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Nyimas Rodiah
Abstrak :
Umumnya penelitian akupunktur pada hipertensi menggunakan kombinasi akupunktur tubuh dan telinga yang dibandingkan dengan obat atau plasebopunktur dan belum ada yang membandingkan efektivitas antara akupunktur tubuh dengan akupunktur telinga. Selain itu di Indonesia belum ada yang meneliti efek akupunktur terhadap kadar nitrit oksida (NO) serum pada penderita hipertensi esensial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan efek antara akupunktur telinga dengan akupunktur tubuh terhadap tekanan darah (TD) serta apakah penusukan titik akupunktur tubuh dan akupunktur telinga memiliki efek meningkatkan kadar NO serum pada penderita hipertensi esensial. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah uji klinis acak terkontrol. Penelitian dilakukan pada 32 pasien hipertensi esensial yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu kelompok A (akupunktur telinga) dan kelompok B (akupunktur tubuh). Hasil menunjukkan rerata penurunan TD sistolik dan diastolik serta kadar NO serum antara kedua kelompok tidak berbeda bermakna (p=0.916; p=0.592; p=0.576). Dengan demikian akupunktur telinga dan akupunktur tubuh memiliki efek yang sebanding dalam menurunkan TD pada pasien hipertensi esensial meskipun hal tersebut tidak diikuti dengan peningkatan kadar NO serum. ...... Generally the study of acupuncture on hypertension using a combination of the body and ear acupuncture compared with medication or placebopuncture. The study comparing of efficacy body acupuncture with ear acupuncture not performed yet. In Indonesia no one has studied the effects of acupuncture on levels of nitric oxide (NO) serum in patients with essential hypertension. This study aims to determine the comparative effects of ear acupuncture with body acupuncture on blood pressure (BP) thus whether the insertion of the acupuncture points of the body acupuncture and ear acupuncture has the effect of increasing levels of serum NO in patients with essential hypertension. On this study used randomized clinical trial method. The research was conducted on 32 patients with essential hypertension and divided into two groups which are group A (ear acupuncture) and group B (body acupuncture). From the results show that there were no significant differences between the ear acupuncture with body acupuncture on reducing systolic and diastolic BP and serum NO levels (p=0.916; p=0.592; p=0.576). Thus ear acupuncture and body acupuncture have the same effect in lowering blood pressure in patients with essential hypertension although this effect was not accompanied by increased levels of serum NO.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Felicia Adriani Budihardjo
Abstrak :
Diabetes Melitus DM tipe 2 adalah jenis yang paling banyak ditemukan lebih dari 90. DM salah satunya ditandai dengan meningkatnya kadar gula darah. Penatalaksanaan DM terdiri dari : edukasi, terapi gizi medis, latihan jasmani dan intervensi farmakologis. Namun intervensi farmakologis banyak menimbulkan efek samping. Beberapa studi menunjukkan bahwa akupunktur bermanfaat untuk menurunkan kadar gula darah pada kasus DM, baik menggunakan elektroakupunktur maupun tanpa elektroakupunktur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek elektroakupunktur pada titik telinga MA-IC 3 Endokrin terhadap penurunan kadar gula darah puasa pada pasien DM tipe 2 di RSU Kota Banjar. Metode penelitian menggunakan Uji Acak Terkontrol. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 54 pasien DM tipe 2 yang terbagi atas 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok A dan kelompok B, yang masing-masing terdiri dari 27 orang. Pada kelompok A EA dilakukan elektroakupunktur pada titik telinga MA-IC 3 Endokrin dengan gelombang dense disperse selama 30 menit. Sedangkan pada kelompok B Tanpa EA dilakukan tanpa elektroakupunktur pada titik yang sama selama 30 menit. Pemeriksaan kadar gula darah puasa dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah intervensi. Pada kelompok A EA rerata kadar gula darah puasa GDP menurun dari 157,26 24,485 menjadi 142,59 26,771 p < 0,05, sedangkan pada kelompok B Tanpa EA rerata kadar GDP menurun dari 149,67 21,485 menjadi 148,74 21,326 p < 0,05. Rerata angka penurunan kadar GDP antara kelompok A EA dan kelompok B Tanpa EA menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan p < 0,05. EA pada titik telinga MA-IC 3 Endokrin mempunyai efek menurunkan kadar GDP lebih baik dibandingkan dengan tanpa EA pada pasien DM tipe 2. ...... Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus DM is a kind of the most founded more than 90. One of DM symptom signed with increasing blood sugar level. DM therapy including education, medical nutrition therapy, physical exercise and farmacological intervention. However, farmacological intervention causing too many side effects. Some studies shows that acupuncture useful to decrease blood sugar level in DM cases, both using electroacupuncture and without electroacupuncture. The purpose of this study is to know electroacupuncture effect at MA IC 3 Endocrine ear acupoint to decrease fasting blood sugar for type 2 DM patients at Banjar Hospital. Study method used Randomized Controlled Trial. This study were involve 54 type 2 DM patients and divided into 2 groups which were group A and B, which was consists of 27 subjects. In group A EA applied electroacupuncture at MA IC 3 Endocrine ear acupoint with dense disperse for 30 minutes. Whereas in group B Without EA applied manual acupuncture at the same point for 30 minutes. Fasting blood sugar FBS was examine before and after intervention. In group A EA FBS level rate decrease from 157,26 24,485 to 142,59 26,771 p 0,05, whereas in group B Without EA FBS level rate decrease from 149,67 21,485 to148,74 21,326 p 0,05. Decreasing rate of FBS level number between group A and B showed significant result p 0,05. EA rsquo s effect at MA IC 3 Endocrine ear acupoint better than without EA to decrease FBS level for type 2 DM patients.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vera Susanti
Abstrak :
Menopause adalah masa setelah 1 tahun wanita tidak lagi mengalami menstruasi amenore . Menopause merupakan salah satu fase dari kehidupan normal seorang wanita. Di Indonesia rata-rata usia menopause adalah 50 tahun. Etiologi dan patogenesis menopause berhubungan erat dengan kadar estrogen yang hilang pada menopause. Keluhan-keluhan yang timbul pada menopause ini dikenal sebagai sindrom klimaterik mencakup gejala vasomotor hot flashes, keringat malam , gejala psikologis depresi, cemas dan gejala genitourinarius infeksi saluran kencing, nyeri waktu buang air kecil . Salah satu terapi yang biasa digunakan pada pasien menopause adalah Hormone Replacement Therapy HRT tetapi HRT ini harganya relatif mahal dan banyak efek samping seperti kanker endometrium, kanker payudara dan lainnya. World Health Organization WHO mengakui bahwa akupunktur dapat mengobati lebih dari lima puluh penyakit termasuk menurunkan gejala menopause sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup Quality of Life/QoL pasien menopause. Beberapa penelitian telah membuktikan bahwa akupunktur telinga dapat membantu menurunkan gejala menopause. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas press needle dibandingkan dengan sham terhadap kadar estradiol dan Quality of Life QoL pasien menopause yang dinilai dengan pemeriksaan kadar estradiol dan skor Climateric Greene Scale CGS . Penelitian ini merupakan uji klinis acak terkontrol yang merekrut 40 pasien yang dibagi secara acak menjadi dua kelompok yaitu 20 subyek kelompok kasus dan 20 subyek kelompok kontrol. Subjek pada grup kasus diberikan press needle di titik telinga sekali dalam seminggu selama 4 minggu, sedangkan subjek pada grup kontrol diberikan terapi sham yaitu hanya penempelan plaster tanpa press needle di titik telinga dan waktu yang sama dengan grup kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada skor CGS akhir antara grup akupunktur dan grup kontrol p=0,000 sedangkan pada kadar estradiol tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna secara statistik p=0,959 . ABSTRACT
Menopause is the period after 1 year a woman no longer had menstruation amenorrhea . Menopause is one of phases of woman normal life. In Indonesia, menopause average age is 50 years old. Etiology and phatogenesis menopause related closely with estrogen rate lost in menopause. The symptoms in menopause known as climacteric syndrome consists of vasomotor symptoms hot flashes, night sweat , psychological symtoms depression,anxietas and genitourinarius symtoms urinary tract infection, pain urination . One of treatments commonly used in menopause is Hormone Replacement Therapy HRT but expensive and thera are a lot of side effects such as endometrium cancer, breast cancer and etc. World Health Organization admitted that acupuncture can treat more than fifty diseases included decrease menopause symptoms so that increase quality of life qol menopause patients. Acupuncture using ear points has been reported in several studies can decrease menopause symptoms. This study aims to determine the effect of press needle compare to sham on estradiol rates and quality of life in menopause patients as measured with estradiol rates and Climateric Greene Scale CGS .This study The current study is a single blind, randomized control study aiming to recruit 40 patients, divided into two groups that is a twenty case group and a twenty control group. Subjects in the case group were given press needle at the ear points once a week for four weeks, while the control group subjects were given sham treatment consisting of bandage only without press needle did the same time and ear points like case group. We found a trend for improvements in the final CGS, means there rsquo s statistically significant difference between case group and control group p 0,000 but there rsquo s no statistically significant difference on estradiol rates p 0,959 .
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purba, Abdi Kurniawan
Abstrak :
Otitis Media Efusi OME adalah suatu penyakit dimana kavum telinga tengah terisi oleh cairan peradangan tanpa adanya tanda dan gejala infeksi. Mayoritas kejadian Otitis Media Efusi OME pada anak mengalami remisi spontan. Terapi konvensional yang digunakan saat ini adalah dekongestan selama 3 bulan, namun demikian apabila tidak ditangani dengan tepat, Otitis Media Efusi OME dapat menimbulkan berbagai komplikasi, yang harus dilakukan pemasangan tuba timpanostomi pipa grommet . Salah satu modalitas terapi yang saat ini sedang berkembang dan memiliki efektifitas yang tinggi adalah laserpunktur yang menggunakan sinar laser dengan intensitas rendah atau disebut juga low-level laser therapy di titik akupunktur, yang dapat memicu terjadinya reaksi foto biostimulasi sel dan jaringan. Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat menyediakan alternatif metode penanganan Otitis Media Efusi OME pada anak yang minimally invasive sehingga dapat meningkatkan angka kesembuhan Otitis Media Efusi OME . Selain itu, diharapkan penelitian ini dapat menjadi dasar penelitian lain yang turut menunjang upaya penanganan Otitis Media Efusi OME pada anak. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terapi laserpunktur pada titik TE21 Ermen, SI19 Tinggong, GB2 Tinghui dan TE17 Yifeng dan dekongestan dapat memberikan perbaikan terhadap timpanogram Otitis Media Efusi p ......Otitis Media Effusion OME is defined as the persistence of nonpurulent serous or mucoid middle ear effusion in the absence of signs and symptoms of infection. The majority of occurrences of Otitis Media Effusion OME in child is spontaneous remission. Nowadays, conventional treatment use decongestan for 3 months, however, if Otitis Media Effusion OME did not treated properly, it can cause complications, and have to be treated by ventilation tube grommet insertion. One of the modalities currently developing and having high effectiveness is laserpuncture that use low intensity laser beams or also called low level laser therapy at the acupuncture point, which can stimulate photo reactions of cell and tissue biostimulation. Hopefully the result of this research can provide an alternative method of treatment of Otitis Media Efusi OME in child. This study is expected to be the basic of other studies that also support efforts to manage Otitis Media Effusion OME in child. The result of this research shows laserpuncture could improve the value of tympanogram for Otitis Media Effusion in children p
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Intan Suri Baginda
Abstrak :
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) merupakan suatu kondisi patologis yang disebabkan oleh refluks kandungan lambung ke dalam esofagus. GERD memiliki dampak yang besar terhadap penderitanya baik secara fisik, psikologik, sosial maupun ekonomi. Penurunan kualitas hidup dan produktifitas kerja sering ditemukan pada penderita GERD. Berbagai terapi farmakologis telah dikembangkan, namun belum memberikan hasil yang optimal. Hal tersebut mendorong pengembangan modalitas terapi lain, salah satunya akupunktur tanam benang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas terapi kombinasi akupunktur tanam benang dan medikamentosa terhadap gejala dan kualitas hidup penderita GERD. Uji klinis acak tersamar ganda dengan pembanding dilakukan terhadap 52 penderita GERD yang dialokasikan secara acak ke dalam kelompok kombinasi akupunktur tanam benang dan medikamentosa (kelompok perlakuan) atau kelompok akupunktur sham dan medikamentosa (kelompok kontrol). Akupunktur tanam benang dilakukan pada titik CV12 Zhongwan, ST36 Zusanli dan BL21 Weishu sebanyak 2 kali dengan interval 15 hari. Skor GERDQ, RQS dan SF-36 digunakan untuk mengukur keluaran terapi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penurunan skor GERDQ pada kelompok perlakan lebih besar dari kelompok kontrol (p<0,001) dan peningkatan skor RQS serta peningkatan skor seluruh komponen SF-36 pada kelompok perlakuan lebih besar dibanding kelompok kontrol (p<0,001). Kesimpulan penelitian adalah terapi kombinasi akupunktur tanam benang dan medikamentosa lebih efektif dalam mengurangi gejala dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup penderita GERD dibandingkan dengan terapi medikamentosa saja ABSTRACT
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a pathological condition caused by reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus. It has been shown that GERD has significant impact on patients either physically, psychologically, socially or economically. Impaired of quality of life and working productivity are common in GERD patients. Various pharmacological therapies have been developed, but not yet provide optimal results. It encourages the development of other therapeutic modalities, such as acupoint catgut embedment. The aim of this study was to establish the effect of acupoint catgut embedment combine with medical treatment on symptom and quality of life of GERD patients. A double-blind randomized controlled trial involved 52 GERD patients randomly allocated into catgut embedding therapy with medication group (treatment group) or medication only group (control group). Catgut embedding therapy was given 2 times at CV12 Zhongwan, ST36 Zusanli and BL21 Weishu every 15 days. GERDQ, RQS and SF-36 were used to measure the primary outcomes. The result shown, the decreased of GERDQ scores at treatments group significant higher than control groups (p<0,001), the increased of RQS score and all of SF-36 components scores at treatment group significant higher than control group (p<0,001). The result suggested that acupoint-catgut embedment combined with medical treatment is more effective than medical treatment in alleviating symptoms and enhancing the quality of life of GERD patients.;Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a pathological condition caused by reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus. It has been shown that GERD has significant impact on patients either physically, psychologically, socially or economically. Impaired of quality of life and working productivity are common in GERD patients. Various pharmacological therapies have been developed, but not yet provide optimal results. It encourages the development of other therapeutic modalities, such as acupoint catgut embedment. The aim of this study was to establish the effect of acupoint catgut embedment combine with medical treatment on symptom and quality of life of GERD patients. A double-blind randomized controlled trial involved 52 GERD patients randomly allocated into catgut embedding therapy with medication group (treatment group) or medication only group (control group). Catgut embedding therapy was given 2 times at CV12 Zhongwan, ST36 Zusanli and BL21 Weishu every 15 days. GERDQ, RQS and SF-36 were used to measure the primary outcomes. The result shown, the decreased of GERDQ scores at treatments group significant higher than control groups (p<0,001), the increased of RQS score and all of SF-36 components scores at treatment group significant higher than control group (p<0,001). The result suggested that acupoint-catgut embedment combined with medical treatment is more effective than medical treatment in alleviating symptoms and enhancing the quality of life of GERD patients.;Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a pathological condition caused by reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus. It has been shown that GERD has significant impact on patients either physically, psychologically, socially or economically. Impaired of quality of life and working productivity are common in GERD patients. Various pharmacological therapies have been developed, but not yet provide optimal results. It encourages the development of other therapeutic modalities, such as acupoint catgut embedment. The aim of this study was to establish the effect of acupoint catgut embedment combine with medical treatment on symptom and quality of life of GERD patients. A double-blind randomized controlled trial involved 52 GERD patients randomly allocated into catgut embedding therapy with medication group (treatment group) or medication only group (control group). Catgut embedding therapy was given 2 times at CV12 Zhongwan, ST36 Zusanli and BL21 Weishu every 15 days. GERDQ, RQS and SF-36 were used to measure the primary outcomes. The result shown, the decreased of GERDQ scores at treatments group significant higher than control groups (p<0,001), the increased of RQS score and all of SF-36 components scores at treatment group significant higher than control group (p<0,001). The result suggested that acupoint-catgut embedment combined with medical treatment is more effective than medical treatment in alleviating symptoms and enhancing the quality of life of GERD patients.;Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a pathological condition caused by reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus. It has been shown that GERD has significant impact on patients either physically, psychologically, socially or economically. Impaired of quality of life and working productivity are common in GERD patients. Various pharmacological therapies have been developed, but not yet provide optimal results. It encourages the development of other therapeutic modalities, such as acupoint catgut embedment. The aim of this study was to establish the effect of acupoint catgut embedment combine with medical treatment on symptom and quality of life of GERD patients. A double-blind randomized controlled trial involved 52 GERD patients randomly allocated into catgut embedding therapy with medication group (treatment group) or medication only group (control group). Catgut embedding therapy was given 2 times at CV12 Zhongwan, ST36 Zusanli and BL21 Weishu every 15 days. GERDQ, RQS and SF-36 were used to measure the primary outcomes. The result shown, the decreased of GERDQ scores at treatments group significant higher than control groups (p<0,001), the increased of RQS score and all of SF-36 components scores at treatment group significant higher than control group (p<0,001). The result suggested that acupoint-catgut embedment combined with medical treatment is more effective than medical treatment in alleviating symptoms and enhancing the quality of life of GERD patients.;Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a pathological condition caused by reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus. It has been shown that GERD has significant impact on patients either physically, psychologically, socially or economically. Impaired of quality of life and working productivity are common in GERD patients. Various pharmacological therapies have been developed, but not yet provide optimal results. It encourages the development of other therapeutic modalities, such as acupoint catgut embedment. The aim of this study was to establish the effect of acupoint catgut embedment combine with medical treatment on symptom and quality of life of GERD patients. A double-blind randomized controlled trial involved 52 GERD patients randomly allocated into catgut embedding therapy with medication group (treatment group) or medication only group (control group). Catgut embedding therapy was given 2 times at CV12 Zhongwan, ST36 Zusanli and BL21 Weishu every 15 days. GERDQ, RQS and SF-36 were used to measure the primary outcomes. The result shown, the decreased of GERDQ scores at treatments group significant higher than control groups (p<0,001), the increased of RQS score and all of SF-36 components scores at treatment group significant higher than control group (p<0,001). The result suggested that acupoint-catgut embedment combined with medical treatment is more effective than medical treatment in alleviating symptoms and enhancing the quality of life of GERD patients.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yudha Puspa Handini
Abstrak :
Sindrom metabolik adalah sekelompok kelainan metabolik yang terdiri dari obesitas, resistensi insulin, dislipidemia dan hipertensi. Setiap komponen dari sindrom metabolik sebagai faktor risiko mayor kardiovaskular. Dislipidemia sebagai faktor risiko utama penyakit kardiovaskular. Penanganan sindrom metabolik memerlukan tatalaksana yang menyeluruh baik farmakologik maupun non farmakologik. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa akupunktur dapat memperbaiki dislipidemia seperti menurunkan kadar kolesterol total, trigliserida dan LDL serta meningkatkan HDL. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas terapi kombinasi elektroakupunktur dan medikamentosa terhadap profil lipid dan lingkar perut penderita sindrom metabolik. Uji klinis acak tersamar tunggal dengan kontrol sham dilakukan pada 50 penderita sindrom metabolik yang dialokasikan secara acak menjadi kelompok terapi kombinasi elektroakupunktur dan medikamentosa kelompok elektroakupunktur atau kelompok terapi kombinasi elektroakupunktur sham dan medikamentosa kelompok kontrol . Kadar kolesterol total, HDL, LDL, trigliserida dan lingkar perut digunakan untuk mengukur keluaran penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna lingkar perut kelompok elektroakupunktur sebesar -4,00 -5,00 ndash; -2 cm dibandingkan kelompok kontrol 0,00 -2 ndash; 3,00 cm
Metabolic syndrome is a group of metabolic abnormalities including obesity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia and hypertension. Each component of the metabolic syndrome is a major cardiovascular risk factor. Dyslipidemia is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Treatment of metabolic syndromes requires a comprehensive management of both pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic. Study showed that acupuncture can improve dyslipidemia such as lowering total cholesterol, triglycerde, LDL and increasing HDL. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of combination therapy of electroacupuncture and medicatian on lipid profile and waist circumference of metabolic syndrome patients. Single blinded randomized clinical trials with sham control were performed on 50 patients with metabolic syndrome that randomized into a combination group of electroacupuncture and medication electroacupuncture group or a combination group of sham electroacpuncture and medication control group . Total cholesterol levels, HDL, LDL, triglycerides and waist circumference used to measure the study outcomes. The results showed that waist circumference in electroacupuncture group decreased significantly 0f 4,00 5,00 ndash 2 cm compared to the control group of 0,00 2 ndash 3,00 cm, p
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rachma Novita Indrarini
Abstrak :
Latihan fisik merupakan hal yang penting untuk kesehatan namun dapat pula meningkatkan stres oksidatif yang menyebabkan peningkatan Reactive Oxygen Species ROS . Superoksida dismutase SOD adalah antioksidan endogen yang terdapat dalam tubuh, merupakan enzim yang mengkatalisis dismutasi ion superoksida radikal O2- menjadi hidrogen peroksida H2O2 dan molekul oksogen O2 sebagai perlawanan terhadap stres oksidatif.Akupunktur merupakan salah satu modalitas terapi yang diharapkan dapat mengurangi stress oksidatif yang terjadi akibat latihan fisik. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tiga puluh pria tidak terlatih yang dibagi secara acak menjadi dua kelompok, kelompok akupunktur manual n = 15 yang dilakukan penusukan pada titik akupunktur ST36 dan SP6 bilateral, dan kelompok plasebo n = 15 yang dilakukan penusukan jarum pada plester tanpa menembus kulit. Terapi akupunktur dilakukan satu kali selama 30 menit segera setelah subyek selesai melakukan latihan fisik akut.. Penilaian kadar SOD darah dinilai sebelum latihan fisik dan satu jam setelah melakukan latihan fisik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan bermakna secara statistik selisih kadar SOD antara sebelum dan sesudah latihan fisik antara kelompok akupunktur manual dan kelompok plasebo p = 0,001.
Physical exercise is important for health but can also increase oxidative stress that induce Reactive Oxygen Species ROS . Superoxide dismutase SOD is endogenous antioxidants found in the body, an enzyme that catalyzes the dismutation of radical superoxide ions O2 into hydrogen peroxide H2O2 and oxygen molecules O2 against oxidative stress Acupuncture is one of the therapeutic modalities that is expected to reduce oxidative stress that occurs due to physical exercise. The study was conducted on thirty untrained men who were randomly divided into two groups, the manual acupuncture group n 15 performed acupuncture therapy at bilateral ST36 and SP6 acupuncture points, and the placebo group n 15 performed the needle stitching on the plaster without penetrating the skin. Acupuncture therapy is performed once for 30 minutes immediately after the subjects have finished acute physical exercise. Assessment of the blood SOD level was assessed before physical exercise and one hour after physical exercise. The results of this study showed a statistically significant difference in the difference between the level of SOD before and after physical exercise between the manual acupuncture group and placebo group p 0.001.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Sindrom metabolik MetS adalah kumpulan faktor yang kompleks dan saling berhubungan, yang meningkatkan risiko penyakit jantung dan diabetes mellitus tipe 2. Resistensi insulin dan obesitas sentral dianggap sebagai penyebab utama dari sindrom metabolik, sehingga penurunan resistensi insulin menjadi tujuan klinis yang penting saat ini. Beberapa studi menyimpulkan bahwa akupunktur dapat meningkatkan sensitivitas insulin, karena itu efektif untuk mengatasi gangguan metabolik Uji klinis acak tersamar tunggal dengan pembanding dilakukan pada 50 penderita sindrom metabolik yang dibagi secara acak ke dalam dua kelompok, kelompok elektroakupunktur dan medikamentosa n = 25 serta kelompok elektroakupunktur sham dan medikamentosa n=25 . Elektroakupunktur dilakukan 2 kali seminggu sebanyak 10 kali tindakan di titik CV12 Zhongwan, CV4 Guanyuan, ST25 Tianshu, ST36 Zusanli, ST40 Fenglong, SP6 Sanyinjiao, dan MA-IC3 Endokrin. Dilakukan pemeriksaan gula darah puasa dan insulin puasa untuk mengukur HOMA-IR sebagai luaran primer. Hasilnya terdapat perbedaan bermakna secara statistik perubahan HOMA-IR antara kelompok elektroakupunktur dan medikamentosa dengan kelompok elektroakupunktur sham dan medikamentosa -1,66 2,187 dan -0,29 2,388, p = 0,044 . Terapi kombinasi elektroakupunktur dan medikamentosa efektif untuk menurunkan resistensi insulin pada penderita sindrom metabolik.
The metabolic syndrome is a complex disorder defined by a cluster of interconnected factors that increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus type 2. Insulin resistance and central obesity are considered significant factors as the underlying cause of the metabolic syndrome, since reduction of insulin resistance is an important clinical goal today. Several studies have concluded that acupuncture can improve insulin sensitivity, as it is effective against metabolic disturbances. A single blind randomized controlled trial involved 50 patients randomly allocated into two groups electroacupuncture with medication group n 25 or sham electroacupunture with medication group n 25 . Electroacupuncture therapy was given twice a week for ten times at CV12 Zhongwan, CV4 Guanyuan, ST25 Tianshu, ST36 Zusanli, ST40 Fenglong, SP6 Sanyinjiao, and MA IC3 Endocrine. Fasting blood glucose and fasting insulin serum were assessed to measure HOMA IR as the primary outcome. There was a statistically significant difference in changing of HOMA IR between electroacupuncture with medication group and sham electroacupunture with medication group 1,66 2,187 and 0,29 2,388, p 0.044 . Electroacupuncture with medical treatment effectively decreased insulin resistance of metabolic syndrome patients.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Ade Meuratana
Abstrak :
Menggigil selama anestesi spinal adalah salah satu komplikasi yang paling sering dihubungkan dengan penurunan suhu inti tubuh. Insiden menggigil paska anestesi cukup tinggi dan memberikan dampak perubahan fisiologis yang merugikan pada pasien sehingga perlu dicegah dan ditanggulangi secepatnya. Belum ada terapi gold standar untuk menggigil. Elektroakupunktur EA diketahui dapat mencegah menggigil dengan mempertahankan suhu inti tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh elektroakupunktur pada pencegahan menggigil pasien bedah urologi dengan anestesi spinal serta mengetahui pengaruh elektroakupunktur pada rerata penurunan suhu inti pasien bedah urologi dengan anestesi spinal. Uji klinis acak tersamar tunggal dengan pembanding dilakukan terhadap 36 subjek yang akan menjalani spinal anestesi pada pasien bedah urologi dialokasikan secara acak kedalam kelompok elektroakupunktur n=18 dilakukan penusukan titik LI4, PC6, ST36, dan SP6 bilateral sampai terjadi sensasi penjaruman, diberikan elektrostimulator frekuensi 2 Hz, gelombang continues pada kelompok eletroakupunktur sham n=18 dilakukan penusukan pada plester tanpa menembus kulit kemudian dihubungkan dengan elektrostimulator yang tidak dinyalakan. Elektroakupunktur dilakukan 1 kali selama 30 menit sebelum dilakukan anestesi spinal. Penilaian objektif menggigil menggunakan skala Crossley dan Mahajan serta penilaian suhu inti tubuh melalui suhu membran timpani menggunakan termometer infra red pada menit ke 5, 15, 30 dan 60. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan tidak bermakna angka kejadian menggigil pada kelompok elektroakupunktur dibandingkan kelompok elektroakupunktur sham p=0,22 namun secara klinis kejadian menggigil hanya ditemukan pada kelompok elektroakupunktur sham pada menit ke-60 16,7 dengan derajat menggigil 3 dan 4. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna suhu inti tubuh sebelum dan setelah dilakukan EA pada kelompok elektroakupunktur dibandingkan kelompok elektroakupunktur sham p=0,03 , menit ke-15 p=0,03 dan menit ke-60 p=0,03 setelah anestesi spinal. Terdapat perbedaan tidak bermakna suhu inti tubuh pada kelompok elektroakupunktur dibandingkan kelompok elektroakupunktur sham menit ke-5 p=0,11 dan menit ke-30 p=0,12. Kesimpulan penelitian ini penurunan suhu inti tubuh pada pasien dengan anestesi spinal dapat dicegah dengan menggunakan elektroakupunktur, namun tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada kejadian menggigil.
Shivering during spinal anesthesia is one of complications which are mostly associated with the decrease of body core temperature. The shivering incidents post anesthesia is quite high and provides an adverse physiological impact to patients that need to be prevented and addressed as soon as possible. There are no gold standards for shivering. Electroacupuncture EA is known to prevent shivering by maintaining the body core temperature. The aim of this research is to learn the impact of electroacupuncture to prevent shivering on urology surgery patients with spinal anesthesia as well as to discover the impact of electro acupuncture on the average decrease of urology surgery patient rsquo;s body core temperature with spinal anesthesia. Single blinded randomized clinical trial with comparison was performed to 36 subjects that would undergo spinal anesthesia to urology surgery patients allocated randomly into electroacupuncture group n=18 by performing needling at points LI4, PC6, ST36, and SP6 bilateral until the sensation of needling occurred, electrostimulator of 2 Hz frequency was given, continues wave given while in sham n=18 electroacupuncture group was performed needling on plaster without penetrating the skin then connected to electrostimulator that was not turn on. Electroacupuncture was performed once for 30 minutes before spinal anesthesia was conducted. An objective assessment of shivering was performed by using Crossley and Mahajan scale and the assessment of body core temperature through temperature tympanic membrane was conducted by using infra red thermometer in the 5, 15, 30 and 60 minutes. The result of the research suggested that there are meaningless differences of number of shivering incidents in electro acupuncture group compared to sham p=0,22 electro acupuncture group however clinically shivering incident was only found at sham electro acupuncture group in the 60 minutes 16,7 with the degree of shivering was 3 and 4. There are meaningful differences of body core temperature before and after EA was performed to electroacupuncture group compared to sham p=0,03 electroacupuncture group in the 15 p=0,03 minutes and 60 p=0,03 minutes after spinal anesthesia. There are meaningless differences of body core temperature in electroacupuncture group compared to sham electroacupuncture group in 5 p=0,11 minutes and 30 p=0,12 minutes. The conclusion of this research is the decrease of body core temperature of patients with spinal anesthesia can be prevented by using electroacupuncture; however there are no meaningful differences on shivering incidents.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wiliam Tedja
Abstrak :
Mual muntah pasca kemoterapi merupakan keluhan yang sering timbul pada pasien yang menjalani kemoterapi, hal ini sering menyebabkan turunnya kualitas hidup pasien kanker yang menjalani kemoterapi dengan terapi konvensional. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini untuk melihat peran akupunktur dengan menggunakan press needle dalam mengurangi mual muntah pasca kemoterapi dan memperbaiki kualitas hidup pasien kanker yang menjalani kemoterapi. Uji klinis acak tersamar tunggal dengan kontrol melibatkan 62 subjek kanker payudara yang menjalani kemoterapi intravena yang dibagi secara acak menjadi kelompok press needle dan medikamentosa (n=31), serta kelompok press needle sham dan medikamentosa (n=31). Tindakan akupunktur akan dilakukan 1 minggu sebelum kemoterapi dan pada hari kemoterapi sebelum obat kemoterapi diberikan. Penilaian yang digunakan adalah MAT untuk mual muntah dan FACT-G untuk kualitas hidup. Penilaian FACT-G dilakukan 1 minggu sebelum kemoterapi dan 1 minggu setelah kemoterapi. Penilaian MAT dilakukan pada hari ke-1, hari ke-4 dan hari ke-7 setelah kemoterapi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terjadinya mual muntah pada hari ke-4 pada kelompok press needle lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kelompok press needle sham yang secara statistik bermakna dengan OR untuk muntah = 2,968(CI95%: 1,039-8,479) dan OR untuk mual = 10,435 (CI95%: 1,217-89,461). Pada kelompok press needle terjadi peningkatan kualitas hidup yang bermakna (p < 0,001), sedangkan pada kelompok press needle sham terjadi penurunan kualitas hidup yang bermakna (p = 0,001).
Nausea vomiting post-chemotherapy is a frequent complaint in patients undergoing chemotherapy, this often leads to a decline in the quality of life of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy with conventional therapy. The purpose of this study was to see the role of acupuncture by using press needle in reducing post-chemotherapy nausea vomiting and improving the quality of life of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. A single blinded, randomized clinical trial involving 62 breast cancer subjects who underwent intravenous chemotherapy were randomly assigned to the press needle and medicinal group (n=31), as well as the press needle sham and medicament groups (n=31). Acupuncture action will be done 1 week before chemotherapy and on the day of chemotherapy before chemotherapy drugs are given. Assessment used is MAT for nausea vomiting and FACT-G for quality of life. FACT-G assessment was performed 1 week before chemotherapy and 1 week after chemotherapy. MAT assessment performed on day 1, day 4 and day 7 after chemotherapy. The results showed no occurrence of nausea of ??vomiting on day 4 in the press needle group better than the press needle sham group which was statistically significant with OR for vomiting = 2.968(CI95:1.039-8.479) and OR for nausea = 10,435 (CI95:1,217-89,461). In the press needle group there was a significant improvement in quality of life p (p<0.001>, whereas in the press needle sham group there was a significant decrease in the quality of life (p=0.001>.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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