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Amru Yusron
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas pengaruh indikator makro ekonomi SBI, inflasi, depresiasi nilai tukar rupiah terhadap US dollar terhadap kinerja bank syariah di Indonesia, baik bank umum syariah devisa maupun non devisa. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis data panel didapat basil penetitian sebagai berikut: indeks kinerja bank yang merupakan kuantifikasi pembobotan rasio keuangan yang termasuk dalam konsep CAMEL tidak terpengaruh oleh ketiga indikator makro tersebut Secara statistik SBI berhubungan positif dengan indeks kinerja namun hal tersebut hanya sebagai pemicu. Rasio CAR berhubungan negatif dengan SBI empat bulan yang lalu, rasio KAP berhubungan positif oleh SBI dua bulan yang lalu, rasio ROA berhubungan negatif dengan SBI dua bulan yang lalu, rasio BOPO berhubungan positif dengan SBI dua bulan yang lalu dan rasio FDR berhubungan negatif dengan SBI dan inflasi dua bulan yang lalu
This study examine the economic macro indicator influence of SBI, inflation, depreciation of exchange rate of rupees to US dollar to performance of Islamic bank in Indonesia. By using analyses the panel data method, the result are index as a represent of bank performance is not affected by third the macro indicator. Statistically SBI correlate positive with the index but its means as a stimulate. CAR correlate the negatively with SBI four months ago, KAP correlate positively by SBI two months ago, ROA correlate the negatively by SBI two months ago BOPO correlate positively by SBI two months ago and FDR correlate negatively by SBI and inflation of two months ago.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amru Yusron
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas pengaruh indikator makro ekonorni SBI, inflasi, depresiasi nilai tukar rupiah terhadap US dollar terhadap kinerja bank syariah di Indonesia, baik bank umum syariah dcvisa maupun non devisa. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis data panel didapat hasil penelitian sebagai berikut indeks kinerja bank yang merupalcan kuantiftikasi pembobotan rasio keuangan yang termasuk dalarn konsep CAMEL tidak terbengaruh oleh lcetiga indikaror makro tersebut. Secara statistik SBI berhubungan positif dengan indeks kinezja namun hal tersebut hanya sebagai pernicu Rasio CAR berhubungan negatif dengan SBI empat bulan yang lalu, rasio KAP berhubungan positif oleh SBI dua bulan yang lalu, rasio ROA berhnbungan negatif dengan SBI dua bulan yang lalu, rasio BOPO berhubungan positif dengan--SBI~-dua-bulan yang lalu dan rasio FDR berhubungan negatif dengan SBI dan inflasi dua bulan yang lalu.
This study examine the economic macro indicator influence of SBI, inflation, depreciation of exchange rate of rupiah to US dollar to performance of islamic bank in Indonesia. By using analyze the panel data method, the result are index as a represent of bank performance is not affected by third the macro indicator. Statistically SBI correlate positive with the index but its means as a stimulate. CAR correlate the negatively with SBI four months ago, KAP correlate positively by SBI two months ago, ROA correlate the negatively by SBI two months ago BOPO correlate positively by SBI two months ago and FDR correlate negatively by SBI and inflation cf two months ago.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Ngusri Yusron
Abstrak :
Studi WHO pada 2001 menunjukan gangguan depresi menjadi penyebab keempat disabilitas atau tidak mampunya seseorang menjalankan aktivitas normal sehari- hari. Pada 2020 nanti diproyeksikan gangguan depresi akan menjadi penyebab kedua disabilitas setelah penyakit jantung. Fenomena ini terjadi karena ketidakmampuan individu mengelola kondisi kejiwaannya untuk mendapatkan standar ketenangan pada dirinya. Islam menawarkan metoda untuk meraih ketenangan jiwa ini dengan zikir. Metode zikir telah dikembangkan oleh banyak dikembangkan oleh komunitas tarekat dengan eksplorasi fisik dan jiwa, dan mampu menjadi salahsatu alternatif bagi masyarakat modern untuk menggapai ketenangan jiwa, sebagai bentuk keselarasan hidup. Penelitian dilakukan untuk lebih mengetahui mengenai ketenangan jiwa yang diperoleh para pengamal setelah melaksanakan zikir Sholawat wahidiyah, menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif sebagai tumpuan analisis. Data dikumpulkan melalui pengumpulan dokumen, pengamatan langsung dan wawancara mendalam terhadap pengamal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perubahan yang terjadi sebelum dan sesudah mengamalkan sholawat wahidiyah sangatlah kentara. Gangguan kejiwaan (symtomp) seperti bosan, jenuh, resah, gelisah, tidak puas, yang dialami sebelumnya akan sirna ketika sudah mampu mendawamkan amalan sholawat wahidiyah ini dan mengikuti ajaran-ajarannya. Perasaan tenang, ketentraman jiwa serta kekhusu’an dalam beribadah dapat mereka peroleh ketika enam aspek ketenangan jiwa dalam sholawat wahidiyah dipenuhi, yakni syukur, ikhlas, sabar, ridho, mahabbah dan husnudzhan.
Research of WHO on 2001 showed that depressive disorders become the fourth leading cause of disability or inability of a person to run the daily activities. The prediction on 2020, depressive disorders will become the second leading cause of disability after heart disease. This phenomenon occurs because of the inability of the individual to manage his mental state to reach the standard of serenity. Islam offers a method to achieve this peace of mind with remembrance. Remembrance method has been developed by many community of congregations with physical and mental exploration, and be able to be an alternative for modern society to achieve peace of mind, as a form of harmony of life. This research conducted in order to know about the peace of mind which felt by the doer after doing Sholawat wahidiyah dhikr, by using the qualitative approach as the pedestal of analysis. The data collected through the collection of documents, direct observation and in-depth interview towards the doers. The result of the research shows that the changes which happened before and after doing the Sholawat Wahidiyah dhikr is really obvious. Mental disorders symptoms like bored, restless, and dissatisfied which are previously experienced will disappear when a man is able to accustom this sholawat wahidiyah and following the teachings brought by the Muallif. They can feel the sense of calm, tranquility and also devoted in doing the religion rituals when they fulfill the six aspects of peace of mind within sholawat wahidiyah, namely gratitude, sincerity, patience, blessing, love and good prejudice.;Research of WHO on 2001 showed that depressive disorders become the fourth leading cause of disability or inability of a person to run the daily activities. The prediction on 2020, depressive disorders will become the second leading cause of disability after heart disease. This phenomenon occurs because of the inability of the individual to manage his mental state to reach the standard of serenity. Islam offers a method to achieve this peace of mind with remembrance. Remembrance method has been developed by many community of congregations with physical and mental exploration, and be able to be an alternative for modern society to achieve peace of mind, as a form of harmony of life. This research conducted in order to know about the peace of mind which felt by the doer after doing Sholawat wahidiyah dhikr, by using the qualitative approach as the pedestal of analysis. The data collected through the collection of documents, direct observation and in-depth interview towards the doers. The result of the research shows that the changes which happened before and after doing the Sholawat Wahidiyah dhikr is really obvious. Mental disorders symptoms like bored, restless, and dissatisfied which are previously experienced will disappear when a man is able to accustom this sholawat wahidiyah and following the teachings brought by the Muallif. They can feel the sense of calm, tranquility and also devoted in doing the religion rituals when they fulfill the six aspects of peace of mind within sholawat wahidiyah, namely gratitude, sincerity, patience, blessing, love and good prejudice.;Research of WHO on 2001 showed that depressive disorders become the fourth leading cause of disability or inability of a person to run the daily activities. The prediction on 2020, depressive disorders will become the second leading cause of disability after heart disease. This phenomenon occurs because of the inability of the individual to manage his mental state to reach the standard of serenity. Islam offers a method to achieve this peace of mind with remembrance. Remembrance method has been developed by many community of congregations with physical and mental exploration, and be able to be an alternative for modern society to achieve peace of mind, as a form of harmony of life. This research conducted in order to know about the peace of mind which felt by the doer after doing Sholawat wahidiyah dhikr, by using the qualitative approach as the pedestal of analysis. The data collected through the collection of documents, direct observation and in-depth interview towards the doers. The result of the research shows that the changes which happened before and after doing the Sholawat Wahidiyah dhikr is really obvious. Mental disorders symptoms like bored, restless, and dissatisfied which are previously experienced will disappear when a man is able to accustom this sholawat wahidiyah and following the teachings brought by the Muallif. They can feel the sense of calm, tranquility and also devoted in doing the religion rituals when they fulfill the six aspects of peace of mind within sholawat wahidiyah, namely gratitude, sincerity, patience, blessing, love and good prejudice., Research of WHO on 2001 showed that depressive disorders become the fourth leading cause of disability or inability of a person to run the daily activities. The prediction on 2020, depressive disorders will become the second leading cause of disability after heart disease. This phenomenon occurs because of the inability of the individual to manage his mental state to reach the standard of serenity. Islam offers a method to achieve this peace of mind with remembrance. Remembrance method has been developed by many community of congregations with physical and mental exploration, and be able to be an alternative for modern society to achieve peace of mind, as a form of harmony of life. This research conducted in order to know about the peace of mind which felt by the doer after doing Sholawat wahidiyah dhikr, by using the qualitative approach as the pedestal of analysis. The data collected through the collection of documents, direct observation and in-depth interview towards the doers. The result of the research shows that the changes which happened before and after doing the Sholawat Wahidiyah dhikr is really obvious. Mental disorders symptoms like bored, restless, and dissatisfied which are previously experienced will disappear when a man is able to accustom this sholawat wahidiyah and following the teachings brought by the Muallif. They can feel the sense of calm, tranquility and also devoted in doing the religion rituals when they fulfill the six aspects of peace of mind within sholawat wahidiyah, namely gratitude, sincerity, patience, blessing, love and good prejudice.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Syaeful Yusron
Abstrak :
Motor Induksi tiga fasa dirancang untuk mendapatkan tegangan masukan yang sinusoidal. Arus bolak-balik yang berasal dari sumber tegangan sinus yang terdistotsi, menghasilkan bentuk gelombang yang cacat. Hal ini akan merugikan kinerja motor induksi. Kecepatan putar dan torsi serta efesiensi akan mengalami perubahan nilai akibat gelombang arus yang menjadi masukan tidak sinusoidal murni. Pada kondisi operasi yang mengandung harmonik (non sinusoidal), arus masukan menjadi lebih tinggi dari fundamental karena mengandung arus dari komponen harmoniknya. Sehingga akan meningkatkan rugi-rugi pada motor induksi. Hal ini berdampak pada efisiensi motor menurun. Pengaruh lain dari arus harmonik adalah timbulnya medan harmonik yang berotasi dua arah sesuai dari urutan harmonik (forward (+) dan backward (-)). Medan magnet ini akan berinteraksi dengan medan magnet putar fundamental menghasilkan torsi yang tidak stabil sehingga timbul getaran. Torsi yang tidak stabil ini akan menghasilkan kecepatan putar motor induksi menjadi tidak stabil pula. Skripsi ini membahas pengaruh harmonik tegangan sumber yang ditimbulkan beban non-linear terhadap beban lainya, dalam hal ini motor induksi tiga fasa. Pembahasan pengaruh harmonik terhadap unjuk kerja motor induksi ini ditujukan agar operasi motor induksi bisa bekerja dengan optimum dibawah pengaruh sumber yang terdistorsi. Metode yang digunakan adalah simulasi dan perhitungan komputasi melalui permodelan dengan mengacu pada standar IEEE 519-1992. Dari hasil simulasi diperoleh bahwa untuk orde 5, 11, 13, 17 motor induksi masih diijinkan beroperasi dibawah pengaruh harmonik tegangan sumber dengan THDV 2 % dengan nilai efisiensi antara 92,95% - 95,18%, ketidak stabilan torsi 1,16% - 3,95% dari torsi fundamentalnya dan ketidak stabilan putaran antara 0,00058% - 0,00478% dari putaran fundamental dan untuk harmonik orde 7 dan 19 dengan THDV 3% dimana efisiensinya antara 93,74% - 94,6%, ketidak stabilan torsi antara 1,56% - 4,25% dan ketidak stabilan putaran antara 0,00061% - 0,00510% dari nilai fundamentalny.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eddy Yusron
Abstrak :
Dari perairan Takofi Maluku Utara telah berhasil dikumpulkan sekitar 22 jenis fauna Ekhinodermata yang mewakili 6 jenis Holothuroidea, 4 jenis Asteroidea, 5 jenis Echinoidea dan 7 jenis Ophiuroidea. Kelompok bintang mengular atau Ophiuroidea merupakan kelompok yang paling menonjol untuk daerah lamun. Dari analisa kuantitatif diperoleh nilai indek diversitas tertinggi ditemukan pada stasiun II (H1 = 1,19), nilai indek kemerataan teringgi terdapat pada stasiun III (J = 0,99) dan nilai indek kekayaan jenis tertinggi didapatkan pada stasiun I (D = 1,22).
Echinoderm Biodiversity in the Takofi Coastal Waters, Moti Island, North Maluku. A total of 22 echinoderm species were found in Takofi waters, North Maluku. They were represented by 6 species of holothuroidea, 4 species of asteroidea, 5 species of echinoidea and 7 species of ophiuroidea. The Ophiuroidea were relatively common in seagrass area. The quantitative analysis on the abundance data revealed the highest diversity index of faunal assemblage at station II (H'=1.19). The highest evenness index was exhibited by the echinoderms from station III (J = 0.99), while the highest species richness was represented by them from station I (D = 1.22).
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eddy Yusron
Abstrak :
Dari perairan Tanjung Merah Sulawesi Utara telah berhasil dikumpulkan sekitar 21 jenis fauna Ekhinodermata yang mewakili 5 jenis Holothuroidea, 5 jenis Asteroidea, 4 jenis Echinoidea dan 7 jenis Ophiuroidea. Kelompok bintang mengular atau Ophiuroidea merupakan kelompok yang paling menonjol untuk daerah lamun. Berdasarkan hasil transek yang dilakukan di ketiga lokasi yang diamati ternyata kelompok bintang mengular (Ophiuroidea) menempati tingkat kekayaan jenis relatif tinggi. Secara umum baik dalam jumlah jenis ataupun dalam jumlah individu, fauna ekhinodermata di perairan Tanjung Merah Sulawesi Utara. Komposisi jenis, struktur komunitas, zonasi dan sebaran lokal akan didiskusikan dalam tulisan ini.
Notes on the Echinoderm Fauna of the Tanjung Merah Bay Waters Sulawesi Utara. A total of 21 species of echinoderms, belonging to of 5 species holothuroidea, 5 species of asteroidea, 4 species echinoidea and 7 species ophiuroidea have been found in the Tanjung Merah of Sulawesi Utara. The Ophiuroidea were relatively common in the sea grass zone. On the basis of population density, Ophiuroidea was the dominant group and relatively highest in the individual density. The species composition, community structure, zonation, and spatial distribution of echinoderm fauna are discussed in this paper.
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eddy Yusron
Abstrak :
Pengamatan keanekaragaman jenis teripang telah dilakukan di wilayah perairan pesisir desa Pai dan desa Imbeyomi di Perairan Padaido, Biak Numfor. Pengambilan contoh dikerjakan dengan menggunakan transek kuadran ukuran 1m x 1m sebanyak 3 garis transek. Sampling dan pengamatan mikrohabitatnya dilakukan dengan snorkling. Analisis terhadap struktur komunitas berdasarkan pada analisis kehadiran, keanekaragaman, dan kepadatan. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa di dua lokasi tersebut terdapat 10 jenis teripang jenis Holothuria edulis, H. atra, dan H. nobilis melimpah.
Sea Cucumber Resources At Tanjung Pai Waters Padaido Biak Numfor Papua. Observation on sea cucumber diversity was carried out at coastal waters of Pai and Imbeyomi Islands in the Padaido Island Biak Numfor. Sampling was done by using a transect quadrant of 1 m x 1 m. This sampling and observation on its microhabitat were conducted by snorkling. Analyses on the sea cucumber community structure were based on its frequency of occurance, diversity, and density. The results showed that at both locations 10 species of sea cucumber were found where Holothuria edulis, H. atra, and H. nobilis were predominant common and more evenly distributed than the other species.
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eddy Yusron
Abstrak :
Pada bulan Oktober dan Nopember 1990, komunitas teripang penghuni mintakat litoral Pulau Kai Besar, Maluku Tenggara, dicuplik di lima lokasi : Borang, Ohoiwait, Nuwahan, Wahadan dan Kurit Wur. Analisis terhadap data jumlah dan jenis fauna melibatkan lima indeks ekologis; meliputi kepadatan, kekayaan jenis, keragaman, kemerataan dan kemiripan. Terungkap bahwa komunitas teripang terdiri dari 14 jenis dimana lima jenis diantaranya hadir dengan kepadatan yang lebih tinggi di semua lokasi, yaitu Holothuria edulis, H. scabra, H. nobilis, H. atra dan Stichopus chloronatus. Kecilnya variasi indeks ekologis pada seluruh lokasi menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik komunitas pada seluruh lokasi tersebut relatif sama.
Holothurian (Holothuroidea) Community Structure in Some Coastal Waters of Kai Besar Island, South-East Maluku. During October and November 1990 the holothurian community inhabiting littoral areas was assessed at five locations : Borang, Ohoiwait, Nuwahan, Wahadan and Kurit Wur. This involved five ecological indices: density, species richness, diversity, evenness and similarity. It was revealed that the holothurian community consisted of 14 species in which five among them occurred in all locations at higher densities: Holothuria edulis, H. scabra, H. nobilis, H. atra and Stichopus chloronatus. Small variations of the ecological indices at all locations may indicate that the community characteristics at the five locations were relatively similar.
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eddy Yusron
Abstrak :
Dari perairan Tapak Tuan , Aceh Selatan telah berhasil dikumpulkan sekitar 21 jenis fauna ekhinodermata yang mewakili 5 jenis Holothuroidea, 5 jenis Asteroidea, 4 jenis Echinoidea dan 7 jenis Ophiuroidea. Kelompok bintang mengular atau Ophiuroidea merupakan kelompok yang paling menonjol untuk daerah lamun. Berdasarkan hasil transek yang dilakukan di ketiga lokasi yang diamati ternyata kelompok bintang mengular (Ophiuroidea) menempati tingkat kekayaan jenis relatif tinggi. Secara umum baik dalam jumlah jenis ataupun jumlah individu, fauna ekhinodermata di perairan Tapak Tuan, Aceh Selatan lebih miskin bila dibandingkan dengan di Perairan Sekotong, Lombok Barat. Komposisi jenis, struktur komunitas, zonasi dan sebaran lokal akan didiskusikan dalam tulisan ini.
Notes On The Echinoderm Fauna Of The Tapak Tuan Bay Waters, Aceh Selatan The Nangroe Aceh Darussalam. A total of 21 species of echinoderms, belonging to of 5 species Holothuroidea, 5 species of Asteroidea, 4 species Echinoidea and 7 species Ophiuroidea have been found in the Tapak Tuan of Aceh Selatan. The Ophiuroidea were relatively dominant in the sea grass zone. On the basis of population density, Ophiuroidea was the dominant group and relatively highest in the individual density. In general, the number of species of echinoderm fauna is smaller than that in the Sekotong Lombok Barat bay waters. The species composition, community structure, zonation, and spatial distribution of echinoderm fauna are discussed in this paper.
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library