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Nindya Permata Bunda Surya Utami
Latar Belakang : PBB menyatakan bahwa Indonesia memiliki kecenderungan peningkatan harapan hidup sebesar 71,7 di kisaran tahun 2010-2015 yang diperkirakan akan meningkat menjadi 77,6 pada 2045-2050. Hal ini dapat meningkatkan beban penanganan penyakit tidak menular. Oleh karena itu, penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan mencari ekstrak tanaman herbal yang dapat memperlambat proses penuaan pada tikus tua dengan meninjau parameter histopatologis. Ekstrak Centella asiatica (CA) diketahui berpotensi dalam mengurangi tingkat penuaan di cerebrum. Metode : Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan 4 kelompok : kontrol negatif, perlakuan (CA 300 mg/kgBB), kontrol positif (Vitamin E 6 IU) dan tikus muda yang diberi perlakuan selama 28 hari. Setiap kelompok memiliki jumlah sampel minimal 4. Setelah 28 hari, tikus diterminasi dan diambil sediaan otaknya untuk dibuat preparat histopatologis pada bagian hipokampus. Sediaan kemudian diidentifikasi 4 variabel yaitu densitas sel normal, densitas sel abnormal, densitas sel piramidal, densitas sel piknotik dan densitas sel total pada 2 bagian hipokampus yaitu girus dentatus dan CA3. Analisis dilakukan secara komparatif pada 2 jenis sampel tersebut. Hasil : Pada akhir perlakuan, kelompok kontrol positif tidak dianalisis karena tidak memenuhi jumlah sampel minimal. Pada sampel girus dentatus, hasil analisis one-way anova menunjukkan hasil bermakna pada variabel densitas sel normal dan densitas sel abnormal, tetapi analisis post-hoc Bonferroni menunjukkan hasil yang tidak bermakna pada kelompok CA dibandingkan dengan kontrol negatif dan tikus muda. Sedangkan sediaan sampel CA3 tidak memiliki hasil yang bermakna pada analisis komparatif kategorik. Diskusi : CA diketahui memiliki efek antioksidan yang baik namun memerlukan durasi perlakuan yang lebih panjang untuk mendapat efek anti-penuaan.

Background: United Nations states that Indonesia has tendency to increase life expectancy in 2010-2015 by 71.7, and expected to increase to 77.6 in 2045-2050. This can increase the burden of handling non-communicable diseases. Therefore, research was conducted aiming to find herbal extracts that can slow down aging process in old mice by reviewing histopathological parameters. Centella asiatica (CA) is known to be potential in reducing the rate of aging in cerebrum. Method: The study was conducted using 4 groups: negative control, treatment (CA 300 mg/kgBW), positive control (Vitamine E 6 IU) and young mice days with each minimum sample size of 4. After 28 days of treatment, rats were terminated and brain preparations were taken to make histopathological preparations in 2 parts of hippocampus section : dentate gyrus and CA3. The preparations then identified 4 variables : normal cell density, abnormal cell density, pyramidal cell density, picnotic cell density and total cell density. The analysis was carried out comparatively. Results: At the end of the treatment, the positive control group was not analyzed due to low number of samples. In dentate gyrus, the results of One-way Anova analysis showed significant results on normal cell density and abnormal cell density variables, but Bonferroni's post-hoc analysis showed no significant results in the CA group compared to negative controls and young mice. CA3 preparations did not have significant results in categorical comparative analysis. Discussion: CA is known to have good antioxidant effects but requires a longer duration of treatment to show anti-aging effect."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Diet tinggi lemak dan gaya hidup dipercaya menjadi faktor risiko yang secara fundamental berpengaruh terhadap kesehatan, terutama sebagai penyebab hiperlipidemia yang mengarah pada gangguan kardiovaskular. Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) adalah protein yang mengatur degradasi reseptor low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) sebagai penentu kadar LDL plasma, meningkatkan aktivasi platelet dan inflamasi vaskular. Penelitian eksperimental melalui pemberian variasi diet tinggi lemak HFD I, HFD II, dan HFD III dievaluasi pengaruhnya terhadap profil lipid dan kadar PCSK9 plasma perlu dilakukan dalam upaya pengembangan model hewan hiperlipidemia. Profil lipid diukur menggunkan spektrofotometer UV-Vis dan kadar PCSK9 melalui ELISA dari 20 sampel plasma darah tikus Wistar jantan. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa variasi diet tinggi lemak selama 10 minggu meningkatkan kadar kolesterol total dan trigliserida secara signifikan (p<0,001) dibandingkan dengan kelompok normal, perbandingan antarkelompok induksi berbeda signifikan (p<0,001), dan berhasil mencapai kondisi hiperlipidemia. Terdapat korelasi positif yang kuat dan signifikan antara kadar kolesterol total (r= 0,883; p= <0,001) dan trigliserida (r= 0,817; p= <0,001) terhadap kadar PCSK9 plasma. Kadar PCSK9 plasma pada kelompok induksi diet tinggi lemak berbeda signifikan (p=0,029) dibandingkan dengan kelompok normal. Pada penelitian ini, semua variasi diet tinggi lemak mampu meningkatkan kadar kolesterol total, trigliserida, dan kadar PCSK9 plasma dengan peningkatan terbesar terdapat pada komposisi HFD III yang mengandung 15% mentega dan 50% lemak kambing dengan komposisi asam lemak jenuh dan lemak trans yang relatif lebih tinggi, Penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk menganalisis pengaruhnya terhadap kerusakan jaringan vaskular pada model hewan hiperlipidemia.
......High-fat diet and lifestyle are acknowledged to be risk factors that fundamentally affect health, especially as a cause of hyperlipidemia that leads to cardiovascular diseases. Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) is a protein that regulates the degradation of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) receptors as a determinant of plasma LDL levels, increases platelet activation and vascular inflammation. Experimental research through the provision of high-fat diet variations HFD I, HFD II, and HFD III evaluated its effect on lipid profiles and plasma PCSK9 levels requirements to be carried out to develop animal models of hyperlipidemia. Lipid profiles were measured using a spectrophotometer UV-Vis and PCSK9 levels by ELISA from 20 blood plasma samples of male Wistar rats. The results of the evaluation showed that the variation of a high-fat diet for 10 weeks increased total cholesterol and triglyceride levels significantly (p<0,001) compared to the normal group, the comparison between the induction groups was significantly different (p<0,001), and managed to achieve hyperlipidemia. There was a strong and significant positive correlation between total cholesterol levels (r= 0,883; p= <0,001) and triglycerides (r= 0,817; p= <0,001) on plasma PCSK9 levels. Plasma PCSK9 levels in the high-fat diet induction group were significantly different (p=0,029) compared to the normal group. In this study, all variations of a high-fat diet were able to increase total cholesterol, triglycerides, and plasma PCSK9 levels with the considerable increase in the composition of HFD III which contained 15% butter and 50% goat fat with relatively higher saturated and trans fatty acid compositions. Further research is required to analyze its effect on vascular tissue damage in animal models of hyperlipidemia."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji aktivitas produk beta-1,3 glukan hasil ekstraksi dari Agrobacterium sp Bro 1.2.1 isolat lokal galur tipe liar dan galur tipe mutan terhadap penyembuhan luka terbuka pada hewan coba tikus putih galur Sprague Dawley yang dibuat luka terbuka. Ekstraksi produk beta-1,3 glukan dilakukan dengan cara pengendapan dan dilanjutkan dengan pemurnian pada kromatografi kolom sebagai fraksi gradien KCl. Percobaan uji aktivitas dibagi menjadi tujuh kelompok perlakuan yaitu kontrol negatif, kontrol positif dengan Povidon iodium, dua kelompok dari dua produk beta-1,3 glukan komersil dengan dosis masing-masing 0,02 mg/4 cm2 , tiga kelompok beta-1,3 glukan uji dengan dosis masing-masing yaitu 0,02 mg/4 cm2, 0,10 mg/ 4 cm2 dan 0,5 mg/ 4 cm2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara kontrol negatif dengan kontrol positif dan kelompok uji pada dosis tertinggi 0,5 mg/4 cm2 dibandingkan kelompok kontrol negatif dan kontrol positif (p<0.05) menggunakan analisis statistik beda nyata terkecil.

Production of beta-1,3 glucan from Agrobacterium and its wound healing activity on white rat. The objective of this study was to determine the activity of beta-1,3 glucan product extracted from local Agrobacterium sp Bro 1.2.1, both wild-type and mutant-type, on opened-wound healing process. Beta-1,3 glucan product was extracted by precipitation, and the purification was carried out by column chromatography as KCl gradient fractions. In this study, white Sprague Dawley rats were employed, and have been treated for opened-wound condition. Seven groups were performed in this experiment, i.e. the negative control, the positive control employing povidone iodine, the two groups of two commercial beta-1,3 glucan with 0,02 mg/4 cm2 each, and the last three groups of beta-1,3 glucan as the test group with 0,02 mg/4 cm2, 0,10 mg/4 cm2 and 0,50 mg/4 cm2, respectively. The result showed significant differences of wound-healing activity performing statistical analysis of the least significance between the negative control, the positive control, as well as the highest dose of the test group of beta-1,3 glucan, at the dose of 0,5 mg/4 cm2 (p<0.05)."
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ika Satya Perdhana
"Latar Belakang: Penyakit Ginjal Kronik PGK merupakan masalah kesehatan di seluruh penjuru dunia. PGK menjadi penyebab menurunnya kualitas hidup penderitanya sekaligus meningkatkan risiko kematian. Penyakit Ginjal Kronik ditandai dengan terjadinya kerusakan ginjal dalam waktu lama dan progresif. Gangguan pada PGK berkaitan dengan kejadian stres oksidatif, yaitu keadaan di mana Reactive Oxygen Species ROS terbentuk melebihi pertahanan antioksidan. Kuersetin sebagai bagian keluarga flavonoid diketahui memiliki aktivitas antioksidan. Penelitian sebelumnya mendapatkan bahwa pemberian kuersetin mampu meningkatkan ekspresi protein Nuclear factor related erythroid factor 2 Nrf2 di dalam nukleus pada tikus yang mengalami PGK. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lanjutan untuk mengkonfirmasi apakah peningkatan ekspresi protein Nrf2 di dalam nukleus terjadi pada tahap transkripsi.
Metode: Jaringan ginjal tikus Sprague-Dawley dari penelitian terdahulu yang tersimpan pada suhu -80oC, diukur ekspresi mRNA Nrf2, Keap1dan HO1menggunakan qRT PCR. Terdapat 4 kelompok penelitian yaitu kelompok kontrol normal, kelompok dengan nefrektomi 5/6 berturut-turut diberi CMC 0,5 , kaptopril 10 mg/kgBB, dan kuersetin 100 mg/kgBB. Ekspresi mRNA Nrf2, Keap1 dan HO1dianalisis statistik menggunakan uji ANOVA yang dilanjutkan dengan multiple comparison post hoc dengan LSD, Kruskal-Wallis untuk data yang tidak memenuhi syarat uji ANOVA dimana perbedaan dianggap bermakna secara statistik bila p.

Background Chronic Kidney Disease CKD has been a problem all around the world as it causes the decrease of life quality and also raises the risk of death. Chronic kidney disease characterized with long time and progressively kidney failure. The alteration of CKD correlated to oxidative stress, a condition when Reactive oxygen species ROS produced more than antioxidant defense. Quercetin as a part of flavonoid, has been known to have an antioxidant activity. It has been showed in the previous study that quercetin increased intra nuclear Nuclear factor related erythroid factor 2 Nrf2 . This study proposed to confirm whether the increase of nuclear NRF2 is happened in transcription event.
Method Kidney tissue of Sprague Dawley rat from previous study which had been saved in 80oC had measured the expression of Nrf2, Keap1 and HO1 mRNA by qRT PCR. There were 4 groups as the previous study, normal control group, 5 6 nephrectomy plus consecutively 0,5 CMC, 10 mg kgBW captopril, and 100 mg kgBW quercetin. Expression of Nrf2, Keap1 and HO1 mRNA had been analyzed statistically with ANOVA test and LSD multiple comparison post hoc. For data that are not fit to analyzed with ANOVA would be analyzed with Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney. The data considered as significantly different by p."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marshall D. McCue, editor
"All animals face the possibility of food limitation and ultimately starvation-induced mortality. This book summarizes state of the art of starvation biology from the ecological causes of food limitation to the physiological and evolutionary consequences of prolonged fasting. It is written for an audience with an understanding of general principles in animal physiology, yet offers a level of analysis and interpretation that will engage seasoned scientists. Each chapter is written by active researchers in the field of comparative physiology and draws on the primary literature of starvation both in nature and the laboratory. The chapters are organized among broad taxonomic categories, such as protists, arthropods, fishes, reptiles, birds, and flying, aquatic, and terrestrial mammals including humans; particularly well-studied animal models, e.g. endotherms are further organized by experimental approaches, such as analyses of blood metabolites, stable isotopes, thermobiology, and modeling of body composition. "
Berlin: [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jennifer Nathania
Latar Belakang: Prevelansi gagal ginjal kronis semakin meningkat di Indonesia dan di seluruh dunia. Salah satu sumber utama morbiditas dan mortalitas pada gagal ginjal kronis adalah komplikasi penyakit kardiovaskular. Mastin adalah suplemen yang diproduksi di Indonesia terbuat dari ekstrak kulit buah manggis yang dilaporkan memiliki kemampuan antioksidan, anti-inflamasi dan antitumor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki apakah Mastin mampu meningkatkan respon antioksidan dalam hati tikus yang gagal ginjal kronis dengan mengukur ekspresi Nrf2, master regulator Antioxidant Response Element ARE Metode: RNA diekstrak dari jaringan jantung dari 3 kelompok tikus: Kelompok Normal, kelompok nefrektomi dan kelompok nefrektomi dengan Mastin . Kemudian dilakukan prosedur Two step real-time RT-PCR untuk menghitung ekspresi relatif gen Nrf2. Hasil: Ekspresi Nrf2 sangat menurun pada kelompok nefrektomi sedangkan pada kelompok nefrektomi dengan Mastin , ekspresi tersebut hanya sedikit meningkat. Kesimpulan: Gagal ginjal kronis mengakibatkan gangguan dalam aktivasi Nrf2 dalam hati. Meskipun terdapat sedikit peningkatan ekspresi Nrf2 setelah pemberian Mastin , hasil tersebut tidak cukup signifikan untuk memberikan efek kardioprotektif melewati jalur Nrf2.

Background Chronic kidney disease CKD is increasingly prevalent in Indonesia and around the world. One of the major sources of morbidity and mortality in CKD is the complication of developing cardiovascular disease. Mastin is a locally produced supplement made from extract of mangosteen pericarp which is reported to have antioxidative, anti inflammatory and antitumor properties. This research aims to investigate whether Mastin is capable of improving antioxidant responses in the heart during CKD by measuring the expression of Nrf2, a master regulator of antioxidant response elements. Method RNA was extracted from heart tissue of 3 groups of rats Normal group, Nephrectomy group and Nephrectomy with Mastin group. Two Step real time RT PCR was then conducted to calculate the relative expression of Nrf2 gene. Results Expression of Nrf 2 was markedly decreased in the Nephrectomy group but slightly increased in the Nephrectomy with Mastin group. Conclusions Chronic Kidney Disease resulted in impaired activation of Nrf2 pathway in the heart. Although the administration of Mastin slightly increased Nrf2 expression, it is not significant enough to confer cardioprotective effects through the Nrf2 pathway."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riski Imaniastuti
"Resistensi oseltamivir sebagai inhibitor neuraminidase virus influenza A subtype H1N1 telah dilaporkan oleh Cheng, et al pada tahun 2009. Sebagai salah satu upaya mengatasi pemasalahan ini, beberapa penelitian yang menggunakan metode simulasi molecular docking telah dilakukan untuk merancang dan menemukan ligan peptide siklis yang dapat berperan sebagai inhibitor potensial neuraminidase H1N1 sehingga dapat menghambat replikasi virus tersebut.
Pada penelitian ini dipelajari dan dievaluasi interaksi ligan terhadap enzim dalam keadaan terhidrasi dengan menggunakan metode simulasi dinamika molekul pada temperatur yang berbeda. Simulasi dilakukan terhadap tiga inhibitor peptida siklis disulfida yaitu DNY, LRL, NNY dan oseltamivir, zanamivir sebagai ligan standar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pergerakan dinamis yang dimiliki oleh kelima kompleks enzim-ligan dalam keadaan terhidrasi mempengaruhi interaksi ligan terhadap residu asam amino enzim.
Pada akhir simulasi temperatur 300 K, ligan DNY memiliki interaksi dengan sisi katalitik enzim Asp 151, Arg 293, ligan LRL dengan Arg 118, Arg 293, ligan NNY dengan Asp 151, Glu 425 dan Arg 293. Pada temperatur 312 K, ligan DNY tidak memiliki interaksi dengan sisi katalitik enzim. Ligan LRL memiliki interaksi dengan sisi katalitik enzim Asp 151, Glu 425, Tyr 402, ligan NNY dengan Asp 151, Glu 278 dan Arg 293. Konformasi yang terlihat berbeda pada enzim memperlihatkan perilaku dinamis enzim dalam pelarut dan adanya pengaruh kehadiran inhibitor. Konformasi yang berubah akibat perilaku dinamis kompleks enzim-ligan juga dapat terlihat dalam plot kurva RMSD.
......Resistence of oseltamivir as an inhibitor of neuraminidase influenza A virus subtype H1N1 has been reported by Cheng, et al in 2009. To solve this problem, several researchs by molecular docking method have been conducted to design and discover disulfide cyclic peptide ligand which become potential inhibitors for neuraminidase H1N1 to inhibit the replication of this virus.
This research was studied and evaluated the interaction of ligands toward enzyme in the hydrated state using molecular dynamics simulation at two different temperatures. Simulations performed on three disulfide cyclic peptide inhibitors namely DNY, LRL, NNT along with oseltamivir, zanamivir as a standard ligand. The result provided that dynamic movement of five proposed ligand in the hydrate state affecting ligand interaction of the enzyme amino acid residues.
In the end of simulation, two of three disulfide cyclic peptide inhibitors have good interaction with catalytic site of the enzyme. At the end of simulation temperature of 300 K, DNY formed hydrogen bond with catalytic site Asp 151, Arg 293, LRL with Arg 118, Arg 293, NNY with Asp 151, Glu 425 and Arg 293. Then at the end of simulation temperature of 312 K, DNY could not form hydrogen bond with catalytic site of enzyme. LRL formed hydrogen bond with Asp 151, Glu 425, Tyr 402, NNY with Asp 151, Glu 278, and Arg 293. Different conformations of enzymes which occur during simulation showed the dynamic behaviour of the enzyme in the presence of solvent and inhibitor. The changing of enzymes conformation as the result of dynamic behaviour of the enzyme in the presence of solvent and inhibitor also could be seen in RMSD curve."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book offers a comprehensive overview on the molecular basis of fragile X syndrome. It covers all models used to investigate fragile X syndrome and includes state-of-of the art approaches like epigenetics. "
Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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