ABSTRAKDalam lembaga Kejaksaan Agung Republik Indonesia, bidang Intelijen Kejaksaan memikili peran yang sangat vital dalam pengungkapan kasus yang berhubungan dengan penangan kasus tindak pidana korupsi. Berbagai masalah secara internal dan eksternal masih menjadi tantangan bagi Operasi Intelijen Yustisial dalam upaya penyelidikan yang menyangkut tindak pidana korupsi. Efektifitas operasi intelijen yustisial dalam melakukan pengumpulan bahan keterangan (Pulbaket) dalam kasus dugaan tindak pidana korupsi dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor. Adapun faktor yang mempengaruhi efektifitas operasi intelijen kejaksaan tidak terlepas dari faktor Pengambil Keputusan (user), Kewenangan, Aktivitas/Operasi, dan Agen Intelijen. Penelitian ini mengambil studi kasus pada Kegiatan Operasi Intelijen Yustisial Dilingkungan badan kesbanglinmas Tahun Anggaran 2008 dan 2009 Kalimantan Barat. Keempat faktor yang menjadi landasan dalam penelitian ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan beberapa metode dalam penelitian diantaranya metode kualitatif, wawancara, dan kepustakaan. Untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang utuh tentang akar permasalahan dalam efektifitas operasi intelijen kejaksaan maka pada penelitian ini digunakan metode analisis Tulang Ikan (Fishbone).
ABSTRACTIn Indonesian, Attorney General, Attorney Intelligence Divisions has a very vital role in the case of disclosure of the case relating for handling corruption cases. Effectiveness of judicial intelligence operations in collecting information materials (Pulbaket) in the case of alleged corruption is influenced by several factors. The factors that influence the effectiveness of intelligence operations prosecutor can not be separated from the Decision Maker (user), the Authority, Activity/Operations Intelligence Agency?s environtment Kesbanglinmas Fiscal Year of 2008 and 2009 in west Kalimantan.
These four factors are the bedrock in this study used a qualitative approach, interviews, and literature. To get a full picture of the effectiveness of intelligence operations, the prosecutor in this study using the analysis of Fish Bone method(Fishbone)., In Indonesian, Attorney General, Attorney Intelligence Divisions has a very vital role in the case of disclosure of the case relating for handling corruption cases. Effectiveness of judicial intelligence operations in collecting information materials (Pulbaket) in the case of alleged corruption is influenced by several factors. The factors that influence the effectiveness of intelligence operations prosecutor can not be separated from the Decision Maker (user), the Authority, Activity/Operations Intelligence Agency’s environtment Kesbanglinmas Fiscal Year of 2008 and 2009 in west Kalimantan.
These four factors are the bedrock in this study used a qualitative approach, interviews, and literature. To get a full picture of the effectiveness of intelligence operations, the prosecutor in this study using the analysis of Fish Bone method(Fishbone).]"