"[Tesis ini mengkaji leksem deiktis dalam bahasa Jawa Kuno berdasarkan perilaku sintaktisnya. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah teks Ādiparwa. Data diolah dengan menggunakan peranti lunak Sketch Engine. Peneliti memanfaatkan menu word list (daftar kata) dan baris konkordansi pada peranti lunak Sketch Engine untuk pemerolehan dan pengolahan data. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori deiksis dari Fillmore (1975) dan menggunakan teori sintaksis Dixon (2010), serta didukung oleh penelitian mengenai bahasa Jawa Kuno oleh Zoetmulder dan Poedjawijatna (1992 dan 1993). Analisis sintaktis yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini juga tidak terlepas dari aspek semantik karena aspek semantik tidak dapat dilepaskan dari analisis sintaktis. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa perilaku sintaktis leksem yang deiktis dalam bahasa Jawa Kuno pada teks Ādiparwa berbeda satu sama lain. Pada tataran frasa, leksem yang deiktis dalam bahasa jawa Kuno dapat membentuk beberapa frasa, seperti frasa pronominal, frasa nominal, frasa apositif, dan frasa preposisional. Pada tataran kalimat, leksem yang deiktis dapat mengisi fungsi subjek, predikat, objek, pelengkap, dan keterangan, bergantung pada kategori sintaktis leksem yang deiktis. Berdasarkan posisinya, leksem yang deiktis dapat berada di sebelah kiri atau kanan dari kata yang ditunjuk atau dijelaskannya.
;This thesis discussed about the deictic lexeme in Old Javanese based on its syntactic behavior. This research used Ādiparwa text as the data. The data was processed by software Sketch Engine. Researcher used wordlist and concordance menu in Sketch Engine to acquire and process the data. This research also used the deixis theory by Fillmore (1975), the syntax theory by Dixon (2010), and the research of Old Javanese by Zoetmulder and Poejawijatna (1992 and 1993). The syntactic analysis in this research was related with semantic aspect, because the semantic aspect cannot be separated from the syntactic analysis. The result of the analysis showed that the syntactic behavior of deictic lexeme in Old Javanese on Ādiparwa text was different from one deixis and the others. In the phrase level, the deictic lexeme can establish some phrases, such as pronominal phrase, nominal phrase, appositive phrase, and prepositional phrase. In the sentence level, the deictic lexeme can be function as subject, predicate, object, complement, and adjunct depended on syntactic category of deictic lexeme. Based on the position, the deictic lexeme can be placed in the right or left side the word that was referenced or explained.
, This thesis discussed about the deictic lexeme in Old Javanese based on its syntactic behavior. This research used Ādiparwa text as the data. The data was processed by software Sketch Engine. Researcher used wordlist and concordance menu in Sketch Engine to acquire and process the data. This research also used the deixis theory by Fillmore (1975), the syntax theory by Dixon (2010), and the research of Old Javanese by Zoetmulder and Poejawijatna (1992 and 1993). The syntactic analysis in this research was related with semantic aspect, because the semantic aspect cannot be separated from the syntactic analysis. The result of the analysis showed that the syntactic behavior of deictic lexeme in Old Javanese on Ādiparwa text was different from one deixis and the others. In the phrase level, the deictic lexeme can establish some phrases, such as pronominal phrase, nominal phrase, appositive phrase, and prepositional phrase. In the sentence level, the deictic lexeme can be function as subject, predicate, object, complement, and adjunct depended on syntactic category of deictic lexeme. Based on the position, the deictic lexeme can be placed in the right or left side the word that was referenced or explained.
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015