"diwujudkan melalui proses pendidikan berkelanjutan setelah magister keperawatan. Program praktik residensi ners spesialis keperawatan medikal bedah peminatan endokrin, bertujuan agar para residen memiliki tingkat kompetensi profesional, berpikir kritis dan reflektif serta komunikasi interpersonal yang lebih tinggi ketika dihadapkan pada situasi klinis yang kompleks. Praktik dilakukan di ruang gawat darurat, ruang intensif, rawat inap, dan rawat jalan RSUPN Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta dengan mengaplikasikan teori Model Adaptasi Roy pada 30 kasus resume dan 1 kasus utama pada pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2 dengan komplikasi peripheral arterial disease dan ulkus kaki diabetik. Penerapan evidence based nursing Short Form Berg balance Scale telah terbukti sebagai alat skrining yang mudah, murah, hemat waktu dan memiliki reliabilitas Intraclass Correlation Coefisien yang baik untuk pengkaji keseimbangan dan resiko jatuh pada pasien DM yang sudah lanjut usia. Penerapan inovasi New Simulation Tools terbukti efektif mengurangi rasa takut pasien terhadap jarum suntik dan meningkatkan keterampilan menyuntik pada pasien yang baru pertama kali menerima terapi insulin.
...... The nursing profession always develops following the latest science. This is realized through a process of continuing education after the master of nursing. The residency practice program for medical surgical nursing specialists specializing in endocrine, aims to make residents have a higher level of professional competence, critical and reflective thinking and interpersonal communication when faced with complex clinical conditions. The practice was carried out in the emergency room, intensive care unit, inpatient and outpatient care at RSUPN Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta by applying Roy's Adaptation Model theory to 30 resume cases and 1 main case in patients with type 2 diabetes melitus with complications of peripheral arterial disease and diabetic foot ulcers. . The application of evidence-based nursing Short Form Berg balance Scale has been proven as a screening tool that is easy, inexpensive, time-saving and has good Intraclass Correlation Coefficient reliability for assessing balance and risk of falling in elderly DM patients. The application of the innovative New Simulation Tools has been proven to be effective in reducing patients' fear of needles and improving injecting skills in patients who are receiving insulin therapy for the first time."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keparawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023