ABSTRAK Hampir setiap hari, masyarakat disuguhkan dengan kehadiran penyanyi-penyanyi
pendatang baru dengan penampilan, gaya, dan jenis musik yang nyaris sama satu
dengan lainnya. Menjadi ikon, terkenal, mencetak hits single, lalu dalam beberapa
bulan kemudian tenggelam oleh eksistensi penyanyi lama dan kehadiran
pendatang baru lainnya. Mereka seakan sulit meniti siklus karier yang panjang.
Mereka diduga tidak mampu mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis faktor-faktor
penting bagi penyanyi pendatang baru untuk bersaing di industri musik. Dengan
tipologi strategi generik Porter, pembobotan dengan AHP, analisis SWOT pada
studi kasus, diperoleh prioritas faktor pada diferensiasi : keunikan/ciri khas,
kemampuan inovasi, sumber daya penunjang, kreatifitas, skill dan musikalitas,
nilai komersil. Kepemimpinan biaya : karakter, nilai komersil, skill dan
musikalitas, semakin banyaknya studio musik digital. Fokus : skill dan
musikalitas, kreatifitas, semakin banyaknya perusahaan rekaman, perkembangan
ABSTRACT Almost every day, people served by presence of newcomer singers with
performance, style, and type of music that was almost equal to each other.
Become an icon, famous, scoring hits singles, and then a few months later
drowned by old singer existence and presence of other newcomers. They are as
difficult to pursue a long career cycle. They allegedly are not able to identify and
analyze the important factors for newcomer singers to compete in music industry.
Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze the important
factors. With Porter's typology of generic strategies, weighting using AHP,
SWOT analysis on the case study, obtained priority factors of differentiation:
unique/ distinctive characteristics, innovation capability, supporting resources,
creativity, skill and musicality, commercial value. Cost leadership: character,
commercial value, skill and musicality, the increasing number of digital music
studio. Focus: skill and musicality, creativity, the number of record companies,
the development community."