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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
The purpose of this research is to examine the relationships of job satisfaction to organizational commitment and turnover intentions. Next, the purpose of this research is to examine whether organizational commitment related to turnover intentions. This research conducted with survey on auditors working on the big audit firms in Jakarta that affiliated to foreign audit firms (The Big Four). Unit analysis are auditors who have non-partner position i.e: junior, senior and manager that concentrated in audit services. The structural equation modeling with AMOS program is used to analized the data. The results of this research suggest that job satisfication has significant positive relationships to organizational to turnover intentions. Next, organizational commitment has significant negative relationship to turnover intentions. This result suggests that job satisfication related to turnover intentions both of direct or through organizational commitment.
Medan: Universitas HKBP Nommensen,
050 VISI
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Napitupulu, Fenty Debora
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola-pola dasar kalimat mahasiswa dalam menulis karangan. metode penelitian dirancang dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. dalam hal ini, subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa bahsa inggris semester satu. setiap mahasiswa diarahkan menuliskan teks recount dan selanjutnya peneliti menganalisanya. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebahagian besar dari mahasiswa hanya mampu menggunakan tiga pola kalimat dasar yaitu s+v, s+v+o, dan s+lv+adj. pola kalimat lainnya seperti sv+io+o, s+v+o+oc, s+lv+n belum ditemukan. disamping itu terdapat beberapa kesalahan dalam grammar seperti tenses, penggunaan linking verb, parts of speech, dsb. ini menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa semester satu jurusan pendidikan bahasa inggris masih sangat lemah dalam menggunakan pola-pola kalimat bahasa inggris.
Sumatera Utara: Universitas HKBP Nommensen, 2018
VISI 26:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siringoringo, Magdalena Judika
Abstrak :
This paper aims to analyze the factors affecting taxpayer compliance of individuals who perform free work in KPP Pratama Medan East and East Medan District as the sample. this paper is the result of a study with a single instrumental case study that attempts to dig deeper into one case/phenomenon about the effect of taxation socialization, taxation knowledge and tax sanction on taxpayer compliance of individual who perform free work at KPP Medan Medan East. this study uses primary data source questionnaires derived from the taxpayers of individuals who conduct business activities and free activities registred in KPP Pratama East Medan.

The result showed that partially socialization taxation has a negative and not significant effect on taxpayer compliance who do free work partialy knowledge of taxation have a positive and significant effect on taxpayer compliance who do free work. partially the tax sanction has a positive but not significant effect on taxpayer compliance that performs free work. simultaneously variable socialization taxation, knowledge taxation and tax penalties have a positive and significant impact on taxpayer compliance of individuals who perform free work.
Sumatera Utara: Universitas HKBP Nommensen, 2018
VISI 26:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pasaribu, Sunggul
Abstrak :
Sumatera Utara: Universitas HKBP Nommensen, 2018
VISI 26:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
One important indicator in the achievement of the MDGs to improve health of maternal and child (KIA) that is contained in the fourth and fifth goals. indonesia's commitment to achieve the MDGs in 2015 through efforts to reduce MMR from 359 to 102 per 100.000 live births and IMR from 32 to 23 per 1.000 live births is still far from the target of achieving the MDGs, as well as in Mandailing Natal.

The research used qualitative method. the informants were all personnel that were involved in the planning and budgeting process of KIA program. they consisted of informants in this study are all elements analyzed qualitatively with Spradley analysis technique.

The result of the research showed that the planning and budgeting process of KIA program in the Health Office of Mandailing Natal District did not use fully implement the planning and performance-based budgeting. situation analysis, problem formulation , and goal setting program uses methods that can not accommodate the needs of the real, still planning and budgeting processes are still using incremental.

That could be all applying the planning and budgeting for performance's based, advocacy and socialization intense to local governments to increase APBD budget allocated by the Healt Office of Mandailing Natal District, need for education and technical training program development KIA well as the need for active role midwife program coordinator KIA, and managerial need to increase leadership on all health fronts.
2018: Universitas HKBP Nommensen, 2018
VISI 26:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Parinduri, Nikmah Choiriah
Abstrak :
Long-term national development stresses on life quality of excellent resources. so that we focus to the young generationsm who need guidance and care from all disease than can stop their growth to be adulthood to continue long term national development.

This observation aims to know informations factor about something low DPT (diphteria, pertussis, tetanus). immunization in Gunung Tua Julu village of Panyabungan district, Mandailing Natal. this observation is analytical survey with correlation approach this instrument used questionnaire from 38 moms who have baby ages two to four months. primary and secondary data were processed and analyzed with quantitative univariat and bivariat analyses. biavariat analysis used chi square test the significant value is p <0.05.

Based on the univariat result of research / observation can be seen that the majority of respondents age from 30-35 is 22 persons (57,9%) and minority is 20-29 is 16 person (42,1%). for the respondents education majority of high school (SMA, D3,PT) IS 24 persons (63,2%) and minority of secondary school (SD,SMP) is14 persons (36,8%). for unemployment (housewife) is 26 persons (31, 58%) and minority of employes (PNS), farmer, merchant etc) is 12 persons (68,42%). based on the research result, the distance from health facility majority is 27 persons (71.1%) and minority is 11 persons (28,9%).

The result showed that some factors which related to the giving of DPT (diphteria, pertussis, tatnus) in Gunung Tua Julu Mandailing Natal District is job/ occupation (value p: 0,11) supporting from husband (0.001) distance (p:0.003) knowledge (0.026).

To all health worker in puskesmas Gunung Tua Julu need to give counseling to all moms/ mothers who have baby about how important giving DPT (diphteria, pertussis, tetanus). immunization and to all local health workers to give more information to the society so that they know more about immunization.
Sumatera Utara: Universitas HKBP Nommensen, 2018
VISI 26:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chyntia Hualangi
Abstrak :
Seeing the development of China that was able to affect the world economy, the Headmaster of the School to take steps to provide Mandarin materials ranging from kindergarten, elementary, junior high school. Learning a foreign language, students can directly connect the brain with oral. Learning Mandarin, the brain must deal with two different departments at once: sounds and meanings. That is why children who as young as learning IQ Mandarin languages are up between 15-20%. With that, it is expected that Mandarin can be learned since childhood because in addition to children more quickly in absorbing the lesson, Mandarin is a difficult language and has a lot of vocabulary. TK Wiyata Dharma Medan is one kindergarten that realizes the importance of Mandarin. Therefore, Head of Kindergarten Tama Wiyata Dharma Medan gives opportunity writer to conduct research in big zero class (B) and small zero class (A) with aim of student of TK Wiyata Dharma Medan can know and learn basic Mandarin language. The material given is the same, just different teaching methods. Because in class A not all students can read and write, so students are still assisted to spell Mandarin pronunciation from teacher's utterance and assisted in writing letters, either writing pinyin or hanzi. While class B students already have the competence of reading and writing, so students stay deepening pronunciation, how to write hanzi and its meaning. And because the new Chinese subjects were first taught in this kindergarten, so the unavailability of guidebooks to be presented. So, the author sought and made his own material to be delivered.Based on the discussion can be concluded as follows; If there is an error in the pronunciation position and the way of pronunciation, then the resulting pronunciation will be less precise. Media images in the process Teaching and Learning Activities can motivate TK Wiyata Dharma Medan students in learning Mandarin. Students can write and memorize hanzi with image media. Game media can create classroom situations to be democratic and open, thus making students comfortable in class and daring to explore themselves. This is evident from the evaluation results in every meeting. Results obtained by students on average are good.
Sumatera Utara: Universitas HKBP Nommensen, 2018
VISI 26:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Darmawan Wijaya
Abstrak :
One foreign language that is often encountered in everyday life is English which is an international language. Many people use English in their daily lives to be familiar and fluent in English. But not only English is now an international language, but Mandarin has become an international language as well. Mandarin has already seen its role.

Not only Chinese people need this language, but also all the people. Currently a lot of job vacancies that require the candidate of his career can be Mandarin language. Usually used to communicate with guests from China.

There are so many parents who provide Chinese language for S1 study in China, with the hope that their children can continue their parent's business and hope also to be able to speak Mandarin well in business later. But unfortunately today many people who have not realized the importance of Mandarin. The number of Chinese languages is still far behind the number of English lessons. The number of tutoring places is not as much as English lessons. In Indonesia the new government began to accept Chinese culture in recent years.

By mastering Mandarin we can be recommended to overseas companies are growing, because most large companies that require a career can use mandarin language. So essentially with us mastering Mandarin we get many benefits. In addition, the Chinese language enthusiasts in every year continue and continue to grow.
Sumatera Utara: Universitas HKBP Nommensen, 2018
VISI 26:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sinaga, Nenni Triana
Sumatera Utara: Universitas HKBP Nommensen, 2018
VISI 26:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Medan: Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas HKBP Nommensen, 2011
JEBUHN 19:2 (2011)
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library