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Denny Afriyuliany
"Pesatnya pertumbuhan dan perkembangan ekonomi mendorong pemerintah untuk melakukan upaya peningkatan pendapatan nasional di bidang pembangunan. Salah satunya memanfaatk:an tanah ulayat yang pada dasarnya merupakan kepunyaan masyarakat hukum adat. Menurut hukum adat Minangkabau, tanah ulayat memiliki sifat kolektif, dimana peruntukkaffi.?ya ditujukan bagi kesejahteraan komunitas pemilik tanah ulayat. Pemanfaatan tanah ulayat dapat dilakukan oleh pemilik tanah ulayat, pemerintah maupun pihak investor/pengusaha. Bagi pihak investor yang melakukan pemanfaatan tanah ulayat di "Ranah Minang" ini, harus melewati prosedur sesuai dengan hukum adat Minangkabau. Yaitu meminta kesepakatan seluruh anggota pemilik tanah ulayat dengan menuangkannya dalam suatu perjanjian pemanfaatan.

The rapidly of economic development is the reason for government to have increase the national income. One of the act is using ulayat land that basically prescriptive law society as the owner. According to the Minangkabau prescriptive law society, ulayat land has collectiveness at ownership, that is priority to fullfil needed of community ulayat land owner. The owner of ulayat land, government and investor can do utilizing the ulayat land. For investor who utilize ulayat land in "Ranah Minang", have to performed by all procedures according to Minangkabau prescriptive law. That is ask all of community who authorized the ulayat land with a pattern of utilization agreement.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jimmy Passat
"[Industri Geothermal di Indonesia merupakan Industri yang Emerging karena Regulasi Pemerintah yang tertuang dalam Perpres No. 5 tahun 2006 mengenai Kebijakan Energi Nasional. Terlepas dari itu dampak kenaikan harga minyak dunia, meningkatnya subsidi yang diberikan, ketergantungan terhadap BBM impor serta faktor-faktor lingkungan dan global turut memberikan peluang bagi industri ini untuk tumbuh. Kebijakan Energi Nasional itu sendiri mengisyaratkan peningkatan penggunaan Energy Mix yang berasal dari sumber-sumber yang terbaharukan termasuk didalamnya Panas Bumi (Geothermal). Dengan demikian diperlukan suatu studi kelayakan untuk menilai usaha dalam mengembangkan industri ini. Berdasarkan analisis, pengeluaran modal yang dibutuhkan adalah sebesar USD 304,450,0. Dengan rasio hutang terhadap modal adalah 70:30. Biaya modal adalah 10,9%, yang didefinisikan sebagai discount factor. Analisis NPV akhir sebesar USD 35.571.740 tanpa CDM Insentif dan USD 47.241.590 dengan CDM Insentif, kesimpulannya adalah bahwa pembangunan proyek panas bumi usaha ini layak dan diterima. Kenaikan NPV berkisar antara 15% sampai dengan 34%, peningkatan IRR berkisar antara 9% sampai dengan 24%, penurunan PP berkisar antara 14% sampai dengan 40%, dan peningkatan PI adalah 5%. Peningkatan nilai ekonomi ini dihasilkan oleh Pendapatan Carbon sebesar USD 6.927.000/y dari pengurangan emisi sejumlah 628.392 tC02/y.

The development of geothermal industry in Indonesia represents the emerging phase, because of the impetus of government regulations which is decanted in President Decree No. 5 year 2006 about National Energy Policy. Increase of the world oil price, increase of fuel subsidy budget, dependence on import for fulfilling domestic fuel demand, and also global and environmental factors partake to give opportunity for this industry to grow. National Energy Policy itself beckoned to evolve the growth proportion of Energy Mix that coming from renewable resources. One of the potential renewable resources energy is Geothermal. Therefore it is necessary to exercise a feasibility study to assess the effort for developing this industry. Based on the analysis, the capital expenditure nedeed is amounting to USD 304,450,0. The debt to equity ratio will be 70:30. The Cost of Capital is 10.9%, which is defined as the discount factor. The final NPV analysis of USD 35,571,740 without and USD 47,241,590 with CDM Incentives, thus the geothermal business development project is feasible and accepted. The NPV increment is ranging from 15% up to 34%, the increment of IRR is ranging from 9% up to 24%, the decline of PP is ranging from 14% up to 40%, and the PI increment is 5%. The increment of economic value of the geothermal project business development is generated by the proceed of Carbon Revenue amounting to USD 6,927,000/y from the Certified Emission Reduction of 628,392 tC02/y. ;The development of geothermal industry in Indonesia represents the emerging phase, because of the impetus of government regulations which is decanted in President Decree No. 5 year 2006 about National Energy Policy. Increase of the world oil price, increase of fuel subsidy budget, dependence on import for fulfilling domestic fuel demand, and also global and environmental factors partake to give opportunity for this industry to grow. National Energy Policy itself beckoned to evolve the growth proportion of Energy Mix that coming from renewable resources. One of the potential renewable resources energy is Geothermal. Therefore it is necessary to exercise a feasibility study to assess the effort for developing this industry. Based on the analysis, the capital expenditure nedeed is amounting to USD 304,450,0. The debt to equity ratio will be 70:30. The Cost of Capital is 10.9%, which is defined as the discount factor. The final NPV analysis of USD 35,571,740 without and USD 47,241,590 with CDM Incentives, thus the geothermal business development project is feasible and accepted. The NPV increment is ranging from 15% up to 34%, the increment of IRR is ranging from 9% up to 24%, the decline of PP is ranging from 14% up to 40%, and the PI increment is 5%. The increment of economic value of the geothermal project business development is generated by the proceed of Carbon Revenue amounting to USD 6,927,000/y from the Certified Emission Reduction of 628,392 tC02/y., The development of geothermal industry in Indonesia represents the emerging phase, because of the impetus of government regulations which is decanted in President Decree No. 5 year 2006 about National Energy Policy. Increase of the world oil price, increase of fuel subsidy budget, dependence on import for fulfilling domestic fuel demand, and also global and environmental factors partake to give opportunity for this industry to grow. National Energy Policy itself beckoned to evolve the growth proportion of Energy Mix that coming from renewable resources. One of the potential renewable resources energy is Geothermal. Therefore it is necessary to exercise a feasibility study to assess the effort for developing this industry.
Based on the analysis, the capital expenditure nedeed is amounting to USD 304,450,0.
The debt to equity ratio will be 70:30. The Cost of Capital is 10.9%, which is defined as the discount factor. The final NPV analysis of USD 35,571,740 without and USD 47,241,590 with CDM Incentives, thus the geothermal business development project is feasible and accepted. The NPV increment is ranging from 15% up to 34%, the increment of IRR is ranging from 9% up to 24%, the decline of PP is ranging from 14% up to 40%, and the PI increment is 5%. The increment of economic value of the geothermal project business development is generated by the proceed of Carbon Revenue amounting to USD 6,927,000/y from the Certified Emission Reduction of 628,392 tC02/y.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andrie Rheksapradana Siswoyo
"Leasing merupakan sarana untuk membiayai perusahaan, yang dapat dilakukan oleh lembaga keuangan atau badan usaha lain yang bergerak di bidang leasing. Walaupun usaha leasing dapat dilakukan oleh lembaga keuangan, ia tidak dapat memberikan pinjaman (loan) kepada nasabahnya seperti layaknya bank melainkan hanya pembiayaan dengan cara penyediaan barang modal. Lembaga pembiayaan leasing di Indonesia dibentuk berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Bersama (SKB) Menteri Keuangan, Menteri Perindustrian dan Menteri Perdagangan Republik Indonesia Nomor: Kep.-122/MK/IV/2/1974, Nomor: 32/M/SK/2/1974, Nomor: 30/Kpb/I/1974 tertanggal 7 Januari 1974, tentang Perizinan Usaha Leasing. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian normatif. Kemudian selanjutnya disajikan dalam bentuk deskriptif kualitatif. Untuk menganalisis data dan menarik kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian, data yang diperoleh akan dianalisis dengan metode kualitatif dan selanjutnya akan disajikan dalam bentuk deskriptif.

Leasing is a method to fund a company, which may be carried out by financial institution or other business entities in the field of leasing. Although leasing may be carried out by a financial institution, unlike a bank, it cannot provide a loan to its customers but it only provides funding by supplying capital goods. Leasing institutions in Indonesia are established by virtue of Collective Decree (SKB) of Minister of Finance Number: Kep.-122/MK/IV/2/1974, Minister of Industry Number: 32/M/SK/2/1974, Minister of Trade Number: 30/Kpb/I/1974 dated 7 January 1974, on the License of Leasing Business. This research employs a normative research method and is presented in a descriptive qualitative method.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Apriana Susaei
Tujuan tesis ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi kebijakan P2KPDT di Kabupaten Barru. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan cara menyebar kuisioner kepada para ?expert? sebanyak 32 responden yang terdiri dari pelaksana kebijakan dan dianggap paling tahu permasalahan kegiatan P2KPDT di Kabupaten Barru.
Fokus penelitian ini adalah memberikan penilaian pada bobot fokus dan kriteria kegiatan yang disusun secara sistematis dalam suatu hirarki melalui skala perbandingan. Fokus kegiatan yang diberikan bobot terdiri dari : peningkatan kandungan lokal, pelibatan stakeholders secara substansial dalam suatu kemitraan strategis, peningkatan ketahanan dan kemandirian ekonomi, pembangunan berkelanjutan, Pemanfaatan hasil pembangunan oleh sebagian besar masyarakat lokal, pengembangan usaha kecil dan menengah, penguatan kapasitas dan peningkatan kualitas SDM. Sedangkan kriteria kegiatan yang diberikan bobot terdiri dari : Efektifitas, Efisiensi, Kecukupan, Responsifitas dan Ketepatan. Alternatif kebijakan yang dipilih adalah : Status quo, Kegiatan dialihkan dengan modifikasi dan Kegiatan dihentikan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kegiatan P2KPDT di Kabupaten Barru lebih menonjol pada sisi peningkatan kandungan lokal, hal tersebut ditunjukan dengan bobot prioritas tertinggi dalam analisis (0,337) dibandingkan dengan 6 fokus pelaksanaan kegiatan yang lain. Secara umum pada setiap fokus kegiatan kritera efektifitas merupakan kriteria yang paling penting dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan. Bobot tertinggi (0,451) adalah pada fokus Penguatan kapasitas dan peningkatan kualitas SDM. Hasil sintesa hirarki dan analisis keseluruhan menujukan bahwa rekomendasi alternatif kebijakan yang disarankan di masa yang akan datang adalah kegiatan dihentikan dengan bobot tertinggi sebanyak 0,498.

The aim of thesis is to evaluate the policy of P2KPDT in Barru Regency. The research approach with quantitative method and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). This Research was conducted by spread questionnaire to 32
respondents as expert which consisted of policy implementer and respondent that
considered know the problem in P2KPDTproject at Barru Regency.
This research focused on assess project focus and criteria which sistematically arranged in a hierarchy with pairwise comparison. Project focus based on : increasing endogenous value; Involving stakeholders substantially in a strategic partnership; increasing an economic security and independence, suistanable development, Utilize results of development by most local community, Developmet of small enterprise; Human resources capacity building. While project criteria consist of efectivity, efficiency, adequacy, responsiveness and accuracy and policy alternative consist of: status quo, project modification, and discontinued project.
The Results showed that P2KPDT project in Barru Regency more prominent in increasing endogenous value as the highest priority in analisys (0,337) compared to the other 6 project focus. In general, the effectiveness criteria is the most important criteria for each project focus. The highest value (0,451) is on effectiveness of human resources capacity building focus. The Results of hierarchy synthesis and overall analysis shows that the reccomendation is discontinued project (0,498)
, The aim of thesis is to evaluate the policy of P2KPDT in Barru Regency. The research approach with quantitative method and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). This Research was conducted by spread questionnaire to 32
respondents as expert which consisted of policy implementer and respondent that
considered know the problem in P2KPDTproject at Barru Regency.
This research focused on assess project focus and criteria which sistematically arranged in a hierarchy with pairwise comparison. Project focus based on : increasing endogenous value; Involving stakeholders substantially in a strategic partnership; increasing an economic security and independence, suistanable development, Utilize results of development by most local community, Developmet of small enterprise; Human resources capacity building. While project criteria consist of efectivity, efficiency, adequacy, responsiveness and accuracy and policy alternative consist of: status quo, project modification, and discontinued project.
The Results showed that P2KPDT project in Barru Regency more prominent in increasing endogenous value as the highest priority in analisys (0,337) compared to the other 6 project focus. In general, the effectiveness criteria is the most important criteria for each project focus. The highest value (0,451) is on effectiveness of human resources capacity building focus. The Results of hierarchy synthesis and overall analysis shows that the reccomendation is discontinued project (0,498)
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Feby Wiria Santi
Tujuan dari tesis ini adalah untuk mengetahui strategi dan proses bisnis Hotel XYZ yang mempengaruhi modal kerja. Untuk mengetahui kebijakan atas sistem dan prosedur modal kerja pada Hotel XYZ. Serta, untuk mengetahui hal-hal yang dapat dikembangkan dari kebijakan atas sistem dan prosedur modal kerja pada Hotel XYZ. Modal kerja merupakan dana yang meliputi seluruh aktiva lancar atau aktiva lancar dikurangi hutang lancar disediakan oleh perusahaan untuk melakukan aktivitas operasionalnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan didalam pengelolaannya profitabilitas dan likuiditas secara menyeluruh sudah bagus, yang menjadi permasalahan adalah proses penagihan piutang usaha Hotel XYZ yang berjalan cukup lambat. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan peramalan posisi modal kerja pada tahun 2010 sejalan dengan pertumbuhan perekonomian.

The purpose of this thesis is to determine the strategy and bussiness processes that affect the Hotel XYZ's workin capital. In order, the policies of the system and procedure of working capital of the Hotel XYZ. Also, to know things that can be developed from the policies of the system and procedure of working capital at XYZ Hotel. Working capital is funds that cover the entire current assets or current assets minus current liabilities provided by the company to perform its operational activities. The result showed in profitability and liquidity management has been good overall, the problem is the process of billing accounts receivable Hotel XYZ is going pretty slow. In this research, forecasting working capital position in 2010 in line with economic growth., The purpose of this thesis is to determine the strategy and bussiness processes that affect the Hotel XYZ's workin capital. In order, the policies of the system and procedure of working capital of the Hotel XYZ. Also, to know things that can be developed from the policies of the system and procedure of working capital at XYZ Hotel. Working capital is funds that cover the entire current assets or current assets minus current liabilities provided by the company to perform its operational activities. The result showed in profitability and liquidity management has been good overall, the problem is the process of billing accounts receivable Hotel XYZ is going pretty slow. In this research, forecasting working capital position in 2010 in line with economic growth.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Cahyadi
"Dalam penelitian ini dikaji pengklasifikasian status kredit sepeda motor menggunakan pendekatan data mining. Model pengklasifikasian yang terdapat pada data mining salah satunya adalah algoritma C5.0. algoritma dapat berjalan bila sudah ditentukan mana yang menjadi variabel target dan variabel prediktor.
Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat 13 jenis pengklsifikasian dengan variabel prediktor pendapatan menempati urutan teratas pada pengklasifikasian. Penentuan variabel yang menempati urutan pengklasifikasian/spillting yang paling atas berdasarkan pada informasi gain yang terbesar, kegiatan ini terus dilakukan hingga sampai tidak adalagi variabel prediktor yang dapat di spilliting. Dengan demikian dengan algoritma C5.0 prediksi penentuan status kredit dapat dilakukan.

In this study reviewed the classification status of a motorcycle loans using data mining approach. Model classification contained in data mining is one of the C5.0 algorithm. algorithms can be run when it is determined where the target variable and predictor variables.
The resultof this research is there are 13 types of classification by income predictor variable top ranked in the classification. Determination of the variable which ranks classification / spillting the top based on information gain is the biggest, this activity continues until no predictor variables that can in splitting. This the prediction algoritm C5.0 credit status determination can be made."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muarifin Umar Shodiq
"Tesis ini meneliti tentang penilaian efisiensi relatif 14 SMP di Kotamadya Depok pada tahun ajaran 2007/2008-2009/2010 dengan menggunakan metode Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Metode DEA dipilih karena kelebihannya dalam mengolah lebih dari satu input dan output. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan VRS input oriented. Variabel input terdiri dari 4 variabel, yaitu: NEM, anggaran pembiayaan, rasio guru per siswa dan rasio kelas per siswa. Variabel output terdiri dari 2 variabel, yaitu: total nilai rata-rata UAN dan persentasi tingkat kelulusan . Hasil perhitungan dengan DEA menghasilkan enam SMP efisien secara teknis dan delapan SMP tidak efisien secara teknis. Bagi SMP yang tidak efisien secara teknis dapat diperbaiki nilai efisien nya dengan cara menurunkan anggaran pembiayaan yang ada di variabel input berdasarkan hasil perhitingan DEA.

This thesis examines the relative efficiency assessment 14 junior high schools in Depok municipality in the academic year 2007 / 2008-2009 / 2010 using Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ). DEA method chosen because of its advantages in processing more than one input and output. The approach used is the VRS input oriented approach. Input variables consist of four variables, namely : NEM, budget financing, the ratio of teachers per student and per- student classroom ratio. Variable output consists of two variables, namely : the total value of the average percentage of UAN and graduation rates. Results of calculation by DEA produce technically efficient SMP six and eight junior technically inefficient. For SMP inefficient technically efficient irreparable its value by lowering financing budget in input variables based on the results perhitingan DEA."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bagus Adhita
"Fluktuasi Harga saham PT. Timah (persero) Tbk banyak dipengaruhi oleh harga logam timah dunia, namun selain harga logam timah dunia terdapat variabel lain yang berhubungan dengan faktor makroekonomi, seperti inflasi, suku bunga, nilai tukar dan GDP. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa ternyata hanya harga logam timah dunia yang mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap harga saham PT. Timah, sedangkan inflasi, suku bunga, nilai tukar dan GDP tidak mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap harga saham PT. Timah. Namun apabila kelima variabel tersebut diuji secara simultan, tenyata mempengaruhi harga saham PT. Timah secara signifikan.

Fluctuations in the stock price of PT . Timah ( Persero ) Tbk is heavily influenced by the price of tin , but in addition to the price of tin are other variables related to macroeconomic factors , such as inflation , interest rates , exchange rates and GDP . From the research we concluded that it was only the price of tin that have a significant influence on the price of shares. Tin , while inflation , interest rates , exchange rates and GDP has no significant effect on the price of shares. Lead. However, if these five variables were tested simultaneously , tenyata affect the price of shares. Tin significantly."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rian Timadar
"Pemikiran Foucault tentang sejarah pada dasarnya ingin mengubah dua konsep sejarah yang sudah ada sebelumnya, yaitu sejarah tradisional (total history) dan sejarah yang dikembangkan oleh penganut mazhab Annales (1929" 1989). Untuk mengubah itu semua, Foucault menciptakan dua metode penulisan sejarah, yaitu arkeologi dan genealogi. Arkeologi menganalisis secara empiris atas terbentuknya diskursif historis, sedangkan genealogi menjalankan analisis kritis dan berangkai dari diskursus historis dengan melibatkan isu yang menjadi "sejarah masa kini". Metode yang diciptakan Foucault nyatanya membawa pengaruh pada praktik museum. Sejarah yang dihadirkan tidak lagi ditampilkan sebagai keseluruhan yang tetap, tidak berubah, dan telah selesai sehingga tidak mungkin dibangun kembali. Bagi Foucault, sejarah bersifat diskontinuitas dan "nonlinear".
Metode Foucault memberi efek pada cara museum memperlakukan objek, yaitu tidak lagi sebagai alat memori, akan tetapi alat berpikir produktif. Museum mempunyai power untuk mempertanyakan dan mengungkap hubungan- hubungan yang secara historis telah diwariskan. Oleh karena itu, museum memiliki potensi menegakkan kekuasaan yang lebih besar melalui ilmu pengetahuan/wacana. Dengan demikian, tesis ini membahas tentang museum sejarah menurut Foucault serta bagaimana penerapannya. Objek penelitian ini adalah studi kasus Museum Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Jawa Barat.

Foucault thoughts about history actually want to change two preceding historical concepts, which are the total history and the concept of history developed by Annales (1929-1989). For that reason, Foucault developed two methods in the writing of history, archaeology and genealogy. Archaeology analyses empirically the establishment of the historical discursive, while genealogy does the critical and sustainable analysis of the historical discursive by implementing the issues which become the "recent history". These methods, in fact, bring some influences to the practice of Museum. The history is no longer presented as a fixed, unchangeable and finished fullness, so that it is impossible to be reconstructed. According to Foucault, history is something discontinuitical and nonlinear.
Foucault's methods affect the way of the museum in treating objects not only as a tool of memory, but also as a productive thinking instrument. The museum has power to ask and reveal the relations that historically inherited. Therefore, the museum has potency to support the greater power through science or discourse. In that intention, this thesis discusses the museum of history in Foucault's perceptions and how they are implemented. The object of this research is the case of study of the Museum of West Java People Struggle."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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