Yetti Farichati
Abstrak :
Masaiah disolusi. zat. aktif obat dalam sediaan: padat
oral banyak mendapat perhatian mengingat bahwa laju disolusi
obat memegang peranan yang penting daiwa merainaikan
" bi6avajlabjljtas dan bioekivalensi " obat secara in vitro.
Banyak metoda yang telah dilakukan dalam usaha menin
katkan laju disolusi dan obat, khususnya yang mernpunyai k
larutan yang rendah dalam air atau cairan lambung...
Dari sekian banyak metoda-metoda, kami memilih untuk me
mat pengaruh polisorbat. 80, dioktil sodium sulfo suksinat
dan glismn terhadap laju disolusi piroksikam dan kioramfe -
Metoda yang kami lakukan dalam penelitian mi adaiah
metoda kristalisasi, metodapenambahan langsung dan metoda
granulasi basah. Adapun uji laju disolusi dilakukan dengan
metoda It basket ' pada kecepatan rotasi 100 rpm, sebagai m
dia disolusi digunakan HC1 0,1 N, pada temperatur 37°C
0,5°C. Sampel diambil pada menit ke 5, 10 1, 15, 20 9, 25, 30,
£4.5 dan 60 setelah percobaari dimulaTL. Jumlah obat yang me -
larut dalam media disolusi ditentukan dengan spektrofoto
meter u.v. pada panjang gelombang maksimumnya, dimana untuk
piroksikam pada A 334 nm, dan kloramfenikol pada A 278
mm diban.dingkan terhadap larutan standar pembanding.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh adanya..
polisorbat 80 pada piroksikam balk dengan metoda kristalisasi
dengan kadar 2,5 % atau metoda granulasi basah dan
pencampuran langsung dengan kadar 2,0 % meningkatkan laju
disolusinya, demikian pula metoda granulasi basah .glisin
kadar 2,,0 %.
Metoda kristalisasi kioramfenikol dalam larutan polisorbat
80 2 9 5 % maupun polisorbat 80, diokthl sodium sulfo suksi-
'nat dan glisin dengan kadar 17,5 % baik dengan metoda pencampuran
langsung maupun metoda granulasi basah tidak meningkatkan
laju disolusi kioramfenikol.
......The problems in drug dissolution of solid, oral dosage
forms draw a. lot.. att.jxtion. because drug dissolution rate
plays important role in.predicting H bioavailabilty and
bioequivalent it of drug in vitro.
Many methods have been done to increase the drug
dissolution rate, especially for those which have slight
solubility in water or gastric liquid Amoung those me
thods, we chose to observe the effect of the addition of
polysorbate 80, dioctyl sodium sulfo succinate and glycine
in the increating the dissolution rate of piroxicam and
The methods carried out in the experiment were crystallization
method, direct mixing method and wet granula -
tion method. Observation of the dissolution rate were done
using the U basket's method 11 on the rotation rate of 100
rpm, withHC1 0,1 N as medium at temperature of 370 LOV5°C
The sample were taken. on 5 th , 10tb , 15th , 20tb
30th , kSth , and 60th minutes after the experiment had been
started The amount of drug that disolved in the dissolu -
tion medium were determined by using ultra violetspectrophotometer
at their maximum wave lenght, that is at 1 334
nm for piroxicam, and 278 nm for chioramphenicol by cog paring to the standard solution the original drug which
concentration had already been known.
The experiment showed that the addition of 2,5 %
solution of polysorbate 80 in the crystallization method
of piroxicam or 2,0 % concentration in wet granulation m
thod and direct mixing method could increase their dissolution
rate, and also the addition of glycine 2,0 % and
gave the same effect in wet granulation method.
While in chloram.phenicol the existence of surfactants
polysorbate 80 2,5 %, polysorbate 80, dioctyl sodium sulfa
succinate and glycine 17,5 % couldn't increase the disso -
lution rate in all three methods mentioned above
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1986
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library