ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas tentang perbedaan persepsi antara kebijakan sekuritisasiIUU Fishing pada masa pemerintahan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dan Joko Widodo.Di masa Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, isu ini dipandang sebagai kriminalbiasa yang bisa diatasi dengan penegakan hukum saja, sedangkan pemerintahanPresiden Joko Widodo, isu ini merupakan ancaman keamanan yang dianggap sangatkrusial, sehingga harus ditanggulangi lewat tindakan keamanan. Melalui latar belakangtersebut, penulis mengangkat pertanyaan penelitian yaitu indikator-indikator apa yangmendorong terjadinya sekuritisasi IUU Fishing pada masa pemerintahan Joko Widodo.Maka teori yang penulis anggap paling sesuai untuk penelitian ini yaitu teorisekuritisasi oleh Barry Buzan et al dan melalui pengolahan data menggunakan metodekualitatif. Hasil akhir penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa: pertama, Presiden Joko Widodomelihat bahwa IUU Fishing merupakan isu keamanan yang harus diatasi dengantindakan luar biasa. Kedua, terdapat perekonomian nasional dan kedaulatan teritorialsebagai referent object yang dirugikan akibat IUU Fishing. Ketiga, perlunya tindakanextraordinary measures dalam mengatasi IUU Fishing. Selanjutnya, sesuai denganhipotesa penelitian, ditemukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang drastis dalampenanggulangan IUU Fishing antara pemerintahan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono danJoko Widodo, serta terdapat pula tindakan khusus terhadap kapal pelaku IUU Fishing.Selain itu, satu hasil berbeda dengan hipotesa semula, yaitu IUU Fishing dipandangsebagai ancaman keamanan oleh Pemerintahan Joko Widodo, disisi lain pemerintahanSusilo Bambang Yudhoyono melihat IUU Fishing bukan sebagai ancaman keamanan.Dengan demikian hipotesa penulis telah teruji secara ilmiah.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses the differences in perception between the securitizationpolicies IUU Fishing between the Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono rsquo s and the JokoWidodo rsquo s administration. At the time of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono rsquo s presidency, theissue is seen as a criminal that can be solely solved by law enforcement, while in thePresident Joko Widodo rsquo s administration, this issue is perceived as a security threat, thatis considered very important and should be overcome with security measures. Basedon that background, the author raises the research questions of what indicators drivingthe securitization of IUU fishing in Joko Widodo rsquo s administration. The theory that theauthors consider the most suitable for this research is the theory of securitization byBarry Buzan et al and the data is using qualitative methods. This research found threefinal results first, President Joko Widodo sees that IUU fishing is a security issue thatmust be overcome with extraordinary measures. Second, there are two referent objectsaffected by this issue, which are the national economy and the territorial sovereignty.Third, there is a necessity of using extraordinary measures to overcome IUU Fishing.Furthermore, according to the research hypothesis, it was found that there is a drasticdifference in combating IUU fishing between the Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono rsquo s andthe Joko Widodo rsquo s administration and there is also implementation of extraordinarymeasures in combating IUU fishing vessels. In addition, there is a result that is notmatched with the initial hypothesis, which is IUU Fishing perceived as security threatby the Joko Widodo rsquo s administration, in other hand the Susilo Bambang Yudhouyono rsquo sadministration perceives this issue not as a security threat. Therefore, the researcher rsquo shypothesis has been tested scientifically."