"Penggunaan situs e-commerce meningkat pesat turut meningkatkan penggunaan jasa ekspedisi sebagai penghantar mobilitas barang dari tangan penjual ke tangan pembeli. Mengingat akan peran penting yang dimiliki oleh jasa ekspedisi, semakin banyak bisnis jasa ekspedisi yang bermunculan dan saling bersaing untuk mempertahankan eksistensinya. Untuk menyempurnakan penelitian sebelumnya, penelitian ini menyajikan pembahasan mengenai pengaruh dari variabel service quality, perceived value, trust dan price yang diberikan oleh jasa ekspedisi terhadap timbulnya customer satisfaction dan customer loyalty. Penelitian ini menganalisis data primer dari 217 responden yang didapat melalui penyebaran kuesioner secara online dan mengamati mengenai pengaruh dari setiap variabel menggunakan metode analisis PLS-SEM. Ditemukan bahwa service quality, perceived value, trust, dan price berpengaruh secara positif terhadap customer satisfaction dan customer loyalty. Kemudian, trust mampu memediasi service quality dan perceived value terhadap customer satisfaction secara positif.
......The use of e-commerce sites has increased rapidly. This also increases the use of expedition services as a carrier for the mobility of goods from the hands of the seller to the hands of the buyer. Considering the important role that shipping services have, more and more shipping service businesses are emerging and competing to maintain their existence. To improve previous research, this study presents a discussion of the effect of the service quality, perceived value, trust, and price variables provided by the expedition service on the emergence of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. This study analyzed primary data from 217 respondents obtained through the distribution of online questionnaires and observed the effect of each variable using the PLS-SEM analysis method. It was found that service quality, perceived value, trust, and price had a significant effect on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Then, trust is able to mediate service quality and perceived value towards customer satisfaction positively."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022