Dewasa ini, industri kreatif memiliki potensi yang besar guna mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia (Sugiarto, 2018). Meski memiliki pengaruh yang besar terhadap Negara, namun nyatanya karyawan yang bekerja di bidang tersebut memiliki pendapatan yang relatif rendah. Bekerja sesuai passion diketahui merupakan hal yang membuat karyawan menikmati pekerjaannya di bidang industri kreatif. Penelitian korelasional ini bertujuan untuk meneliti peran basic psychological needs terhadap hubungan antara perceived autonomy support dan harmonious passion. Penelitian ini melibatkan karyawan penuh waktu yang bekerja di bidang industri kreatif (N = 133). Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah Work Climate Questionnaire, Passion Scale, dan Basic Psychological Needs at Work Scale. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat efek tidak langsung antara perceived autonomy support terhadap harmonious passion melalui basic psychological needs (r = 0,28 , p < 0,01) dan masih terdapat efek langsung antara perceived autonomy support terhadap harmonious passion melalui basic psychological needs (r = 0,55, p < 0,01). Akhirnya, dapat disimpulkan bahwa basic psychological needs dapat secara parsial memediasi hubungan antara perceived autonomy support dan harmonious passion.
Nowadays, creative industy has a big potention for supporting the growth of economy in Indonesia (Sugiarto, 2018). Although it considers having big impact to the country, employee in creative industrial in fact have a relative low income. Passion is known as one of a factor that can make employee enjoy to their work. This correlational research is aim to investigate the role of basic psychological needs toward the relationship between perceived autonomy support and harmonious passion at work. This research involves full-time employees that work in creative industry (N = 133). The instruments which had used were Work Climate Questionnaire, Passion Scale, and Basic Psychological Needs at Work Scale. The results show that there is an indirect effect between perceived autonomy support toward harmonious passion through basic psychological needs (r = 0,28 , p < 0,01) and also direct effect between perceived autonomy support toward harmonious passion through basic psychological needs (r = 0,55, p < 0,01). Finally, it can be concluded that basic psychological needs could be partially mediate the relationship between perceived autonomy support and harmonious passion.