ABSTRAKPenelitian ini fokus melihat pengaruh dari komunikasi internal terhadap
employee engagement untuk kemudian dibuat rancangan intervensi terhadap
proses komunikasi internal guna meningkatkan employee engagement. Penelitian
sebelumnya belum banyak yang menjelaskan pengaruh komunikasi internal
terhadap employee engagement. Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan studi kasus
di PT Asuransi PQRS yang bergerak di bidang asuransi umum dengan sampel
mencakup 60 karyawan di departemen pemasaran korporasi Jepang dengan
menggunakan purposive sampling. Employee engagement diukur melalui Utrech
Work Engagement Scale (UWES) versi Bahasa Indonesia (Schaufeli & Bakker,
2004) dan komunikasi internal diukur melalui kuesioner yang dikembangkan oleh
Karanges (2014). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif
yang signifikan dari komunikasi internal terhadap employee engagement (r=0.487,
F=18.035, p<0.05, one-tailed). Dari hasil penelitian, dibuatlah rancangan
intervensi terhadap proses komunikasi internal melalui intervensi human
resources management berupa performance management dan intervensi human
process berupa team building dan large-group interventions.
ABSTRACTThis study focused on the impact of internal communication towards
employee engagement to design an intervention on the internal communication
process in order to improve the employee engagement. Previous studies haven't
much explained the impact of internal communication towards employee
engagement. This study was done based on the case study at PT Asuransi PQRS
which is a general insurance company with the sample of this study were 60
employees at Japanese corporate marketing department by purposive sampling.
Employee engagement was measured by official Indonesian version of Utrech
Work Engagement Scale (UWES) (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004) and internal
communication was measured by questionnaire developed by Karanges (2014).
Result indicated that there was significantly positive impact of internal
communication towards employee engagement (r=0.487, F=18.035, p<0.05, onetailed).
From this result, human resources management intervention (performance
management) and human process intervention (team building and large-group
interventions) were designed."