"Secara umum tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dimensidimensi dari budaya patient safety yang menjadi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi patient safety climate di Rumah Sakit ABC. Sehingga identifikasi terhadap faktor-faktor tersebut dapat meningkatkan patient safety di Rumah Sakit ABC. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survei yang bersifat analitik dengan desain studi potong lintang/cross sectional. Dalam penelitian Cross sectional, variabel sebab (independent) dan akibat (dependensi) yang terjadi pada objek peneltian dikumpulkan secara simultan (dalam waktu yang bersamaan).
Hasil temuan dari penelitian ini didapatkan gambaran persepsi perawat terhadap iklim patient safety di Rumah Sakit ABC, yaitu sebagian perawat menganggap iklim keselamatan pasien buruk. Dari 12 dimensi patient safety dengan menggunakan HSOPSC didapatkan 7 diantaranya mempunyai pandangan positif dari perawat, yaitu : Organization Learning (92,2%), Teamwork within Departement (53,2%), Feedback and Communication About Error (56,4%), Staffing (54,8%), communication oponess (64,5%), Teamwork Across Hospital Units (53,2%), dan Hospital handoffs and transitiions (53,2%). Dimensi dengan nilai tertinggi adalah Organization Learning (92,2%). Sementara dimensi dengan nilai terendah adalah non punitive response to error (46,8%) dan hospital management support (46,7%). Hubungan antara ketiga variable penelitian adalah mempunyai hubungan yang positif, dimana jika patient safety climatenya positif, maka dukungan manajemen, sistem pelaporan dan kecukupan sumber dayanya juga positif.
The general objective of this study was to describe the dimensions of the culture of patient safety factors that affect patient safety climate at the ABC Hospital. So the identification of these factors can increase patient safety in the hospital ABC. This research is analytic survey with cross sectional study design / cross sectional. In a cross sectional study, because the independent variables and dependencies variables that occurred in the course of a study object was collected simultaneously (at the same time).The results of this study, the description of the perception of nurses on patient safety climate at the Hospital of the ABC, which most nurses consider patient safety climate is bad. Of the 12 dimensions of patient safety by using HSOPSC got 7 of them have a positive view of nurses : Organization Learning (92.2%), Teamwork within the Department (53.2%), Feedback and Communication About Error (56.4%), Staffing (54.8%), communication oponess (64.5%), Teamwork Across Hospital Units (53.2%), and the Hospital handoffs and transitiions (53.2%). Dimensions with the highest score is the Learning Organization (92.2%). While the dimension with the lowest score is nonpunitive response to error (46.8%) and hospital management support (46.7%). The relationship between the three variables of research is to have a positive relationship, which if positive climatenya patient safety, the support of management, reporting systems and the adequacy of its resources is also positive."