Vina G. Pendit
"Tesis menjelaskan asumsi peran Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia Berbasis Kompetensi dalam proses pembangunan profesionalisme pegawai lembaga publik (lembaga pemberantasan anti korupsi), yang membutuhkan ketersediaan pegawai yang profesional, berintegritas dan memiliki kompetensi yang diperlukan, sebagai faktor kunci keberhasilan kinerja organisasi. Unit analisis penelitian adalah organisasi KPK yang sistem pengelolaan SDM-nya diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah No. 63 tahun 2005. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui dan mampu menjelaskan proses pengelolaan SDM berbasis kompetensi di KPK sekaligus memahami dan mampu menguraikan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian mengacu pada paradigma postpositivism dengan menggunakan pendekatan dan desain kualitatif. Melalui paradigma postpositivism dapat mengkaji variabel dan hubungan antar variabel melalui pendekatan metode grounded theory melalui proses konfirmasi, validasi dan falsifikasi hipotesis model penelitian. KPK telah memiliki kerangka konseptual dalam penyusunan kamus kompetensi yang kemudian menjadi basis bagi pengelolaan SDM, mulai dari perencanaan SDM, rekrutmen-seleksi, manajemen kinerja dan kompensasi. Sedangkan pilar pengelolaan SDM yang belum sepenuhnya berbasis kompetensi terjadi pada pelatihan dan pengembangan, manajemen karir, dan talent segmentation. KPK telah melakukan upaya untuk memastikan terlaksananya konsep CBHRM, melalui serangkaian kegiatan yang disingkat ?CASAM?, yaitu: a) Communication, b) Accountability, c) Skill, d) Alignment, dan e) Measurement. Dari kelima hal tersebut, kegiatan yang sudah dilaksanakan adalah kegiatan komunikasi, accountability, dan measurement. Sedangkan kegiatan membangun skill dan alignment CBHRM belum dilaksanakan. Perbaikan Pengelolaan SDM Berbasis Kompetensi di KPK mencakup penyusunan Cetak Biru Pengembangan SDM di KPK yang dapat mencerminkan kebutuhan organisasi, kepentingan pegawai, dan stakeholder. Juga perbaikan PP No. 63 Tahun 2005 tentang Sistem Manajemen SDM KPK agar pengelolaan SDM berbasis kompetensi dapat dijalankan dengan maksimal.
The thesis describes the assumption of the role Competency-Based Human Resource Management (CBHRM) in the process of developing professional and competent employee of public institutions, particularly in the Corruption Eradication Agency (the Commission), which requires professional, integrity and competence personnel, as the key success factors of organizational performance. The unit of analysis is the Human Resources Management System of Indonesia Corruption Eradication Commision as stipulated in Government Regulation no. 63 of 2005. The research objective is to understand and be able to explain the process of competency-based HR management in the Commission as well as identify factors that affect the competency-based human resource management at the Commission. This study used a qualitative approach and refers to the postpositivism paradigm that examine variables and relationships between variables through the grounded theory approach, using the process of confirmation, validation and falsification of the research hypothesis models. The Commission already has the conceptual framework for developing the competency dictionary which reflect it's vision, mission, strategic priorities and values. The competencies is then used as basis for HR planning, recruitment and selection, performance management and compensation. The other HR subsystem that has not been using the competencies as the basis are learning and development, career management and talent segmentation. The Commission has made efforts to ensure the implementation of the concept, through a series of activities that are abbreviated as "CASAM", namely: a) Communication, b) Accountability, c) Skill, d) Alignment, and e) Measurement. Among those five activities the Commission has implement communication, accountability and measurement. However the Commission has not implement the skill and alignment thoroughly. CBHRM improvement in the Commission includes a number of programs and activities: developing HR blueprint that reflect the current and future needs of the Commission, the employees and the stakeholders. Improvement in the Government Regulation No. 63 of 2005 regarding HR Management System of the Commision for the realization of competency based human resource management system."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012