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Emmy Hastuti
Abstrak :
Saat ini belum banyak informasi tentang persepsi mutu pelayanan kesehatan gigi. Penelitian ini bertujuan : memperoleh gambaran perbedaan pola persepsi pasien tentang mutu pelayanan kesehatan gigi antara pasien Puskesmas Ciputat dan Klinik Syahid di Kecamatan Ciputat Kabupaten Tangerang. Metode penelitian : analitik, dengan pengambilan data secara cross sectional, menggunakan uji statistik Chi-Square, analisis trend, analisis diagram Kartesius Service Quality. Hasil penelitian : Secara statistik dengan uji Chi-Square tidak ada hubungan bermakna antara persepsi pasien tentang mutu pelayanan kesehatan gigi Puskesmas Ciputat dan Klinik Syahid, pembayaran, umur, pendidikan, pendapatan dan kebutuhan pelayanan. Namun ada perbedaan trend yang menarik. Pasien bayar sendiri, di Puskesmas Ciputat cenderung menilai pelayanan Bermutu, di Klinik Syahid Ciputat Kurang Bermutu. Adapun pasien asuransi, di Klinik Syahid cenderung menilai Bermutu. Pada pasien golongan umur yang lebih tua (>35 tahun) cenderung menilai Kurang Bermutu dan pendapatannya tinggi (> Rp.710.000.-). Ada perbedaan trend pada kedua tempat pelayanan: mereka yang menilai Bermutu di Puskesmas lebih banyak yang pendapatan rendah (Rp.710.000.-), sedangkan di Klinik Syahid Ciputat lebih banyak yang pendapatan tinggi. Ada perbedaan trend pasien Scaling di Puskesmas lebih banyak yang menyatakan kurang bermutu. Dari analisa diagram kartesius Dimensi Fisik, Dimensi Keandalan, Dimensi Daya Tanggap, Dimensi Jaminan. Dimensi Empati, dapat dijadikan pedoman untuk perbaikan mutu pelayanan kesehatan gigi di kedua tempat tersebut. Dari diagram kartesius dimensi fisik di kedua tempat ada perbedaan yaitu tenaga kesehatan yang berpakaian rapi, di Puskesmas Ciputat dianggap sudah berlebihan, sementara di Klinik Syahid Ciputat dianggap sebagai prestasi yang perlu dipertahankan. Kemungkinan perbedaan tersebut disebabkan oleh adanya perbedaan tingkat pendidikan tinggi (SMA keatas) dan pendapatan tinggi (>Rp.710.000.) jauh lebih banyak pada Klinik Syahid Ciputat dari pada di Puskesmas Ciputat. Demikian pula adanya perbedaan pada Dimensi lainnya.
At present, information quality of dental health services has been seen as inadequate. Research aim: to analyze differences in pattern of patients perceptions on service quality perception in Dental Service, between specifically patients of Puskesmas Ciputat and Clinic of Syahid, both in Ciputat Sub district of Tangerang Regency. Research Method: analytical before - after, with intake of data by Cross Sectional, using statistical Chi-Square test, trend analysis and using of Kartesius Service Quality diagram. Result: Statistically, there was no significant difference by Chi-Square between perception of patient about quality of dental health care service in Puskesmas Ciputat and Clinic Syahid, also on payment, age, education, earnings and service requirement. But there are differences in trend on some variables. Patient who pay out of pocket in Puskesmas Ciputat tend to mine critically assess the quality of service, in where as the Clinic Syahid to be Less Satisfying. As for insured patients in the Clinic of Syahid, they tend to assess it as Certifiable. Those older than 35 years age tend to assess it Lesser Certifiable. There is difference in trend at both places, those who assess Certifiable in Puskesmas were larger the higher earning than that of the low earnings; while in the Clinic of Syahid Ciputat the were larger higher earnings. There is also difference in trend, by which patients of Scaling in Puskesmas were mine expressing to be less Certifiable. From the analysis of Kartesius Diagram on Tangibles Dimension, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy Dimension, can be concluded various factor in improving dental health care service quality in both at the Puskesmas Ciputat and Clinic Syahid. Tangibles dimension on Puskesmas Ciputat and Clinic Syahid were differed in patient's perception. Possibly, the difference due to the existing of difference for higher education and 6n higher earnings (> Rp.710.000.-) were much more found at the Clinic of Syahid Ciputat than that from Puskesmas Ciputat. Differences also found for other Dimensions.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadeak, Dahlia
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan atau menjelaskan perbedaan UKGS program dengan UKGS Percontohan ditinjau dari status kesehatan gigi dan factor- faktor yang berpengaruh di Kecamatan Ciputat Kabupaten Tangerang, Propinsi Banten. Metode penelitian : Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan design pendekaan potong lintang /cross sectional dan menggunakan analisis univariat, bivariat (dengan T-test, U Mann Whitney , korelasi Spearmen's rho untuk independent sample) dengan pengambilan sampel secara purposive di dua Sekolah Dasar yaitu SD Negeri IV dan V Pondok Ranji di Kecamatan Ciputat Tangerang dengan jurnlah sample 240 rnurid kelas II, IV dan VI. Hasil penelitian : Hasil menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan bermakna antara UKGS Program dan UKGS Percontohan yang ditinjau dari status kesehatan gigi (DMF-T )dan OHIS gigi (p > 0,05 ), dan terlihat bahwa perilaku kesehatan gigi anak memberi pengaruh terbesar 0.399, dan peran serta guru memberikan pengaruh sebesar 0.140 untuk status DMF-T gigi anak SD, sedangkan perilaku kesehatan gigi orang tua tidak mempunyai pengaruh. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa faktor yang berpengaruh terbesar untuk status kesehatan gigi anak SD adalah perilaku anak, partisipasi guru , dan perilaku orang tua.
School-linked preventive oral care programs for children were performed since Department of Health Republik Indonesia Objective : The ain of this study is to analyze the diffences contribution factors and oral health status that influence the UKGS Program and model UKGS. Material and method : Research desing was cross-sectional, with use purposive sampling the intra oral examination of oral health status, and qustinair that used to know the contribution factor in UKGS Program and model UKGS, were carriet out in 240 school children that in 2nd, 4th, and 6th, class which belong to primary school of SD IV and SD V Pondok Ranji, Tangerang. All independent variables data were analyze in univariat, bivariat with T test, Mann Whitney U-test, Spearmen's rho test using computer software SPSS 30.1. Result : Although DMF-T index ( 0,87) of model UKGS was lower than that of government programme UKGS ( 0,90 ) and good criteria of OHIS index model UKGS (75,4 %) but there were not significant different between model UKGS and government program UKGS (P > 0,05), In addition there were shown significance correlation between children and DMF-T index ( r = 0,399 , p < 0,000 ) and significant correlation between teacher participation, oral health behavior of school children and OHIS ( r .-0,539; p< 0,0001 )
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yulia Rahmad
Abstrak :
Dari data Paviliun Khusus RSGM FKG UI diketahui lebih dari separuh pasien tidak menyelesaikan perawatan kasus konservasi gigi. Hal ini diduga ada hubungan antara mutu pelayanan dengan penyelesaian perawatan. Tujuan Penelitian : untuk mengetahui penilain pasien terhadap mutu pelayanan dengan penyelesaian perawatan kasus konservasi gigi di Paviliun Khusus RSGM FKG UI. Subjek Penelitian : pasien yang datang berobat selama bulan Agustus sampai Desember 2004 untuk perawatan konservasi gigi yang membutuhkan lebih dari satu kali kunjungan. Metode Penelitian : mengunakan kuesioner yang dikirim ke setiap pasien melalui surat dan dikembalikan ke peneliti setelah kuesioner diisi secara lengkap. Responden dibagi dalam dua kelompok yaitu yang menyelesaikan perawatan dan tidak menyelesaikan perawatan. Analisis bivariat mengunakan uji Anova 2 arah dengan mengunakan SPSS versi 10 dan model servqual juga dibangun untuk analisis regresi ganda. Hasil Penelitian : nilai rata-rata jawaban responden yang menyelesaikan perawatan cenderung lebih tinggi daripada yang tidak menyelesaikan perawatan, setelah dilakukan kontrol terhadap faktor karakteristik. Penilaian responden dan variabel karakteristik secara mandiri tidak mempunyai pengaruh terhadap hubungan antara skor penilaian responden dengan variabel penyelesaian perawatan, kecuali wakta pulang pergi berobat dan jumlah kunjungan. Analisis model servqual pada mutu pelayanan kesehatan nampak tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna dengan fasilitas Paviliun khusus RSGM FKG UI. Kesimpulan : dari analisa model servqual mengenai mutu pelayanan, diperoleh prioritas utama yang harus diperhatikan dalam meningkaikan mutu pelayanan yaitu kedua kelompok responden yang menyelesaikan perawatan dan yang tidak menyelesaikan perawatan merasa tidak mempersoalkan tentang keadaan fisik fasilitas Paviliun Khusus RSGM FKG UI. Kelompok yang tidak menyelesaikan perawatan merasa bahwa peningkatan petugas dan petugas yang cepat sangat penting. Sedangkan pada kelompok yang menyelesaikan perawatan merasa bahwa selain pelayanan petugas yang cepat juga menginginkan keterampilan harus ditingkatkan.
The Dental Hospital of Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia showed that around half of patients did not complete their conservative treatment. This problem is assumed to correlate to the quality of health service at the institution. Purpose of study: to investigate the patients' assessment towards completing their conservative treatment at the Dental Hospital. Subject of study: incoming patients during the period of August to December 2004 with conservative treatment more than one visit. Methods of study: A structured questionnaire was sent to each patient by mail, which should be sent back to researcher after completion the questionnaire farm. The respondents were grouped into 2 (finished and did not finished treatment). Bivariat analysis by using Two Way Annova analysis with SPSS (version 10) was carried out. A servqual model was also built in the multiple analyses. Result of study: Mean score of respondent's assessment who finished their treatment trend to be higher than those who did not finish the treatment, after controlling confounding variables. The respondents' characteristic did not appear to influence the relationship of respondents' assessment and finishing treatment, except for the length-time the patients need to go to the hospital and number of visits. Servqual model analysis on health service quality showed that there is no significant relationship between physical facilities at the Dental Hospital of Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia. Conclusion: The respondents who did not finish the treatment gave low score in assessing the quality of dental officers and waiting time to get the treatment. While for the respondents who finished their treatment felt the need of upgrading the fast service and skill of the dental officers at the Dental Hospital.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sonny Hermawati Margo
Abstrak :
Karies gigi merupakan penyakit jaringan keras gigi yang disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor yang saling berhubungan yaitu saliva, mikroorganisme, substrat dan waktu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan waktu erupsi gigi sulung dengan karies gigi. Untuk ini telah diambil secara cross sectional sejumlah 410 anak balita umur 6 - 48 bulan, peserta Posyandu di Kecamatan Neglasari Kota Tangerang sebagai subyek penelitian. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa 60 % subyek tidak mempunyai karies gigi terutama pada anak dibawah 2 tahun (50 % ) Rata-rata karies (def -t) usia 2 - 3 tahun adalah 3.89 gigi per anak ( SD 3.95 ) dan anak usia 3 - 4 tahun 5.15 gigi per anak (SD 4.03). Pada umumnya gigi tumbuh dalam batas yang normal (40 - 80 %) yaitu berkisar antara Mean ± 1 SD. Gigi yang lambat erupsi Mean + > 1 SD pada rahang bawah sejumlah 0.2 --1,2 % sedangkan pada rahang atas sejumlah 0.2 - 3.2 %. Untuk gigi yang lebih cepat erupsi - > 1 SD . maka pada rahang bawah terdapat 0,2 - 1 % dan rahang atas 0,2 - 1.2 %. Dalam penelitian ini, pada rahang atas maupun rahang bawah. waktu erupsi yang cepat, lambat dan normal berdasarkan uji statistik Anova ternyata tidak menunjukkan hubungan yang bermakna dengan karies gigi ( p > 0,005 ). Hal ini serupa terjadi dengan jenis kelamin dan konsumsi makanan karsinogenik (p > 0,005). Sedangkan uji statistik linier menunjukkan hubungan yang bermakna antara karies dengan umur (p = 0.000. r =0.329 ) dan antara karies gigi dengan plak ( p = 0.002 ).
Dental caries is a multifactor disease, and preventing dental caries in under five children is very important. The aim of study is to investigate the correlation between time of deciduous teeth eruption and dental caries. For this purpose, a number of 410 children age between 6 - 48 months from Posyandu Kecamatan Neglasari, were taken as subjects of the study. Result of study showed that 60 % of the subjects were free from dental caries, 50 % among them were under 2 years old. The average of dental caries (def-t ) of children aged 2 - 3 years old was 3.89 ( 3,95) and children aged 3 - 4 years old was 5.15 ( SD 4,03 ) . Most teeth of children (40 - 80 %) erupted in a normal time that was in between mean time ± 1 SD. Late teeth eruption (+ > 1 SD) in the lower jaw found only in 0,2 % to I % of the children and for the upper jaw found in 0,2 % to 3,2 % of the children This study also showed the early late or normal teeth either in the upper or in the low jaw, did not have any significant relation with dental caries (p > 0.05) Generic and dietary consumption also had no significant relation with dental caries (p > 0.05 ). In contrary with age of the subjects, which showed a significant relation (p = 0,000, r = 0,329) with dental caries, as also seen in the relation between plaque and dental caries (p =0,002). Conclusion : The also number of early or late teeth eruption found in under fives children re very small although the children were identified as undernourished children . This study could not show a significant relationship between early, late or normal teeth eruption with dental caries (p. 0,005) and this small number of children may play a great influenced. A further study is recommended.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dede Rukasa
Abstrak :
Upaya pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut, merupakan salah satu kegiatan dari Puskesmas dalam rangka melaksanakan salah satu program pokok Puskesmas. Pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut ditujukan kepada keluarga serta masyarakat di wilayah kerjanya, secara menyeluruh baik promotif, preventif, kuratif maupun rehabilitatif. Oleh karena itu peneliti mencoba mencari variabel-variabel penentu dalam pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut di Puskesmas Kota Bogor. Tujuan Penelitian : mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor penentu dalam pencapaian pemanfataan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut di Puskesmas Kota Bogor. Subjek Penelitian : masyarakat yang pemah memanfaatkan fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut serta masyarakat yang belum memanfaatkan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut di Puskesmas Kota Bogor dengan usia 18-70 tahun serta dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik. Metode Penelitian : penelitian ini merupakan penelitian non eksperimental dengan rancangan cross sectional serta besar sampel 936 responden. Variabel-variabel bebas sesuai konsep penelitian, yang terdiri dari faktor predisposisi atau pemudah (motivasi perawatan, perilaku kesehatan), faktor-faktor enabling atau pemungkin (jarak/akses, sarana/prasarana, kemampuan membayar dan kemauan membayar), faktor reinforcing atau penguat (sikap keluarga atau teman, persepsi terhadap pelayanan petugas) dan need/kebutuhan akan perawatan gigi), sedang variabel terikat adalah pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut di Puskesmas. Hasil Penelitian : hasil analisis regresi logistik menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor penentu dalam pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut pada Puskesmas-Puskesmas di Kota Bogor adalah faktor motivasi (p = 0,000), faktor perilaku (p=0,000) dan faktor kebutuhan akan perawatan kesehatan gigi dan mulut (p=4,005). Dari ketiga faktor terebut setelah dilakukan uji "t" menunjukkan bahwa hanya faktor motivasi dan faktor kebutuhan akan perawatan kesehatan gigi dan mulut saja yang menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna antara Puskesmas yang mencapai cakupan kunjungan dengan Puskesmas yang tidak mencapai cakupan kunjungan (p<0,05). Kesimpulan : motivasi masyarakat yang tinggi serta kebutuhan/need akan perawatan kesehatan gigi dan mulut sangat berperan terhadap pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut di Puskesmas Kota Bogor.
Dental health care effort is the one of activity of Center Health Care to achieve the primary program of. Center Health Care. Dental health care is especially for family and community in activity area of Center Health Care, and its done for entire area including promotion, preventive, curative and rehabilitative, instead of that writer/examiner try to looking for the variables as a decided factor to using a dental treatment in community health center in Bogor City. Subject of the experiment : Community which ever and before using the facilities of dental and mouth health care at Center of Health Care in Bogor City which age 18-70 years old also could communicate with good. Method of experiment : this experiment is a non experimental experiment with Cross Sectional design and the sample size 936 respondent. Independent variable fit with concept of experiment including simplify factors (motivation health care, and health care behavior), enabling factors (distance/access, facilities, ability payment or desire of payment), reinforcing factors (family behavior or friend, perception of provider health care) and needed factor of dental health and mouth care, and dependent variable are dental and mouth health care at Center of Health Care. Result of experiment : The result or regression logistic analysis indicate that determinant factors in using a dental treatment in community health center in Bogor City is motivation factor (p=0,000): behavioral factor (p-O,OOO) and needed factor of dental health and mouth care ( p=0,005). From third the factor that after "t" test, indicating that only factor motivate and needed factor of dental health and mouth care will be which show difference have a meaning between Center or Health Care have visit coverage with Center of Health Care which is not reach visit coverage (p<0,05). Summary : Motivation of community also need of dental and mouth health care very useful to profitable dental and mouth health care at Center or Health Care in Bogor City.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nisa Muthi`ah
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Kader kesehatan dan ibu hamil Indonesia belum cukup menerima pelatihan khusus sehingga kurang pengetahuan tentang penyakit periodontal yang berisiko terhadap kehamilan dan kelahiran bayi.Model pelatihan berbasis teori 9 langkah mencakup tahapan identifikasi masalah hingga evaluasi yang dapat diterapkan pada program pendidikan kesehatan gigi dan mulut di puskesmas. Tujuan: Meningkatkan pengetahuan kader kesehatan tentang penyakit periodontal yang berisiko terhadap kehamilan dan kelahiran bayi. Metode: Kuantitatif pra-eksperimental dengan one group comparison pre test-post test design.Pelatihan 9 langkah diberikan pada 53 kader kesehatan Puskesmas Pulo Gadung Jakarta Timur oleh dokter gigi. 50 ibu hamil diberi pendidikan setelahnya oleh kader kesehatan. Hasil: Terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan kader kesehatan dan ibu hamil(α=0,05;p-value=0,000 dengan uji Wilcoxon). Tidak ada perbedaan bermakna antara flip chart dan kartu puzzle dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan kader(p-value = 0,969 dengan uji t-independent)dan ibu hamil (p=0,359 dengan uji Mann Whitney). Kesimpulan: Model pelatihan berbasis teori 9 langkah efektif meningkatkan pengetahuan kader kesehatan. Flip chart dan kartu puzzle sama efektif meningkatkan pengetahuan kader kesehatan dan ibu hamil. ......Background: Indonesian health cadres and pregnant women have not received enough specific training so there is a lack of knowledge about periodontal disease that are risk for pregnancy and childbirth.The 9 step theory based training model covers the stage of problem identification to evaluation that can be applied to dental and oral health education programs. Purpose: Increasing knowledge of health cadres about periodontal disease that are at risk for pregnancy and childbirth. Methods: Quantitative pre-experimental with one group comparison pre test-post test design.9 step training was given to 53 health cadres by dentist in Puskesmas Pulo Gadung,East Jakarta.50 pregnant women were given education afterwards by health cadres. Results: There is an increase of health cadres and pregnant women knowledge (α=0,05;p-value = 0,000).There is no significant difference between flip chart and puzzle card (health cadres p-value = 0,969 ; pregnant women p-value = 0,359). Conclusion: The 9 step theory based training model effectively increases knowledge of health cadres.Flip chart and puzzle card are equally effective.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arymbi Pujiastuty
Abstrak :
Kader posyandu merupakan tenaga alternatif dalam skrining Early Childhood Caries (ECC) dengan indeks PUFA/pufa untuk mendeteksi ECC tidak terawat. Tujuan : menganalisis kemungkinan kader posyandu dapat diberdayakan dalam skrining Early Childhood Caries dengan indeks PUFA/pufa. Metode : uji diagnostik dengan pendekatan Cross-Sectional yang dilakukan pada anak usia 36-71 bulan di posyandu-PAUD Kabupaten Sijunjung Sumatera Barat. Kader posyandu sebagai examiner pufa dipilih sebanyak tujuh orang dan dilatih serta dikalibrasi. Pemeriksaan dilakukan pada 133 anak di enam posyandu-PAUD oleh kader posyandu sebagai indeks dan dokter gigi sebagai reference standard dengan teknik blinding. Hasil : reliabilitas/presisi pemeriksaan pufa kumulatif oleh kader posyandu dengan nilai Kappa 0,88 termasuk tingkat kesesuaian sangat kuat. Nilai sensitivitas dan spesifisitas pufa kumulatif sebesar 96% dan 94% yang merupakan nilai diagnostik sangat baik. Positive predictive values (PPV) dan Negative Predictive Values (NPV) variabel pufa kumulatif adalah 89% dan 98%, keduanya termasuk nilai diagnostik yang sangat baik. Kesimpulan : kader posyandu dapat diberdayakan dalam kegiatan skrining Early Childhood Caries menggunakan indeks PUFA/pufa baik di posyandu maupun di Pos PAUD pada anak usia 36-71 bulan.
Posyandu cadres in Sijunjung West Sumatra is an alternative personnel that can be empowered in the screening of Early Childhood Caries ( ECC ) using index PUFA / pufa to detect Untreated ECC. Objective: to analyze the possibility of posyandu cadres to be empowered in the screening of Early Childhood Caries ( ECC ) using the PUFA / pufa index. Methods : diagnostic test with a cross - sectional approach was conducted in Sijunjung West Sumatra in children aged 36-71 months in posyandu - PAUD. Seven posyandu cadres as pufa examiner were selected and trained also calibrated to use pufa index. Examination of 133 children in six posyandu - PAUD by posyandu cadres as index and dentist as reference standard was performed with blinding technique. Results : the reliability / precision of the cumulative pufa with kappa was 0.88, it is a strong agreement. The sensitivity and spesificity of cumulative pufa were 96% and 94%, they are both very good diagnostic values. Positive Predictive Values ​​( PPV ) and Negative Predictive Values ( NPV ) for the cumulative pufa were 89 % and 98 %, both are very good diagnostic values . Conclusion : posyandu cadres can be empowered in the screening of Early Childhood Caries using PUFA / pufa index either in posyandu or Pos PAUD in children aged 36-71 months.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gita Ariffa Sjarkawi
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Cara pemberian makanan pada balita sedikit banyak dipengaruhi oleh tradisi budaya di suatu daerah tertentu. diantaranya adalah tradisi nasi papah atau seringkali juga disebut nasi papak yang masih banyak dilakukan oleh para ibu di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia, diantaranya di kabupaten Lombok Timur, Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Tradisi nasi papah adalah nasi yang telah dikunyah dan dilumatkan terlebih dahulu sebelum diberikan kepada balita. Dari segi kesehatan terutama kesehatan mulut, hal ini berisiko terhadap terjadinya Early Childhood Caries(ECC). Perilaku tersebut dapat menyebabkan transmisi mikroorganisme S.mutans dari mulut ibu ke mulut anak.Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui kontribusi tradisi nasi papah terhadap risiko terjadinya Early Childhood Caries. Metode :Desain yang digunakan adalah cross sectional dengan jumlah total sampel subyek penelitian sebanyak 186 anak berusia 6 – 60 bulan yang didampingi oleh ibunya, yang bertempat tinggal di Desa Senyiur, Kabupaten Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Pemeriksaan Intra Oral dilakukan untuk mengukur karies gigi ibu dan anak dengan menggunakan indeks DMFT/deft dan untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai perilaku dan pengetahuan kesehatan mulut ibu dan anak dilakukan wawancara pada ibu dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Semua data yang terkumpul dianalisa menggunakan uji Chi Square dan uji regresi logistik. Hasil: Risiko perilaku nasi papah terhadap ECC adalah 5,46 (OR 5,46;CI 95% 4,24-36,55, p<0,001) dengan kontribusi terhadap risiko ECC sebesar 41,8%. Kesimpulan: Tradisi nasi papah berkontribusi terhadap risiko terjadinya ECC.
Background:The infant feeding practices usually affected by cultural tradition especially in rural areas in Indonesia. One of that tradition is Nasi Papah or sometimes called Nasi Papak, which one of that were done by mothers at East Lombok regency , West Nusa Tenggara Province. Nasi papah is define as feeding practice between mother to their infant through pre chewed rice by mother before the food given to their child. For oral health, this behaviour is one of risk factors for ECC, where vertical transmission frequently transmitted S.mutans from mother to child through salivary contact. Aim: To analyzing the contribution of nasi papah tradition towards occurence risk of Early Childhood Caries. Materials and Methods: This study using cross sectional design with total sampels are consists of 186 children between 6 – 60 months old accompanied by his/her mother, whose living at Senyiur village,East Lombok regency,West Nusa Tenggara Province. The intra oral examination had been done for valued caries experience through DMFT/deft index and informations about oral health behaviour and mother knowledges related to oral health derived from mothers through questionnare and data analyzed by Chi Square and logistic regression tests.Results:Risk of nasi papah tradition towards ECC has OR 5,46 (CI 95% 4,24-36,55. P<0,001)) and the contribution of this behaviour to ECC was 41,8%. Conclusion: Nasi papah tradition contributes towards the occurence risk of Early Childhood Caries., Background:The infant feeding practices usually affected by cultural tradition especially in rural areas in Indonesia. One of that tradition is Nasi Papah or sometimes called Nasi Papak, which one of that were done by mothers at East Lombok regency , West Nusa Tenggara Province. Nasi papah is define as feeding practice between mother to their infant through pre chewed rice by mother before the food given to their child. For oral health, this behaviour is one of risk factors for ECC, where vertical transmission frequently transmitted S.mutans from mother to child through salivary contact. Aim: To analyzing the contribution of nasi papah tradition towards occurence risk of Early Childhood Caries. Materials and Methods: This study using cross sectional design with total sampels are consists of 186 children between 6 – 60 months old accompanied by his/her mother, whose living at Senyiur village,East Lombok regency,West Nusa Tenggara Province. The intra oral examination had been done for valued caries experience through DMFT/deft index and informations about oral health behaviour and mother knowledges related to oral health derived from mothers through questionnare and data analyzed by Chi Square and logistic regression tests.Results:Risk of nasi papah tradition towards ECC has OR 5,46 (CI 95% 4,24-36,55. P<0,001)) and the contribution of this behaviour to ECC was 41,8%. Conclusion: Nasi papah tradition contributes towards the occurence risk of Early Childhood Caries.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nova Herawati
Abstrak :
Data epidemiologi surveilan harus memiliki nilai validitas dan reliabilitas tinggi. Indek CAST berpotensi sebagai alat penilaian epidemiologi karies gigi. Perawat gigi termasuk tenaga pelaksana upaya kesehatan gigi dalam program skrining. Tujuan: mendapatkan tingkat kesesuaian antara perawat gigi dan dokter gigi dalam menilai kebutuhan perawatan karies gigi anak umur 6-12 tahun menggunakan indek CAST. Uji diagnostik pendekatan crossectional pada 95 anak 6-12 tahun, pemeriksaan klinik, analisis pearson korelasion, ICC dan ROC. Tingkat kesesuaian antar pengamat baik (ICC 0,59-0,97). Sensitivitas dan spesifisitas cukup baik (sensitivitas 70-100%), dan spesifisitas (51-100%). Perawat gigi dapat menjadi salah satu tenaga epidemiologi suveilans dalam penilaian kebutuhan perawatan karies menggunakan indek CAST. ...... Epidemiological surveillance data should have high values in validity and reliability. Index CAST were a potential epidemiology tools for dental caries assessment. Dental nurses are the executive personnel for screening programs in dental health care. To get the compatibility between dentists and dental nurses in assessing care needs of dental caries by using CAST index in children 6-12 years old.Diagnostic test with Cross Sectional approach, samples consists of 95 children between 6-12 years old, clinical examination, and all data analyzed by Pearson correlation, ICC and ROC tests respectively. There are good level of concordance between the observers (ICC 0.59 to 0.97) and the sensitivity and specificity values were good enough (sensitivity 70-100%) and specificity (51- 100%). Dental nurse can be one of the surveillance epidemiologists in the assessment of dental caries care needs by using CAST index.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Karamoy, Youla
Abstrak :
Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas hidup adalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Keadaan gigi dan mulut anak usia 12 tahun sangat rentan. Tujuannya menganalisis status kesehatan gigi dan mulut dihubungkan dengan kualitas hidup anak menggunakan COHIP-SF versi Indonesia. Penelitian analitik dengan desain cross-sectional, pada 300 anak usia 12 tahun, wawancara dan pemeriksaan. Diketahui rerata DMF-T 2,51, rerata PUFA 0,49 gigi perorang, dan OHI-S 1,70. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara DMF-T dengan COHIP-SF versi Indonesia(rs=-0,1, p=0,017), PUFA(rs=-0,16, p=0,005) dan OHI-S(rs=-0,16, p=0,004) dengan COHIP-SF versi Indonesia. Kesimpulannya semakin baik status kesehatan gigi anak maka kualitas hidup anak akan semakin baik.
One the factors that affect the quality of life is the dental oral health. Especially the condition of teeth and mouth child 12 years of age are particularly vulnerable. Objective:To analyze the dental health status linked to the quality of life of children using COHIP-SF Indonesian version. Methods:The study analytic with cross-sectional design, the 300 children, interview and examination. Results:The mean DMF-T 2.51, PUFA 0.49, OHI-S 1.70. There is a significant association between the DMF-T (rs=-0.1;p=0.017), PUFA(rs=-0.16;p=0.005), OHI-S (rs=- 0,16;p=0.004) with COHIP-SF Indonesian version. Conclusion:The better the dental health status of children, is the quality of life the children will be better., One the factors that affect the quality of life is the dental oral health. Especially the condition of teeth and mouth child 12 years of age are particularly vulnerable. Objective:To analyze the dental health status linked to the quality of life of children using COHIP-SF Indonesian version. Methods:The study analytic with cross-sectional design, the 300 children, interview and examination. Results:The mean DMF-T 2.51, PUFA 0.49, OHI-S 1.70. There is a significant association between the DMF-T (rs=-0.1;p=0.017), PUFA(rs=-0.16;p=0.005), OHI-S (rs=- 0,16;p=0.004) with COHIP-SF Indonesian version. Conclusion:The better the dental health status of children, is the quality of life the children will be better.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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