Yunita Rosadi
Abstrak :
Penjamah makanan memiliki peran penting dalam persebaran tifoid, kemungkinan penjamah tersebut carrier yang dapat menularkan bakteri S.typhi pada saat mengolah makanan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran karakteristik individu, sanitasi lingkungan dan keberadaan Salmonella typhi pada penjamah makanan di lingkungan Sekolah Dasar Kota Tangerang. Penelitian deskriptif dengan desain cross sectional, besar sampel 208 penjamah makanan. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kusisioner dan pemeriksaan usap dubur penjamah makanan dengan reagen API 20E Biomeriux. Hasil uji laboratorium sampel usap dubur penjamah makanan menunjukkan bahwa seluruhnya negatif S.typhi 100. Berdasarkan hasil analisis pada variabel karakteristik penjamah makanan didapatkan responden dominan berumur 36-45 tahun 34,1, perempuan 51,9 ,berpendidikan rendah 50,5, tidak memiliki riwayat tifoid keluarga 70,7 ,berpengetahuan cukup tentang tifoid 73,6, berperilaku hidup bersih dan sehat cukup baik 91,8, memiliki kebersihan tangan kurang baik 56,3, tidak memiliki kebiasaan jajan di luar rumah 64,9, dan memiliki tempat sampah terbuka 73,6. Saran yang dapat diberikan kepada pemerintah Kota Tangerang yaitu penjamah makanan harus diperiksa kesehatan setiap 6 bulan sekali secara rutin dengan uji mikroorganisme berupa pemeriksaan sampel usap dubur atau tangan umtuk memastikan bahwa penjamah makanan tersebut bukanlah pembawa kuman patogen.
......The food handlers have an important role for spreading typhoid. There is a possibility that the food handlers were typhoid carrier, who can pass the Salmonella typhi during the processing food. This research aims to know the description of the individual characteristics, environmental sanitation and the presence of Salmonella typhi at food handlers in the elementary school neighborhood of Tangerang city. The type of this research is a descriptive study with large samples as much as 208 food handlers by using cross sectional design study. Data collection was done using questionnaire and examination of food handlers rectal swab sample with reagent API 20E Biomeriux. The results of the laboratory test of rectal swab samples showed that all of them are entirely negative for S. typhi 100. Based on the analysis results of the individual characteristic variables were obtained that respondents aged 36 45 years 34.1, dominantly women 51.9, low educated 50.5, did not have a history of typhoid fever in their family 70.7, knowledgeable enough about typhoid 73.6, having a clean and healthy life behavior quite well 91.8, did not have the habit of eating outside the home 64.9, had a less good hand hygiene 56.3 and have the open trash cans 73.6. The suggestion that can be given for the Tangerang city goverment that the food handlers rsquo health should be checked once in every 6 months with microorganism test by getting examination from their rectal and hand swab to make sure that they are not the carriers of pathogens.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library