Teti Rahmawati
Abstrak :
Ibu hamil merupakan salah satu kelompok yang berisiko mengalami anemia yang
disebabkan kurangnya zat besi di dalam tubuh dengan berbagai faktor pencetus.
Tujuan penelitian mengidentifikasi hubungan dukungan suami dengan kejadian
anemia pada ibu hamil. Desain penelitian adalah deskriptif analitik menggunakan
pendekatan cross sectional terhadap 60 orang ibu hamil yang diambil dengan
teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hubungan bermakna
antara dukungan suami dengan kejadian anemia pada ibu hamil. Bentuk
dukungan emosional paling dominan mempengaruhi kejadian anemia pada ibu
hamil, dengan p value = 0,021 dan nilai OR 21,592. Rekomendasi penelitian
adalah kebijakan melakukan deteksi dini dengan screening Hb, pemberian
promosi kesehatan, melakukan asuhan dan pelayanan melibatkan suami, dan
meneliti dukungan emosional yang dibutuhkan ibu hamil dengan metode
Pregnant women are one of the groups at risk of anemia which was caused by the
lack of iron in the body and precipitated by several factors. The aim of research to
identify the relationship between their husband's support with the prevalence of
anemia in pregnant women. A quantitative descriptive analytic design with cross
sectional approach was assigned in this study. Using purposive sampling
technique, to 60 pregnant women. The results shows a significant relationship
between husband support with the prevalence of anemia in pregnant woman. The
emotional support ranked the most powerful support that influence the incidence
of anemia in pregnant women, with p value 0,021 and OR 21.592. This study
recommends further specific policies which enhance early detection of anemia
(Hb screening), the provision of health promotion, care and services which
involve husbands, and further qualitative research on emotional support., Pregnant women are one of the groups at risk of anemia which was caused by the
lack of iron in the body and precipitated by several factors. The aim of research to
identify the relationship between their husband's support with the prevalence of
anemia in pregnant women. A quantitative descriptive analytic design with cross
sectional approach was assigned in this study. Using purposive sampling
technique, to 60 pregnant women. The results shows a significant relationship
between husband support with the prevalence of anemia in pregnant woman. The
emotional support ranked the most powerful support that influence the incidence
of anemia in pregnant women, with p value 0,021 and OR 21.592. This study
recommends further specific policies which enhance early detection of anemia
(Hb screening), the provision of health promotion, care and services which
involve husbands, and further qualitative research on emotional support.]
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