ABSTRAKPengurangan kadar amonia pada limbah minyak PT. Chevron, Duri
dilakukan dengan metode elektrolisis. Kondisi optimum didapatkan dengan
melakukan elektrolisis larutan amonium sulfat di berbagai pH pada potensial
0,6V; 1,5V; dan 2V. Penambahan NaCl pun dilakukan pada elektrolisis amonium
sulfat. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan elektrolisis amonium sulfat pada pH 10
menggunakan potensial 2V dan ditambahkan NaCl memiliki penurunan hingga
67,48%. Akan tetapi, kondisi optimum ini tidak diterapkan pada limbah minyak
karena kadar amonia di dalam limbah minyak terlalu kecil. Elektrolisis amonia
dalam limbah minyak dilakukan pada pH 8 tanpa penambahan NaCl dengan
potensial sebesar 2V. Penurunan kadar amonia pada limbah minyak mencapai
ABSTRACTThe removal of ammonia levels in the oil waste PT. Chevron, Duri was
done by electrolysis method. The optimum conditions were obtained by the
electrolysis of ammonium sulphate solution at various pH at some potential of
0,6V; 1,5V; and 2V. The amount of NaCl addition was also varied on the
electrolysis of ammonium sulphate. The experimental results showed that at pH
10 using the potential of 2V and the present of NaCl had decreased the amount of
ammonia content as much as 67,48%. However, these optimum conditions were
not applied to the oil waste because ammonia levels in the waste oil was too
small. The electrolysis of ammonia in the oil waste was performed at pH 8
without the addition of NaCl with a potential of 2V. Decreased levels of ammonia
in the waste oil reached 61,81%."