ciganea waters to degradation as long as cage cultures activity development. It is indicated by condition of water quality parameters such us NO2, NO3, NF14, NH3 and P04, have been over of threshold value for water quality standard (C criteria), it was caused by input of feeding to waters and number of feeding tend to increases as long as cage cultures activities on going. The water quality in Ubrug is better than Ciganea waters, it is indicated by condition of water quality parameters such us NO2, NO3, NH4, NH3 and P04, was still good and still under threshold value of water quality standard (C criteria), It is because no pollutant from feeding to waters. The result of this study can be used. to sugestion of waters environment management in Jatiluhur reservoir, as follow : 1) It is nacessary for local government (Fisheries of Services Office) to control of number cage cultures was operated in Jatiluhur reservoirs, it is because have been carying capacity over. Base on the research, the number of cage culture recommended to operation is 400 unit/areas. Ways to control of cage culture through letter of effort, limitation of cage culture operating in waters through moving of cage culture to other areas and implemented of monitoring and surveillance. 2) It is nacessary for local government (Fisheries of Services Office) to control of number feeding to water a number of 3 °Io from weight of fish biomass to culture. Its means to prevent of polluted waters from feeding. Base on the research the number of feeding waste to waters is 5 kg/day, so recommended that less than 5 kg/day or (1-1,5) kglday of feeding waste to guiden of water quality. To impernented this program mus be following to law enforcement, extention and public awerenees to local community, especially to group of fish farmers in Jatiluhur reservoir. 3) it is necessary to enhancment of monitoring, controling and surveillance for net cage culture activity in Jatiluhur reservoir, it is involving the water quality and number of net cage culture aspect and also strengthening of law enforcement through doubt of law to farmers and official government. In order to implematation this activity is needed coordination with inter instituation and non government organisation. Biside that it is needed empowerment to local community so they can do self management and surveillance of violance to cage culture activity in Jatiluhur reservoir. 4) One of alternative to decrease of organic waste to waters is development of technical culture of environmental friendly. This technical was called double net cage cultures. Base on the research this technical can increase of use feeding efficiency and prevention of pollutted waters. Howerver it is necessary to study in detail especially including economic and assesibility aspect before introduced to community.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Naskah yang berjudul Babad Sindula berdesarkan nama seorang raja yang memerintah kerajaan Galub. Name Sindula sendiri tidak dikenal, sedang nama Galuh sangat popular di Jawa Barat terutama di daerah Priangan. Pada mulanya Galuh merupakan suatu kerajaan, kemudian dalam perkembangan selanjutnya Galuh menjiadi ka_bupaten Galuh, sekarang berubah menjadi kabupaten Cia_mis termasuk Propinsi Jawa Barat (Ekadjati, 1981 : xiv).Diperkirakan bahwa kerajaan Galuh dahulu terletak di sekitar kola Cirebon bagian barat sampai barat daya. Tetapi letak kerajaan Galub kurang jelas. Terdapat dugaan bahwa di dekat muara sungai Cimanuk di daerah Indramayu, dahulu diperkirakan sebagai kota pelabuhan kerajaan Galub (H.J.Graaf, 19d5 : 157-138). Secara keselurahan naskan Babad Sindula Hs.T:i.P 175 berisi cerita tentang perkembangan dan timbul teng_gelamnya kerajaan Galuh, sejak berdirinya hingga masa Pemerintahan raja-raja yang memerintah kerajaan- kera_jaan yang ada di Jawa seperti : Medang Kamolan, Medang Pangramesan, Kediri, Singasari, Jenggala Ga1uh, Galuh, .Paja jaran, Majapahit dan Demak. Penulis babad dalam .
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mardhani Sutardjo
Abstrak :
RSUD Karawang has 167 beds with BOR = 72.65 in 1995. There was no any standardization of pharmaceutical products use at Central Operating Installation of RSUD Karawang Hospital. This research is aimed to analyze actual requirement of used up pharmaceutical products use for elective major operations at Central Operating Installation of RSUD Karawang. Central Operating Installation is an economic and significant revenue and expense source of pharmaceutical products. This research applies a comparative analysis and qualitative approach. The research has been completed at Central Operating Installation of RSUD Karawang from November 11 to December 11, 1996. There were 38 elective major operations held at the hospital. Seventy one percent of the above number was entered into 5 operations, that is : Hemiatomy 7 patients ( 18.42 % ), Strumectomy 6 patients ( 15.78 % ), Appendectomy 5 patients (13.15 % ), Extirpation 5 patients ( 13.15 %) and Prostatectomy 4 patients (10.52 % ). As much as 123 items of used up pharmaceutical products were prepared at Central Operating Installation of RSUD Karawang, but only 73 items ( 59.35 % ) that in use. The number of 73 items used for operation, as follows : 1. Hemiatomy: - Hospital report = 43 items ( 58.90 % ) - Research result = 45 items ( 61.64 % ) 2. Strumectomy : - Hospital report = 38 items ( 52.05 % ) - Research result = 37 items ( 52,05 % ) 3. Appendectomy : - Hospital report = 42 items ( 57.53 % ) - Research result = 49 items ( 67.12%) 4. Extirpation: - Hospital report = 41 items ( 56.16% ) - Research result = 44 items ( 60.27%) 5. Prostatectomy - Hospital report = 47 items ( 64.38 % ) - Research result = 44 items (60.27%) Such an information of used up pharmaceutical products for elective major operations was taken from Central Operating Installation of RSUD Karawang. There was a different information of used up pharmaceutical products use between RSUD Karawang and the researcher. There was also contrary measurement of used up pharmaceutical products use between the hospital and the researcher. Possibly, used up pharmaceutical products use at RSUD Karawang has not been standardized yet. There are 25 items of pharmaceutical products must be prepared by Central Operating Installation of RSUD Karawang for 5 elective major operations. Temporary standardized measurement of used up pharmaceutical products requires a few month Benchmarking. We suggest to increase recording and reporting activities for controlling and providing Hospital's management information.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rachmat Prio Sutardjo
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini berjudul ?Analisis pemetaan kompetensi dan penilaian kebutuhan pelatihan bagi pejabat struktural eselon II, III dan IV pada kantor pusat Direktorat Jenderal Pemasyarakatan?. Penelitian dilakukan di Kantor Pusat Direktorat Jenderal Pemasyarakatan dengan metode penelitian sensus (118 populasi). Latar belakang pemilihan judul ini didasarkan pada fenomena empiris dan teoritis. Secara empiris Kantor Pusat Direktorat Jenderal Pemasyarakatan diindikasikan mengalami peningkatan frekuensi tugas-tugas sehingga diperlukan SDM yang handal. Berdasarkan latar belakang di atas, rumusan masalahnya adalah : (1) Bagaimana kesenjangan yang terjadi antara kompetensi yang dibutuhkan dan kompetensi yang tersedia pada jenjang eselon II, III dan IV dalam organisasi Kantor Pusat Direktorat Jenderal Pemasyarakatan (2) Pelatihan apa yang dibutuhkan untuk mengatasi kesenjangan kompetensi tersebut. Metoda pengolahan data yang digunakan untuk mencari jawaban dari rumusan masalah di atas mengarah pada metode Deskriptif Statistik (metoda Crostab dan Distribusi Frekuensi). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa secara umum kondisi aktual kompetensi (umum, khusus dan teknis) pejabat eselon II dan III masuk kategori comfort. Kondisi aktual kompetensi umum pejabat eselon II secara statistik tidak memperlihatkan kesenjangan yang signifikan antara kondisi aktual dan kondisi ideal. Namun demikian terdapat tiga kompetensi aktual yang mendapat penilaian relatif rendah. Seluruh kondisi aktual kompetensi umum pejabat eselon IV mendapat penilaian di bawah 7, bahkan terdapat lima item kompetensi yang mendapat penilaian di bawah 6. Menurut entegrys Incorporate (1993), tingkat penguasaan terhadap lima kompetensi tersebut masuk klasifikasi exploratory. Adapun pada kondisi aktual kompetensi khusus, 17 item kompetensi mendapat penilaian di bawah 6, dan 22 item sisanya dinilai ankara 6,35 s/d 7,26. Sebelas item kondisi aktual kompetensi teknis pejabat eselon II dinilai cukup sampai baik. Menurut entegrys Incorporated (1993), tingkat penguasaan 11 item kompetensi tersebut masuk klasifikasi comfort. Akan tetapi, kompetensi berbahasa asing pejabat eselon II mendapat penilaian di bawah 6, dengan demikian pemahaman bahasa asing pejabat eselon II masih dalam batas upaya untuk memahami. Kebutuhan pelatihan pejabat eselon Il dalam bidang kompetensi umum menunjukkan hanya ada 2 kompetensi yang dinilai cukup pelatihan. Kebutuhan dalam bidang kompetensi khusus menunjukan, 16 dari 39 item kompetensi (41%) dinilai pelatihan cukup, sedangkan 23 item kompetensi (59%) perlu pelatihan tetapi tidak mendesak. Kebutuhan pelatihan pejabat eselon Ill dalam bidang kompetensi umum, secara umum masuk kategori pelatihan cukup meskipun ada empat kompetensi yang perlu pelatihan namun tidak mendesak. Sedangkan kebutuhan pelatihan untuk bidang kompetensi khusus, 30 kompetensi (76%) perlu pelatihan tapi tidak mendesak, dan 9 kompetensi (24%) masuk wilayah pelatihan cukup. Namum demikian, dari 30 kompetensi yang perlu pelatihan tidak mendesak, 10 diantaranya mendekati wilayah kebutuhan kritis. Kebutuhan pelatihan pejabat eselon lV untuk bidang kompetensi umum masuk dalam kategori kebutuhan pelatihan tidak mendesak, hanya satu kompetensi yang masuk dalam kategori kebutuhan pelatihan cukup. Memperhatikan hasil penelitian di atas, maka perlu penyempurnaan sistem pendidikan dan pelatihan pegawai, diantaranya dengan membuat perencanaan yang matang dan mengkombinasikan berbagai faktor seperti tujuan, sasaran, dan metode pelatihan yang benar, instruktur yang kompeten, meiliki komitmen terhadap esensi pelatihan, dan sistem rekruitmen yang lebih objektif.
The analysis on competency mapping and the evaluation towards the needs of trainings for the officials in echelon II, III, and IV structural position in the central bureau of Directorate general of correction' Is The title of the research. The research took place in the Central Bureau of The Directorate General of Correction using census research method (118 population). The background to choose the title is based on the theoretical and empirical phenomenon. Empirically, the Directorate General of Correction Central Bureau is indicated to have an increasing frequency on its duty concerning correction fields that it requires very good Human Resources who will be readily counter more dynamic problems. Based on the above background, the following problem identifications are taken : (1) How is the gap turning up between the needed competency and the competency available in the Echelon II, III and IV structural positions in the organizations in the Central Bureau of Directorate General of Correction (2) What kind of training programs are actually needed to overcome the problems. The Data Processing Method used to find the answers for the questions of the descriptive method (Crostab and Frequency Distrubution method). The result of the research shows that the condition of the actual competency (general, specific and technical) of the officials in Echelon Il and III structural position is generally in the comfort category. The actual condition of the general competency of the officials in the Echelon II structural position statistically does not show any significant gap between the actual condition and the ideal one, although there are 3 (three) actual competencies having low score. The actual condition of the general competency of the officials in the Echelon IV structural position is under the score of 7, even there are 6 competency items with under 6 as their score. According to Entegrys Incorporate (1993), the mastery towards those 5 competencies is classified as exploratory competency. The actual condition of the specific competency of the officials in the Echelon IV structural position is poor, since there are 17 competency items with under 6 score, and the remaining 22 competency items are regarded enough to good, they are around the score of 6.35 to 7.26. The actual condition of the technical competency of the officials in the Echelon ll structural position is deliberately good. Entegrys Incorporate (1993) said that in such condition, the mastery level toward the competencies is classified as comfort category. Besides, the competency to speak foreign languages of the officials in the Echelon II structural position is poor, with the score under 6 (six), meaning that their mastery towards foreign languages is in the level of trying to understand. The needs to have training for the officials in the Echelon II structural position on the general competency fields show that only 2 out of all general competencies are considered as needs to have sufficient training. The specific competency fields show that 16 out of 39 competency item (41%) are in needs to have sufficient training, and the remaining 23 competency items (59%) are in needs to have training but not urgent. The needs to have trainings of the officials in the Echelon III structural position on the general competency, are commonly categorized as needs to have sufficient training, though there are four competencies which are urgently required. While, on the specific competency fields show that 30 competencies (76%) need not urgent trainings. The remaining 9 competencies (24%) need to have sufficient trainings. Nevertheless, among the 30 competency which need not urgent trainings, 10 of them are close to the critically need trainings area. The needs to have training for the officials in Echelon IV structural position on the general competency, are commonly categorized need to have not urgent training, but only one which is categorized to have sufficient training. By considering the result of the research on the actual condition of the competency own by officials in Echelon II, III and IV structural positions in the Central Bureau of Directorate General of Correction, it is regarded urgent to complete the officials education and training systems, among others are by designing a perfect planning and combining various factors like the training objectives, the technical targets or the correct training methods, good preparation, providing totally competent training methods, good preparation, providing totally competent training participants and instructors who also have high commitment toward the training substance by implementing regular steps in any levels and objective recruitment system.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library