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Ditemukan 21 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Bantarto Bandoro
"Nowadays, globalization gives impact to security, either national or international because of developments of science, technology, and human movement. There are five main issues in international society as consequences of globalization, which are drugs dealer, small arms trafficking, infringement of intellectual property rights, people smuggling, and money laundering. Furthermore, there is new terminology, called netwar, which is occurred because of the development of information technology and being used to break up the national and international security. Basically, a non-traditional security matter is no/ a new issue. It is just a local issue, which does not get public awareness but globalization has pushed it to come out and sometimes it is believed that it has become a new resource of a global threat."
[place of publication not identified]: Jurnal Hukum Internasional: Indonesian Journal of International Law, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silalahi, M. Daud
"Since the Stockholm Declaration of 1972, the principles of environmental legal principles fundamentally changed the formulation of new international environmental law. The formulation of environmental legal provision was significantly influenced by a scientific approach, such as ecological and environmental concepts. The role of international environmental law is increasingly greater on the ecological approach rather than on the general principles of international law. The structure of international environmental law is also changed related to, among others, state responsibility, states rights and obligations, and the rising of the eco-rights and the animal rights that fundamentally changed the customary international law approach into new progressive development of international environmental law. Through ratification, the national environmental law has been significantly improved, and there is a growing recognition of the integrated system of national environmental law and international environmental law."
Jurnal Hukum Internasional: Indonesian Journal of International Law, 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purba, Achmad Zen Umar
"The World Trade Organization Agreement is an International Legal Document which one of its main issues concerns the TRlPs (Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights). TRIPs is an International Agreement in the field of intellectual property rights which also plays a role in smoothing _,flow of global trade. The acceptances of TRlPs by the International community still needs further discussions especially in connection with developing countries as well as developed countries specifically those relevant to patents. This matter is mainly connected to technology, which basically is focused on the interests of developing countries. that is an obligation of transJ@r of technology, as one of the basic principles of TRlPs. This due to the fact that investors which have grown in numbers in developed countries need protection for their inventions, which if noted are enjoyed by the global society. On the other hand the potential for creativity in the _,field of technology in developing countries is very low. It is expected that all member states will be consistent in implementing the TRIP.: system. By then. the investment sector will be greatly accelerated in the developing countries. which is very much needed."
Jurnal Hukum Internasional: Indonesian Journal of International Law, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sinambela, Asianto
"Ketika Putaran Doha resmi dibuka di Doha, Qatar pada November 2001. Negara anggota WTO menyetujui putaran ini dinamakan ?Doha Development Agenda" (DDA). Sebagian besar Negara berkembang berpendapat bahwa putaran perundingan perdagangan sebelumnya telah menciptakan aturan-aturan yang hanya menguntungkan Negara-negara maju yang berpendapatan tinggi dan mendominasi perdagangan global saat ini. Tulisan ini menyajikan informasi-informasi pada perkembangan perundingan dalam DDA di bidang pertanian, Dalam rangka meningkarkan reformasi pertanian guna memperoleh sistem perdagangan global yang lebih adil dan sederajat, tulisan ini memberikan gambaran proposal dan posisi yang ditunjukkan oleh Negara-negara berkembang dolam perundingan-perundingan WTO dalam 3 pilar permalahan, yaitu akses pasar (market access), dukungan dalam negeri (domestic support, dan subsidi ekspor (export subsidies)."
Jurnal Hukum Internasional: Indonesian Journal of International Law, 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Rasa aman dari ancaman bahaya seperti kelaparan, keku-
rongan gizi, penyakit dan tekanan" dan "perlindungan dari
kelracauan tak terduga dan menyulitkon dalam kehidupan
sehari-hari adalah dua aspek utama konsep keamanan monusia
dalam pandungan UNDP. Konsep kaomonan monusia berbeda
dan seharusnya tidak dicampur baur dengan konsep keamanan
nasional, yang biasaya diartikan sebagai aman dari serangan
luar dan aman dari upaya pemecahan keutuhan wilayah.
Pembangunan manusia - yang terpusat pada monusia, inklusif
adil dan berkesinambungon - terkait dengan keomanan manusia
karena alasan yang sederhano bahwa pembangunon manusia
mengarah pada keamanan manusia. Pembangunon manusia
karenanya adalah jalan menuju keamanan manusia. Jika
demikian adanya. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) dopat
dijadikan peta penunjuk arah bagi negara-negara, termasuk
Indonesia, dalam menempuh pejalanan menuju keamanan
manusia. Pelbagai tujuon dalom MDG: tersebut berkisar dari
upaya mengakhiri kemiskinan dan kelaparan, mewujudkan pendi-
dikan dasar universal memajukan persamaan gender mengu-
rangi angka kematian ibu don anak, memerangi HIV/AIDS,
memastikan kesinambungan lingkungan, hingga membentuk
kemitraan global untuk pembangunan. Ada beberopa tahap yang
dianggap penting bagi perjalanon Indonesia menuju keamanon
masusia. lni mencakup pemberlakuan Perjanjian Pembangunan
Millennium Nasional untuk melaksanakan MDGs secara adil.
Jurnal Hukum Internasional: Indonesian Journal of International Law, Vol. 1 No. 1 Oktober 2003 : 35-45, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Masalah human security dan human development merupakan
hal yang tidak dapat dipisahkan. Konsep tersebut bertujuan
untuk memerangi kemiskinan dan mcningkatkan taraf hidup
manusia sehingga harus diberlakukan baik secara nasional
maupun lnterasional. Hal tersetut kemudian menjadi prioritas
utama PBB seperti yang telah disepakati dalam UN Millennium
Summit 2000 dengan diadopsinya Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs). Fokus utama MDGs antara lain adalah
memerangi kemiskinan terpenuhinya pendidikan dasar,
pcrsamaan jender, governance dengan tujuan akhir ?creating
an effective global partnership for development".
Jurnal Hukum Internasional: Indonesian Journal of International Law, Vol. 1 No. 1 Oktober 2003 : 46-59, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The adoption of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) in
the Millennium Summit in 2000 by all 189 member of the UN
General Assembly was a defining moment for global
cooperation in the 2l" century. The MDG is global framework
to face the challenges regarding human resources development
in the world .In the Indonesian contest, the question is "do
targets and indicators contained in MDG have accorded with
domestic values?. The question is relevant because the MDG
will never be achieved if the MDG does not accommodate local
values. Localization of the MDG is very important to
synchronize the MDG and country development; hence the
localization of the MDG must be first step to take in achieving
MDG for each country. Refer to the recent condition in
Indonesia, there are several problems in achieving MDG
targets such as H) quality of [human resources, (iU
infrastructure, (HU implementation of the decentralization, (iv)
slow economy recovery, (U) low enforcement, and (VU existence
of several conflict regions. Based on those conditions,
achieving the targets and indicators of MDG in indonesia is not
easy. Collective e_U'art involving international community like
donors and national community like civil society
business/private sector and Universities is a must.
Jurnal Hukum Internasional: Indonesian Journal of International Law, Vol. 1 No. 1 Oktober 2003 : 60-77, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"International law in its basic concept is intended to serve as
legal framework jar society of States. International law
prescribe what is right and what if wrong; it also prescribes
how State behaves toward one another and it provide
sanctions. However, the above description is international is
as understood in class room. In reality, international law is
frequently used as a political instrument by States. It can be an
instrument to exert pressure, instrument for intervening on
other States domestic affairs without considered as violation
and it can also be used to justify States actions. The present
article will describe how States how used international imv on
indonesia as political instrument and how indonesia has used
international law to further its national policy
Jurnal Hukum Internasional: Indonesian Journal of International Law, Vol. 1 No. 1 Oktober 2003 : 78-100, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Kita semna mengetahui bahwa globalisasi tefah menghantarkan
hubungan antar negara, antar organisasi, pelaku ekonomi, dan
interaksi diantara mereka. Seperti yang telah dinyatakan dalam
judal secara garis besar artikel ini sangat mempunyai pengaruh
dan menantang pada saat yang bersamaan mendorong para
praktisi hukum di Indonesia untuk mengambil bagian yang lebih
nyata dalam forum-forum internasional pada perkembangan di
abad-21 ini. Walaupun peranan praktisi hukum tidak terlalu
dominan sebagai kansekuensi lemahnya sistem hukum di
Indonesia, naman mereka harus siap menghodapi masalah-
masalah yang timbul sebagai konsekwensi dari glabalisasi dan
perkembangan organisasi internasianal, seperti WTO. ASEAN
Free Trade, dan lain-lain. Bidang keahiian praktisi hokum dalam
memasuki abad baru tidak hanya memerlukan penguasaan
keahlian yang baik, pengetahuan, dan etika, masalah-masalah
dalam negeri tapi juga perlu diperluas ke lingkup internasional
untuk memperkuat dirinya agar sejajar dengan para praktisi
hukum asing dan untuk membawa kepentingan nasianal dalam
setiap perundingan yang berhadapan dengan pihak asing
Jurnal Hukum Internasional: Indonesian Journal of International Law, Vol. 1 No. 2 Januari 2004 : 193-228, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The multilateral trading system as it now applies is o rule-
bated system comprising a complex set of rules as articulated
in various WTO agreements. The .system is the ultimate choice
for nations if they were to establish trade relations among
nations in a good order and to more enhance the stability and
predictability and to better suit the interests of least developed
and developing countries. Nevertheless, the substantive rules
that have been "mutually agreed" have deficiencies and
imbalances especially looking from the interest of developing
countries. The implementations of those rules have been more
advantageous to developed countries. while the developing
countries do not have the capability to implement those rules.
The concessions that have been given away do not meet with
the expected benefit out of their participation in this
multilateral regime. Such situation greatly effects developing
countries in the implementation and the effectiveness of WTO
rules. The current round of trade negotiations needs to make
correction to this legitimacy gap to ensure affair a fair gain from the
multilateral trading system.
Jurnal Hukum Internasional: Indonesian Journal of International Law, Vol. 1 No. 2 Januari 2004 : 229-244, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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