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Ditemukan 9 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"This research was aimed to examine the relevance of the Farmers? Term of Trade (FTT) formula (Modified Laspeyres) by comparing with the Modified Laspeyres Plus and the Fisher-WM formulas. The result presented that FTT of Food Crop applying Fisher-WM had nearly similar patterns with the Modified Laspeyres, while the Modified Laspeyres Plus tended to fluctuative patterns. The FTT Fisher-WM had similar pattern with share of nonfood expenditure, farmers? purchasing power, and farming cost. Foreasting of FTT (Fisher-WM) showed nearly similar result with FTT of BPS-Statistics Indonesia published in October and November 2013. The welfare quality of the food crop farmers in West Java, Banten, and DIY provinces was categorized as high welfare level; in Central and East Java provinces was categorized as middle welfare level; in Bali, West and East Nusa Tenggara provinces was categorized as low welfare level. Based on the results, the Modified Laspeyres formula has been still relevant to be applied, except in revealing the seasonal pattern of food crop production as shown by the Fisher-WM."
Jakarta: Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Statistik (STIS-Statistics Institute Jakarta, 2014
JASKS 6:2 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Cluster analysis is a mult ivariate analysis technique used to classify objects such that the objects in a cluster are very similar and the objects in different clusters are quite different. This study will discuss the non-hierarchical clustering methods. The methods are C-Means Cluster and Fuzzy C-Means Cluster. These methods are suitable for large data and continuous variables. This study would also present the application of the methods on the case of village grouping according to the underdevelopment status in two regions of level II (Kota Metro and Kabupaten Lampung Timur) in Lampung Province. The unit of observations in this study are 257 villages in Kota Metro (22 villages) and Kabupaten Lampung Timur in Lampung Province obtained from the Village Potential Statistics (Podes - Potensi Desa) 2008.
The results show that the optimal cluster in Kota Lampung data is 4, with a minimum value of the Fukuyama-Sugeno validity index is at -45.4649. As for the data of Kabupaten Lampung Timur, theoptimumnumber ofclustersis13,with aminimum value of the Fukuyama-Sugeno validity index is at 196.9629."
Jakarta: Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Statistik (STIS-Statistics Institute Jakarta, 2014
JASKS 6:2 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desnita Fitri
"One strategy of ASEAN countries to fill the scarcity of capital resources of development to increase their economic growth is to implement economic liberalization through Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Therefore, this research aimed to analyze the effect of FDI on economic growth of ASEAN countries. Panel data analysis from 10 ASEAN countries during the period 1980-2012 using Fixed Effect Model WLS cross-section SUR stated that FDI, Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF), labor force, net exports and economic crisis significantly affect the economic growth of ASEAN countries altogether. Then, partially, FDI, GFCF, and labor force have a positive effect on economic growth of ASEAN countries, while net exports and economic crisis negatively affect economic growth in the ASEAN countries."
Jakarta: Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Statistik (STIS-Statistics Institute Jakarta, 2014
JASKS 6:2 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purba, Harianto Sardy
"Coal is the main commodity required by various countries as a substitute for petroleum as an energy source. This study aims to look at the competitiveness of Indonesian coal exports and the development of Indonesian coal in eight countries of export destination and want to study the effect of the ratio of the price of coal, the export destination country's GDP, exchange rate, and the value of RCA against Indonesian coal exports. Export destinations in this study are China, India, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines and the study period is 2002-2012.. This study uses RCA index, EPD, and IIT and panel data regression analysis. The results show that in general the development of export coal to eight destination countries has increased. RCA results show Indonesian coal generally has a comparative advantage in the eight countries of export destination. Based on EPD index, almost in all destination countries except Hong Kong, Indonesia coal competitive position is a rising star. Based on the method of IIT, the nature of Indonesia's trade with all destination countries except Hong Kong are weak integration that is no integration. Variables that affect the volume of coal exports is real GDP export destinations, the real exchange rate of export destinations, and RCA. Meanwhile, the Indonesian coal price ratio does not significantly affect the volume of Australian coal exports."
Jakarta: Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Statistik (STIS-Statistics Institute Jakarta, 2014
JASKS 6:2 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ibnu Santoso
"Interviewer falsifications are relevant problem faced by institutions conducting census and surveys around the world, including BPS-Statistics Indonesia. Falsified data may cause serious impact to generated statistics even though the proportion of falsified data is very small. Usage of Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) in field data collection has proven to improve efficiency and effectiveness. In addition, the use of CAPI is believed to be able to detect data falsification better. This is because CAPI devices can produce a variety of metadata that can not be obtained when using paper questionnaires. This study discusses relevant features to detect interviewer falsification in CAPI-based surveys, validates them, and uses them to identify interviewer falsification automatically using data mining techniques so that human supervisors can take further actions. After analyzing relevant features and conducting experiment, the result showed that unsupervised classification algorithm using simple 2-means clustering could have up to 70,5% accuracy, while supervised classification using logistic regression could have up to 88,5% accuracy."
Jakarta: Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Statistik (STIS-Statistics Institute Jakarta, 2014
JASKS 6:2 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wongkar, Enggelin Giacinta
"With the vast development of data to become informations on the Internet, everything online seems to explode at a rapid rate. These informations, including online news which is created as a complement to the original printed media, has even overtaken the latter. Subdirectorate of Household National Account and Non-profit Institution of Statistics Indonesia is in charge for the work of media research. In the process of media research, time and human resources are two important elements but yet having problem of ineffective and inefficient process. This study aimed to overcome that problem by developing a web crawler system that could do summarization automatically from online news sites (currently from Bisnis and Kontan) with output in Microsoft Word format file and minimizing number of similar news. This system is developed using several techniques in information technologies such as crawling and wrapping method and cosine similarity method to minimalize similar news. The result shows the process of media research by using this system much more effective and efficient."
Jakarta: Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Statistik (STIS-Statistics Institute Jakarta, 2014
JASKS 6:2 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naldya Yola Althofia
"Labor is part of the population that is capable of doing the work to produce goods and services. Therefore. workers need to be empowered optimally in order to drive the economic process. According to keynes.one of the efforts that can be done is fiscal policy by increasing government spending leading to a reduction in unemployment. However in west java this expectation was not realized. West java has a large goverment spending, but its labor absorption is not high. It is shown from the percentage of the working population of the labor forc in west java in 2012 remained blow national. This study determines the effect of government education, health and infrastructure expenditures on economic growth and employment in west java. The recursive equation model is employed, showing that education and infrasturcture spending have positive effect on economic grawth and employment. Health expenditure prove to be insignificant. In addition in west java, economic growth has positive effect on employment."
Jakarta: Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Statistik (STIS-Statistics Institute Jakarta, 2015
600 JASKS 7:1 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ita Wulandari
"One of most popular techniques of binary data classification in machine learning is support vector machine (SVM). SVM can be applied extensively in many fields such as pattern recognition regression analysis and probability estimation. SVM uses optimization wth quadratic programming which become unefficient when applied in a high dimensioal large dataset. Hence researchers develop"
Jakarta: Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Statistik (STIS-Statistics Institute Jakarta, 2015
600 JASKS 7:1 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abialam Koesnandy
"The successful of developing and implementation of information sistem is depend on the user acceptance. SIPADU-STIS is an academic information system that support academic's bisnis process. Technology acceptance model (TAM) will be employed for analysing of SIPADU-STIS system. Validation of TAM model will estimate using structural equation model (SEM). The model shows that SIPADU- STIS has a high user's acceptance."
Jakarta: Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Statistik (STIS-Statistics Institute Jakarta, 2015
600 JASKS 7:1 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library