"[Persaingan global kini mengerucut menjadi persaingan antarkota. Setiap kota harus
mampu menunjukkan daya saing agar dapat memiliki posisi di dunia. Persaingan
ini memicu pemerintah kota untuk mencari identitas yang dapat memberikan citra
yang berbeda dengan kota lainnya. Proses pencarian identitas ini dikenal sebagai
strategi city branding. Identitas yang berbeda dapat diperoleh melalui inovasi dan
kreativitas. Dengan kata lain, kota memerlukan individu-individu yang kreatif. Di
dalam skripsi ini akan dibahas mengenai keterkaitan antara komunitas kreatif dan
city branding melalui studi kasus Bandung Juara, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui
strategi branding pemerintah kota dan kebijakannya dalam menanggapi keberadaan
komunitas kreatif.;The global competition today pursed into intercity competition. Each cities must be
able to demonstrate their competitiveness to be noticed. This competition triggered
the municipalities to find identities that can give distinctive images from the other
cities. This process is known as city branding strategy. Difference identities can be
obtained through innovation and creativity. In other words, the cities require
creative individuals. This paper will discuss about the relation between creative
communities and city branding through the case studies of Bandung Juara, with the
aim to determine the branding strategies of municipality of Bandung and its policies
in response to the presence of creative communities.;The global competition today pursed into intercity competition. Each cities must be
able to demonstrate their competitiveness to be noticed. This competition triggered
the municipalities to find identities that can give distinctive images from the other
cities. This process is known as city branding strategy. Difference identities can be
obtained through innovation and creativity. In other words, the cities require
creative individuals. This paper will discuss about the relation between creative
communities and city branding through the case studies of Bandung Juara, with the
aim to determine the branding strategies of municipality of Bandung and its policies
in response to the presence of creative communities., The global competition today pursed into intercity competition. Each cities must be
able to demonstrate their competitiveness to be noticed. This competition triggered
the municipalities to find identities that can give distinctive images from the other
cities. This process is known as city branding strategy. Difference identities can be
obtained through innovation and creativity. In other words, the cities require
creative individuals. This paper will discuss about the relation between creative
communities and city branding through the case studies of Bandung Juara, with the
aim to determine the branding strategies of municipality of Bandung and its policies
in response to the presence of creative communities.]"