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Benedictus Krisna
Jenazah untuk pendidikan anatomi kedokteran (kadaver) umumnya diawetkan dengan formalin untuk mencegah proses pembusukan selama rentang waktu penggunaannya. Namun, karena formalin merupakan pengawet yang poten, tanpa netralisasi, setelah dikebumikan, kadaver akan sulit diuraikan sehingga berpotensi menjadi polutan. Larutan amonium karbonat telah diketahui dapat menetralkan larutan formalin, tetapi belum pernah dilaporkan apakah amonium karbonat dapat digunakan untuk menetralkan formalin dalam tubuh kadaver sehingga jasad dapat mengalami dekomposisi sempurna. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan percobaan dengan hewan coba mencit (Mus musculus) untuk mengetahui apakah berbagai organ mencit berformalin dapat dinetralkan dengan amonium karbonat dan mengalami dekomposisi setara dengan organ-organ mencit tanpa formalin. Pada penelitian eksperimental ini mencit (n=18) dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok, yaitu tidak diawetkan (tanpa formalin; n=6), diawetkan dengan formalin (konsentrasi awal 10%, konsentrasi lanjut 4%; n=6), dan diawetkan formalin lalu dinetralkan dengan amonium karbonat (konsentrasi 25%; n=6). Agar menyerupai proses pemakaman pada manusia, sebelum dikebumikan mencit beserta organnya dimandikan dengan air dan dibungkus kain kafan. Pengamatan proses dekomposisi, yaitu skor tahapan dekomposisi dan persentase penurunan berat organ (usus, hati, otot, jantung, paru, dan otak) dilakukan setiap minggu. Dari total enam minggu pengamatan, diketahui bahwa skor tahapan dekomposisi dan persentase penurunan berat organ-organ mencit kelompok amonium karbonat lebih besar dari kelompok formalin, tetapi lebih kecil dari kelompok tanpa formalin. Disimpulkan bahwa penetralan berbagai organ mencit berformalin dengan 25% amonium karbonat mampu meningkatkan proses dekomposisi organ-organ tersebut, walaupun belum setara dengan jasad mencit tanpa formalin (tanpa diawetkan).

Corpse for medical anatomy education (cadaver) is generally preserved by formalin to prevent the decay process during the period of its use. However, because formalin is a potent preservative, without neutralization, after being buried, cadavers will be difficult to decompose and potentially become pollutants. Ammoniumcarbonate solutions have been known to neutralize formalin solutions, but it has never beenreported whether ammoniumcarbonate can be used to neutralize formalin in cadaveric bodies so that the body can experience perfect decomposition. Therefore, experiments with mice (Mus musculus) were conducted to determine whether the organ of formalin mice can be neutralized with ammoniumcarbonate and experience decomposition equivalent to the organs of mice without formalin. In this experimental study mice (n = 18) were divided into three groups, namely not preserved (without formalin n = 6), preserved with formalin (initial concentration 10%, following concentration 4%; n = 6), and preserved formalin then neutralized with ammoniumcarbonate (25% concentration; n = 6). In order to resemble the process of funeral in humans, before being buried miceswith their organs are bathed with water and wrapped in kafan cloth. Observation of the decomposition process, which is decomposition stage score and weight loss percentageof organs(intestine, liver, muscle, heart, lung, and brain) is carried out every week. From a total of six weeks ofobservation, it was found that the decomposition stage scores and the weight losspercentage of the ammoniumcarbonate group were greater than the formalin group, but smaller than the formalin-free group. It was concluded that neutralizing the organs of formalin mice with 25% ammoniumcarbonate was able to improve the decomposition process of those organs, although not equivalent to the organsof mice without formalin (without preserving)."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Muliawati Putri
Mahasiswa kedokteran sering terpapar formalin akibat penggunaannya sebagai bahan pengawet utama sediaan praktikum anatomi. Kegiatan pembelajaran di laboratorium anatomi juga diketahui mempengaruhi kondisi psikologis mahasiswa, seperti menimbulkan rasa takut, ansietas, tidak tega, dan stress/tertekan. Penelitian Kawamata dan Kodera (2004) menunjukkan bahwa kadar formalin di udara dan pada kadaver dapat dikurangi dengan menggunakan amonium karbonat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kondisi psikologis mahasiswa selama mengikuti praktikum anatomi dengan menggunakan ammonium karbonat 10% dan 20%. Segera setelah perlakuan kondisi psikologis positif dan negatif mahasiswa dinilai melalui modifikasi kuesioner Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), dengan hasil output berupa perhitungan skor. Pada perlakuan pertama, sediaan praktikum anatomi disemprot dengan ammonium karbonat 10%, sedangkan pada perlakuan kedua sediaan praktikum anatomi disemprot dengan ammonium karbonat 20%. Sebanyak 62 mahasiswa laki-laki dan 119 mahasiswa perempuan dari Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia (FKUI) dilibatkan dalam studi kuasi eksperimental ini. Responden rata-rata berusia 18,6±0,7 tahun. Berdasarkan uji Wilcoxon tidak ditemukan perbedaan rerata bermakna antara skor kondisi psikologis positif mahasiswa selama mengikuti praktikum anatomi dengan menggunakan ammonium karbonat 10% maupun 20% (p>0,05). Sementara skor kondisi psikologis negatif mahasiswa menunjukkan perbedaan rerata yang bermakna (p=0,003). Skor kondisi psikologis mahasiswa ini tidak berhubungan dengan jenis kelamin dan usia (p>0,005).

Medical students are often exposed to formaldehyde due to its use as the primary preservative solution for anatomy preparation. Learning activities in the anatomy lab is also known to affect the psychological
condition of students, such as fear, anxiety, guilty, and stress. A study by Kawamata and Kodera (2004) showed that the level of formaldehyde in the air and on cadavers can be reduced by using ammonium carbonate. This study aimed to determine the differences in the psychological condition of the students during practical anatomy using 10% and 20% ammonium carbonate. Immediately after intervention, students positive and negative psychological condition were assessed with a modified Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) questionnaire, with total score as the output. In the first intervention, anatomy preparations were sprayed with 10% ammonium carbonate, while in the second intervention the anatomy preparations were sprayed with 20% ammonium carbonate. A total of 62 male students and 119 female students of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia (FMUI) were involved in this quasi-experimental study. Respondents had age average of 18.6 ± 0.7 years. Based on the Wilcoxon test, there was no significant mean difference between the scores of students’ positive psychological condition during the practical anatomy using 10% and 20% ammonium carbonate (p> 0.05). While the negative psychological condition score of students showed a significant mean difference (p = 0.003). This scores is not related to gender and age (p> 0.005)."
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library