"[ Aneurisma aorta abdominal merupakan kasus yang relatif sering dijumpai, namun hingga saat ini
belum ada analisis karakteristik serta evaluasi klinik yang memadai. Dilakukan penelitian dengan
desain retrospektif analitik untuk mendapatkan karakteristik serta evaluasi klinik melalui data
rekam medis. Dilakukan analisis pada faktor risiko pasien untuk melihat hubungan dengan tipe
aneurisma, letak aneurisma, serta komplikasi pasca bedah. Selama Januari 2009 - Desember 2012
terdapat 32 pasien aneurisma aorta abdominal. didapatkan beberapa faktor risiko pasien 15 orang
dengan diabetes, 22 orang dengan hipertensi, 24 orang dengan perokok serta 11 orang dengan
riwayat aneurisma dalam keluarga. Didapatkan perbedaan signifikan pada kategori usia dengan
tipe aneurisma (p=0,012). Demikian dengan jenis kelamin dengan tipe aneurisma (p=0,012). Pada
uji statistik juga didapatkan kemaknaan fraksi ejeksi jantung (p=0,047) dan ukuran aneurisma (p=
0,009) terhadap tipe aneurisma. Juga terdapat kemaknaan faktor sistolik preoperatif terhadap
komplikasi pasca bedah (p=0,025).;Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is relatively common in Indonesia, however until the present,
there is no sufficient data on the characteristics and clinical evaluation of AAA. This study
utilized an analytic retrospective design to obtain data on the characteristics and clinical
evaluation of AAA. Analysis was done to evaluate the association between risk faktors and the type
of aneurysm, location of the aneurysm, and postoperative complications.Between January 2009
and December 2012, 32 patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm treated in RS Dr. Cipto
Mangunkusumo. Risk faktors were identified, 15 patients had diabetes, 22 patients had
hypertension, 24 patients were smokers, and 11 patients had a family history. Significant
association was found between age category (above and below 45 years) and the type of aneurysm
(p=0,012). Significant association was also found between gender and the type of aneurysm
(p=0,012). It also was done to evaluate the association between cardiac ejection fraction
(p=0,047) and the aneurysm diameter (p= 0,009) as risk faktors for the type of aneurysm.
Significant association was also found between postoperative complications and preoperatif
systolic blood pressure (p=0,025)., Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is relatively common in Indonesia, however until the present,
there is no sufficient data on the characteristics and clinical evaluation of AAA. This study
utilized an analytic retrospective design to obtain data on the characteristics and clinical
evaluation of AAA. Analysis was done to evaluate the association between risk faktors and the type
of aneurysm, location of the aneurysm, and postoperative complications.Between January 2009
and December 2012, 32 patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm treated in RS Dr. Cipto
Mangunkusumo. Risk faktors were identified, 15 patients had diabetes, 22 patients had
hypertension, 24 patients were smokers, and 11 patients had a family history. Significant
association was found between age category (above and below 45 years) and the type of aneurysm
(p=0,012). Significant association was also found between gender and the type of aneurysm
(p=0,012). It also was done to evaluate the association between cardiac ejection fraction
(p=0,047) and the aneurysm diameter (p= 0,009) as risk faktors for the type of aneurysm.
Significant association was also found between postoperative complications and preoperatif
systolic blood pressure (p=0,025).]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013