ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek pengulangan tugas dan balikan
terfokus terhadap aspek akurasi. Produksi bahasa pelajar yang diteliti meliputi:
dua tugas tertulis, satu tugas lisan, dan satu post-test tertulis. Hasil tulisan dan
transkripsi tugas lisan dianalisis dan tingkat akurasinya diukur, yang berdasarkan
pada rasio penggunaan struktur target yang benar. T-test untuk sampel
berpasangan dan ANOVA with Repeated Measure digunakan untuk menentukan
apakah terdapat perbedaan rerata yang signifikan. Temuan analisis
memperlihatkan pelajar dengan tingkat kemahiran menulis yang rendah sebagai
pihak yang berhasil meraih manfaat terbesar, yang terlihat dari perbaikan struktur
kalimat serta perolehan jumlah struktur berterima yang dihasilkan.
ABSTRACTThis study aimed to investigate the effect of task repetition and focused feedbackon students? accuracy. The students? language output that was investigatedincluded: two writing tasks, one oral task, and one written post-test. Students?writings and transcription of oral task were analyzed and the level of accuracywas measured, which was based on the ratio of the correct use of the targetedstructure. T-test for paired samples and ANOVA with Repeated Measure wereused to see if there were any significant differences between the means. Thefindings found that learners with low writing skills were the ones who gained thebenefits the most, which were shown from the improvement in sentence structureand the number of the target structure produced.;This study aimed to investigate the effect of task repetition and focused feedbackon students? accuracy. The students? language output that was investigatedincluded: two writing tasks, one oral task, and one written post-test. Students?writings and transcription of oral task were analyzed and the level of accuracywas measured, which was based on the ratio of the correct use of the targetedstructure. T-test for paired samples and ANOVA with Repeated Measure wereused to see if there were any significant differences between the means. Thefindings found that learners with low writing skills were the ones who gained thebenefits the most, which were shown from the improvement in sentence structureand the number of the target structure produced.;This study aimed to investigate the effect of task repetition and focused feedbackon students? accuracy. The students? language output that was investigatedincluded: two writing tasks, one oral task, and one written post-test. Students?writings and transcription of oral task were analyzed and the level of accuracywas measured, which was based on the ratio of the correct use of the targetedstructure. T-test for paired samples and ANOVA with Repeated Measure wereused to see if there were any significant differences between the means. Thefindings found that learners with low writing skills were the ones who gained thebenefits the most, which were shown from the improvement in sentence structureand the number of the target structure produced., This study aimed to investigate the effect of task repetition and focused feedbackon students’ accuracy. The students’ language output that was investigatedincluded: two writing tasks, one oral task, and one written post-test. Students’writings and transcription of oral task were analyzed and the level of accuracywas measured, which was based on the ratio of the correct use of the targetedstructure. T-test for paired samples and ANOVA with Repeated Measure wereused to see if there were any significant differences between the means. Thefindings found that learners with low writing skills were the ones who gained thebenefits the most, which were shown from the improvement in sentence structureand the number of the target structure produced.]"