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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Nurlaili Lathifa
"Pertambahan jumlah penduduk dan pesatnya pembangunan di Kecamatan Citeureup mendorong peningkatan kebutuhan tanah, sehingga menyebabkan perubahan penggunaan tanah. Lahan pertanian sawah tahun 2012 - 2017 mengalami perubahan penggunaan seluas 46,13 hektar. Potensi sumber daya alam yang hilang dihitung menggunakan metode valuasi ekonomi lahan pertanian sawah dengan satuan rupiah. Lahan pertanian sawah yang jauh dari kawasan pemukiman dan industri berdasarkan perhitungan tersebut mempunyai valuasi ekonomi yang tinggi daripada lahan pertanian sawah yang dekat dengan kawasan pemukiman dan industri. Valuasi ekonomi tersebut dihitung didasarkan pada Nilai Fungsi Penghasil Pertanian NFPP sebesar 1,6 milyar, Nilai Fungsi Tenaga Kerja NFTK sebesar 246 milyar.
Nilai Fungsi Ketahanan Pangan NFKP sebesar 2 milyar dan Nilai Fungsi Pengendali Erosi NFPE sebesar 260 milyar. Kontribusi penilaian lahan pertanian sawah berdasarkan hasil perhitungan valuasi ekonomi dan nilai tanah di Kecamatan Citeureup adalah sebesar 7 pada lahan pertanian sawah yang dekat permukiman dan industri sampai dengan 94 pada lahan pertanian sawah yang jauh dari permukiman dan industri. Oleh karena itu lahan pertanian sawah mempunyai kontribusi yang signifikan pada penentuan nilai tanah berdasarkan valuasi ekonomi lahan pertanian sawah.
Citeureup sub district has an increasing number of people and rapid development causes the land to increase. Farmland fields of 2012 2017 underwent a change in use of an area of 46.13 hectares. The lost natural resources potential is calculated using the economic valuation method of paddy field farming with rupiah units. Rice fields that are far from residential areas and industries based on these calculations have a high economic valuation than wetland farms close to residential and industrial areas. The economic valuation is calculated based on the Value of Agricultural Commodities Producing Function Value NFPP of 1.6 billion, Value of Labor Function NFTK of 246 billion.
Value of Food Stability Function NFKP of 2 billion and Erosion Control and Sedimentation Function Values NFPE of 260 billion. The contribution of the assessment of paddy fields based on the calculation of economic valuation and the value of land in Kecamatan Citeureup is 7 in the rice fields near settlements and industry up to 94 in wetland farms far from settlements and industry. Wetland farming has a significant contribution to the determination of land value based on economic valuation of paddy fields."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fidya Rismayatika
"Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan lahan pertanian yang luas. Namun produksi lahan pertanian terancam akibat adanya perubahan penggunaan lahan serta fenomena perubahan iklim. Salah satu faktor perubahan iklim yang mempengaruhi lahan pertanian adalah fenomena El Nino. Sejak tahun 2002, El Nino terjadi setiap dua tahun sekali. Kejadian El Nino dapat menyebabkan tanaman di lahan pertanian mengalami kekeringab. Kabupaten Magetan merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Jawa Timur yang memiliki tingkat kerawanan tinggi terhadap kekeringan. El Nino dapat menyebabkan kemarau yang berkepanjangan dan mengakibatkan kekeringan Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola spasial wilayah kering lahan pertanian menggunakan salah satu indeks penginderaan jauh yakni Normalized Difference Drought Index pada tahun El Nino yakni 2015 dan 2019 Wilayah kering kemudian dikaitkan dengan kondisi fisik. Hasil dari pengolahan data diketahui wilayah kering pada tahun 2015 (El Nino Kuat) lebih luas dibandingkan luas wilayah kering pada tahun 2019 (El Nino Lemah) yakni 3.031,00 ha (tahun 2015) dan 2.214,68 ha (tahun 2019). Pola spasial kekeringan membentuk pola berkelompok. Pola spasial wilayah kering di Kabupaten Magetan adalah semakin ke barat semakin sedikit wilayah kering, mendekati lereng Gunung Lawu. Hasil analisis menunjukkan wilayah kering banyak terjadi di lahan pertanian dengan kondisi fisik ketinggian 200-500 mdpl, lereng 8%-15%, dan jenis tanah asosiasi mediteran coklat kemerahan dan grumusol kelabu.
Indonesia is a country with vast agricultural land. However, agricultural land production is threatened due to land use change and climate change. One of climate change phenomenon affecting agricultural land is the El Nino. Since 2002, El Nino occurs every two years. El Nino events can cause crops on agricultural land to experience drought. Magetan Regency is one of the districts in East Java Province that has a high level of vulnerability to drought. El Nino can cause prolonged drought and cause drought. This study aims to explain the spatial pattern of dry areas of agricultural land using one of the remote sensing indices, Normalized Difference Drought Index in El Nino years (2015 and 2019). Then, dry areas will be associated with physical conditions. The result of data processing is the dry area in 2015 (Weak El Nino) is wider than the dry area in 2019 (Weak El Nino) namely 3,031.00 ha (2015) and 2,214.68 ha (2019). Spatial patterns of dry areas form a group pattern. The spatial pattern of dry areas in Magetan Regency is that to the west the less dry areas, approaching the slopes of Mount Lawu. The results of the analysis showed that many dry areas occur in agricultural land with physical conditions altitude of 200-500 meters above sea level, slopes of 8% -15%, and types of soil associated with reddish brown mediterranean and gray grumusol."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
David Rio Christiawan
"Lahan adalah sumber daya yang sangat penting dan utama pada sektor pertanian bagi petani dan bagi pembangunan pertanian. Kecamatan Jatisari berstatus sebagai kawasan pertanian tanaman pangan menurut Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (RTRW) Kabupaten Karawang Tahun 2011-2031. Tingginya pertumbuhan penduduk membuat kebutuhan akan lahan permukiman semakin tinggi ditambah terdapat jalur arteri yang melintasi wilayah Kecamatan Jatisari yang menyebabkan semakin tinggi potensi perubahan penggunaan dan/atau tutupan lahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perubahan tutupan lahan sawah pada tahun 1999, 2011, dan 2023 serta memprediksi perubahan tutupan lahan sawah pada tahun 2031 yang kemudian akan dianalisis dengan Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Kabupaten Karawang yang berakhir pada tahun 2031 dan Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan Wilayah Kecamatan Jatisari. Model spasial dihasilkan dengan metode Celullar Automata-Markov Chain yang dibangun berdasarkan perubahan tutupan lahan tahun 1999, 2011, dan 2023 serta faktor pendorong (driving factors) berupa jarak dari jalan, jarak dari sungai, jarak dari permukiman, jarak dari POI (Point of Interest). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara spasial terjadi perubahan tutupan lahan pertanian sawah yang sebagian besar menjadi tutupan lahan permukiman dan terjadi di bagian tengah yang disebabkan oleh adanya jalan arteri, jalan kolektor, maupun jalan lokal. Hasil  prediksi tutupan lahan  pertanian sawah tahun 2031 juga menunjukkan bahwa tutupan lahan sawah mengalami perubahan yang sebagian besar menjadi tutupan lahan permukiman dan terdapat di bagian tengah wilayah Kecamatan Jatisari dimana permukiman berkembang oleh karena jalan arteri, jalan kolektor, maupun jalan lokal. Peta RTRW memiliki tutupan lahan permukiman yang lebih luas dibanding peta prediksi tutupan lahan tahun 2031. Luasan LP2B lebih kecil dibanding lahan sawah keseluruhan ada peta prediksi tutupan lahan tahun 2031. Secara keseluruhan, peta prediksi tutupan lahan sawah pada tahun 2031 dapat menjadi saran bagi Pemerintah Kabupaten Karawang dimana lahan sawah yang ada dan lahan sawah berkelanjutan harus tetap dipertahankan.
......Land is a very important and main resource in the agricultural sector for farmers and for agricultural development. Jatisari Sub-district has the status of a food crop agricultural area according to the Karawang Regency Spatial Plan (RTRW) 2011-2031. The high population growth makes the need for residential land higher plus there is an arterial route that crosses the Jatisari District area which causes a higher potential for changes in land use and/or cover. This research aims to analyze the changes of paddy field land cover in 1999, 2011, and 2023 and predict the changes of paddy field land cover in 2031 which will then be analyzed with the Karawang Regency Spatial Plan which ends in 2031 and the Sustainable Food Agricultural Land of Jatisari District. The spatial model was generated using the Celullar Automata-Markov Chain method which was built based on land cover changes in 1999, 2011, and 2023 and driving factors such as distance from roads, distance from rivers, distance from settlements, distance from POI (Point of Interest). The results showed that spatially there was a change in the land cover of paddy fields, most of which became residential land cover and occurred in the central part caused by the presence of arterial roads, collector roads, and local roads. The results of the prediction of rice field agricultural land cover in 2031 also show that rice field land cover has changed mostly to residential land cover and is found in the central part of the Jatisari Sub-district area where settlements are developing due to arterial roads, collector roads, and local roads. The RTRW map has a wider settlement land cover than the 2031 land cover prediction map. The LP2B area is smaller than the total paddy fields in the 2031 land cover prediction map. Overall, the prediction map of paddy field land use in 2031 can be a suggestion for the Karawang Regency Government where existing paddy fields and sustainable paddy fields must be maintained."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anne Booth
"Like many other Asian countries Indonesia inherited from colonial times a system of land taxation based on a detailed cadastre of all agricultural land. However in contrast with the experience of former colonial territories elsewhere in Asia the Indonesian government has in the post-1965 era been making a determined effort to revive land taxation as a source of revenue, and more important, to use the revenues as a means of promoting regional government initiative in the selection and carrying out of local develop¬ment projects. The tax is administered by a Directorate within the Ministry of Finance, whose regional offices are in charge of assessment down to individual taxpayers. Collection is done by village and regional government o`ficials while the use of funds is determined by kabupaten governments subject to certain regulations from the centre and provinces. In Java, Bali, Lombok, and South Sulawesi assessment is based on land records dating from the final decade of Dutch rule. In other parts of the archipelago where the colonial government did not assess a land tax on peasant agriculture, methods of current assessment are rather ad hoc with considerable differences between regions.Any evaluation of the functioning of an agricultural tax imposed in a poor agrarian economy such as Indonesia must take into account not only the standard criteria for assessing taxes such as equity, impact on resource allocation, administrative efficiency etc but also the rather more special¬ised arguments that have been developed in the literature for taxing agriculture and particularly agricultural land. Evidence available suggests that Ipeda in Indonesia contravenes the principle of equity in that, while widespread exemptions are given to urban income taxpayers, virtually all rural taxpayers have to pay both Ipeda and an assortment of other taxes some of which are assessed in a very regressive fashion. Rural producers are further penalised through government price policies for basic food staples such as rice and the renting of irrigated rice lands to the government sugar estates. There"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1974
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta : Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Dirjen Kebudayaan , 1993
307.72 DAM
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library