"[Penelitian ini membahas mengenai evaluasi implementasi kebijakan revitalisasi kawasan Kota Tua di Jakarta. Jakarta sebagai ibukota negara memiliki suatu kawasan Kota Tua seluas ± 334 ha yang dulunya merupakan pusat kegiatan ekonomi dan pemerintahan pada tiga masa kekuasaan, dimulai dari masa pemerintahan Pangeran Jayakarta, masa penjajahan Portugis, dan masa penjajahan Belanda. Tingginya nilai
budaya dan sejarah di kawasan tersebut merupakan potensi pariwisata yang baik, oleh karena itu pemerintah DKI Jakarta membuat kebijakan revitalisasi Kota Tua Jakarta yang dimulai sejak masa pemerintahan Gubernur Ali Sadikin pada tahun 1970. Namun proses revitalisasi kawasan tersebut dianggap masih belum memenuhi harapan. Pada tahun 2014 revitalisasi dicanangkan kembali dengan diterbitkannya Peraturan Gubernur no. 36 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Induk Kota Tua Jakarta dan
diselenggarakan kerjasama pemerintah-swasta melalui konsorsium JOTRC (Jakarta Old Town Revitalization Corp.). Tujuan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi kebijakan revitalisasi kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta, dan menganalisis evaluasi implementasi kebijakan revitalisasi kawasan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan post-positivis. Penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan yaitu implementasi kebijakan revitalisasi Kota Tua Jakarta masih belum efektif. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi belum efektifnya kebijakan revitalisasi Kota Tua Jakarta antara lain karena status kepemilikan bangunan-bangunan yang beragam antara pribadi, swasta/BUMN, dan Pemprov DKI Jakarta. Sedikitnya bangunan yang dimiliki Pemprov DKI Jakarta membuat proses revitalisasi terhambat, ditambah lagi belum adanya leading sector dan minimnya SDM maupun anggaran dari Unit Pengelola Kawasan (UPK) Kota Tua Jakarta sebagai pengelola kawasan
tersebut. Namun dilakukannya kerjasama pemerintah-swasta dengan keberadaan konsorsium JOTRC merupakan upaya yang baik dalam melakukan percepatan pembangunan di kawasan Kota Tua. Beberapa saran yang diajukan dalam penelitian antara lain implementasi badan otorita yang mengelola kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta secepatnya sebagaimana diamanatkan dalam Pergub DKI Jakarta no. 36 tahun 2014, pelibatan ahli cagar budaya dalam setiap pemugaran di kawasan Kota Tua sehingga tidak merusak atau menghilangkan nilai historis bangunan tersebut, serta pelibatan masyarakat lokal dalam pembangunan kawasan Kota Tua.
This research discusses the evaluation of policy implementation of the revitalization of the Old Town area in Jakarta. Jakarta as the capital of the country has an Old Town area of ± 334 ha which was once the center of economic activity and government for three reigns, starting from the reign of Prince Jayakarta, the Portuguese colonial period, and the Dutch colonial period. The high value of the culture and history of the region is a potential for tourism, therefore, the local government make the revitalization of Jakarta old town area, which began during the reign of Governor Ali Sadikin in 1970. However, the process of revitalization of the area still has not met expectations. In 2014 revitalization proclaimed back with the issuance of the Peraturan Gubernur no. 36 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Induk Kota Tua and held public-private partnership through a consortium called JOTRC (Jakarta Old Town Revitalization Corp.). The objective of this research is to analyze the factors that influence policy implementation of revitalization of the old city area, and analyzing the evaluation of policy implementation of revitalization of the region. The method used in this research is qualitative method with post-positivist approach. Results of this of this research is that the implementation of the Jakarta Old Town revitalization policies is still ineffective. Factors that influence the implementation of the policy is because of the ownership status of the buildings which vary between personal, private/state-owned enterprise, and local government plus the absence of leading sector and the lack of human resources and the budget of the Unit Pengelola Kawasan (UPK) Kota Tua as the area manager. But the establishment of JOTRC as a form of publicprivate partnership for revitalization of Jakarta old town is a good effort to accelerate the development in that area. Some suggestions from this research are immediate implementation of autonomous body that manages the old city area as mandated in Pergub no. 36 tahun 2014, the involvement of cultural heritage experts in development of the Old City area so as not to damage the historical value of the building, and empowerment of local communities. This research discusses the evaluation of policy implementation of the revitalization of the Old Town area in Jakarta. Jakarta as the capital of the country has an Old Town area of ± 334 ha which was once the center of economic activity and government for three reigns, starting from the reign of Prince Jayakarta, the Portuguese colonial period, and the Dutch colonial period. The high value of the culture and history of the region is a potential for tourism, therefore, the local government make the revitalization of Jakarta old town area, which began during the reign of Governor AliSadikin in 1970. However, the process of revitalization of the area still has not met expectations. In 2014 revitalization proclaimed back with the issuance of thePeraturan Gubernur no. 36 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Induk Kota Tua and held public-private partnership through a consortium called JOTRC (Jakarta Old Town Revitalization Corp.). The objective of this research is to analyze the factors that influence policy implementation of revitalization of the old city area, and analyzingthe evaluation of policy implementation of revitalization of the region. The method used in this research is qualitative method with post-positivist approach. Results of this of this research is that the implementation of the Jakarta Old Town revitalization policies is still ineffective. Factors that influence the implementation of the policy is because of the ownership status of the buildings which vary between personal, private/state-owned enterprise, and local government; plus the absence of leading sector and the lack of human resources and the budget of the Unit Pengelola Kawasan (UPK) Kota Tua as the area manager. But the establishment of JOTRC as a form of publicprivate partnership for revitalization of Jakarta old town is a good effort to accelerate the development in that area. Some suggestions from this research are immediate implementation of autonomous body that manages the old city area as mandated in Pergub no. 36 tahun 2014, the involvement of cultural heritage experts in development of the Old City area so as not to damage the historical value of the building, and empowerment of local communities.;This research discusses the evaluation of policy implementation of the revitalizationof the Old Town area in Jakarta. Jakarta as the capital of the country has an Old Townarea of ± 334 ha which was once the center of economic activity and government forthree reigns, starting from the reign of Prince Jayakarta, the Portuguese colonialperiod, and the Dutch colonial period. The high value of the culture and history of theregion is a potential for tourism, therefore, the local government make therevitalization of Jakarta old town area, which began during the reign of Governor AliSadikin in 1970. However, the process of revitalization of the area still has not metexpectations. In 2014 revitalization proclaimed back with the issuance of thePeraturan Gubernur no. 36 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Induk Kota Tua and heldpublic-private partnership through a consortium called JOTRC (Jakarta Old TownRevitalization Corp.). The objective of this research is to analyze the factors thatinfluence policy implementation of revitalization of the old city area, and analyzingthe evaluation of policy implementation of revitalization of the region. The methodused in this research is qualitative method with post-positivist approach. Results ofthis of this research is that the implementation of the Jakarta Old Town revitalizationpolicies is still ineffective. Factors that influence the implementation of the policy isbecause of the ownership status of the buildings which vary between personal, private/state-owned enterprise, and local government; plus the absence of leading sector andthe lack of human resources and the budget of the Unit Pengelola Kawasan (UPK)Kota Tua as the area manager. But the establishment of JOTRC as a form of publicprivatepartnership for revitalization of Jakarta old town is a good effort to acceleratethe development in that area. Some suggestions from this research are immediateimplementation of autonomous body that manages the old city area as mandated inPergub no. 36 tahun 2014, the involvement of cultural heritage experts indevelopment of the Old City area so as not to damage the historical value of thebuilding, and empowerment of local communities., This research discusses the evaluation of policy implementation of the revitalizationof the Old Town area in Jakarta. Jakarta as the capital of the country has an Old Townarea of ± 334 ha which was once the center of economic activity and government forthree reigns, starting from the reign of Prince Jayakarta, the Portuguese colonialperiod, and the Dutch colonial period. The high value of the culture and history of theregion is a potential for tourism, therefore, the local government make therevitalization of Jakarta old town area, which began during the reign of Governor AliSadikin in 1970. However, the process of revitalization of the area still has not metexpectations. In 2014 revitalization proclaimed back with the issuance of thePeraturan Gubernur no. 36 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Induk Kota Tua and heldpublic-private partnership through a consortium called JOTRC (Jakarta Old TownRevitalization Corp.). The objective of this research is to analyze the factors thatinfluence policy implementation of revitalization of the old city area, and analyzingthe evaluation of policy implementation of revitalization of the region. The methodused in this research is qualitative method with post-positivist approach. Results ofthis of this research is that the implementation of the Jakarta Old Town revitalizationpolicies is still ineffective. Factors that influence the implementation of the policy isbecause of the ownership status of the buildings which vary between personal, private/state-owned enterprise, and local government; plus the absence of leading sector andthe lack of human resources and the budget of the Unit Pengelola Kawasan (UPK)Kota Tua as the area manager. But the establishment of JOTRC as a form of publicprivatepartnership for revitalization of Jakarta old town is a good effort to acceleratethe development in that area. Some suggestions from this research are immediateimplementation of autonomous body that manages the old city area as mandated inPergub no. 36 tahun 2014, the involvement of cultural heritage experts indevelopment of the Old City area so as not to damage the historical value of thebuilding, and empowerment of local communities.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016