"Salah satu desa di Kawasan Puncak yang mengalami degradasi lingkungan akibat alih fungsi lahan adalah Desa Tugu Utara. Berdasarkan rencana tata ruang wilayah Kabupaten Bogor Tahun 2005-2025, Desa Tugu Utara termasuk dalam kawasan hutan lindung, pertanian, dan pariwisata. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tipologi pengelolaan sumber daya alam, mengevaluasi tata guna lahan, mengetahui tingkat keberlanjutan lingkungan dari perspektif masyarakat, dan menemukan model pengembangan masyarakat berbasis sumber daya alam. Pengumpulan informasi dilakukan melalui kuesioner, diskusi kelompok terarah, wawancara semi terstuktur, dan data sekunder. Terdapat empat tipologi pengelolaan sumber daya alam yakni hutan, pertanian, perternakan, dan pariwisata. Atas lima peruntukkan lahan di Desa Tugu Utara yakni kawasan hutan lindung, hutan konservasi, perkebunan, permukiman, dan pertanian lahan kering, hutan lindung menempati urutan tertinggi yang mengalami alih fungsi lahan ke bentuk-bentuk lain yakni seluas 528,52 ha dengan pengalihan terbesar ke bentuk kebun teh mencapai 395,51 ha. Keberlanjutan lingkungan berada pada kategori cukup berkelanjutan yang dihasilkan dari aspek keberlanjutan lingkungan 65,36 , keberlanjutan sosial 62,25 , dan keberlanjutan ekonomi 68,25 . Agroforestri yang mengombinasikan tanaman pertanian di lahan hutan adalah potensi pengembangan yang paling tepat untuk menjawab kebutuhan ekonomi, ketahanan pangan wilayah, pendukung sektor pariwisata, dan keberlanjutan lingkungan.
Tugu Utara is one of villages in Puncak area which experiences to environmental degradation arising from population growth and land conversion. In spatial planning for 2005 2025 Bogor regency, Tugu Utara village is allocatted as protected forest area, agriculture, and tourism area. This study aim to i identify the typology of natural resource managed by communities, ii to evaluate the land use, iii to identify the level of environmental sustainability from community perspective iv and to find appropriate model for natural reources based community development. The information are collected from primary and secondary data through questionnaires, focus group discussions, semi structured interviews and desk analysis. The study shows four typologies of natural resources management which are forests, agriculture, livestock, and tourism. From five 5 the designation of land in Desa Tugu Utara i.e protected forest, conservation forest, plantation area, residential areas, and agricultural land, protected forest occupies the highest rank that experienced land conversion into other forms that is an area of 528.52 ha and the largest shift into the form of tea garden reached to 395.51 ha. Desa Tugu Utara in the category of sustainable enough. Percentage of environmental, social, and economic sustainability, based on community perception, is successively 65.36 , 62.25 , and 68.25 . Rehabilitation of forests need to be pursued as part of the protection of ecosystems and the cessation of the tendency of land conversion. Development of agroforestry combines agriculture need to be forest pursued as a source of food and economic activities. The use of sustainable forest can support other sectors including tourism."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2017