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Triseu Setianingsih
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku ibu dalam proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bayi (Usia 0-12 bulan) di Wilayah Cikarang Barat Kabupaten Bekasi Tahun 2009. Jenis rancangan penelitian Cross Sectional. Sampel penelitian adalah sebagian ibu yang memiliki balita usia 13-24 bulan sebanyak 250 ibu. Analisis data meliputi analisis univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 5 variabel yang berhubungan dengan perilaku ibu yaitu variabel umur, pekerjaan, sikap, dukungan petugas dan akses terhadap pelayanan kesehatan. Variabel yang paling dominan adalah variabel pekerjaan dengan p=0,000 dan OR = 11,537. Disarankan kepada masyarakat khususnya ibu yang tidak bekerja untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam memberikan rangsangan terhadap bayi apalagi kuantitas ibu dirumah lebih banyak dibanding ibu yang bekerja, karena frekuensi ibu di rumah ternyata tidak menjamin kualitas perilaku ibu dalam mendukung pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anaknya. ......This thesis have propose to identified some factors that related with mother behavior on toddler's growth and development (age 0-12 months) at West Cikarang, Bekasi Regency in 2009. This research used Cross Sectional studies. The sample is 250 mothers who have toddler at age about 13-24 months. Data analysis encompassed univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis. Multivariate analysis show that there is existing 5 variable which related with mother behavior as following age, occupation, attitude, support from related functionary and medical services access. Dominant variable is occupation variable with p=0,000 and OR= 11,537. It's recommended to the community, especially for mother without work, to increase their ability to give stimulus to their toddler. Even though they have more times rather than mother work but not guarantee that they have good behavior quality to support their toddler's growth and development.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Qmaz Fawwaz Syafta
Abstrak :
Jakarta sebagai kota metropolitan memiliki sifat yang secara sosial heterogen dan individu cenderung lebih bebas dari kekakuan kontrol sosial patriarki, tetapi ketimpangan masih ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui karakteristik ruang publik Jalan/trotoar dan Sarana transportasi umum terkait dengan dominasi sosial serta perilaku yang terjadi oleh masing-masing gender. Dilakukan wawancara mendalam terhadap delapan informan yang hasilnya dikaji dengan menggunakan teori produksi ruang, proksemika, dominasi sosial, dan tindakan sosial. Ditemukan bahwa perempuan cenderung lebih behati-hati di ruang publik. Karena kecenderungan menjaga jarak yang lebih jauh terhadap orang asing, dilakukan taktik yang merupakan tindakan rasional-instrumental. Laki-laki cenderung tidak menganggap ruang publik sebagai tempat yang membahayakan, sehingga cenderung bertindak secara tradisional. Bagi individu dengan ekspresi gender silang, pengekspresian di ruang publik termasuk ke dalam tindakan rasional-nilai. Ruang publik Jalan dan Sarana transportasi digenderkan menjadi maskulin ditandai dengan asosiasinya dengan gender dan sifat-sifat maskulin. Pada sarana transportasi umum, kebutuhan perempuan akan keamanan dan sifat ruangnya yang tertutup kemudian membuat diciptakannya strategi oleh para voyeur berupa penciptaan ruang terseks perempuan, sehingga ruang publik tetap bisa menjadi tempat aman untuk perempuan. Bagi individu dengan ekspresi gender silang, ruang tersebut cenderung dianggap sebagai tempat yang kurang nyaman karena bias gender dari regulator ruang dan orang sekitar yang sifatnya cisnormatif. ......Jakarta as a metropolitan city has a socially heterogeneous nature and individuals tend to be freer from the rigidity of patriarchal social control, but inequality still exists. This study aims to determine the characteristics of public space such as roads/sidewalks and public transportation facilities in relation to social domination and behavior that occurs by each gender. In-depth interviews were conducted with eight informants whose results were examined using the theories such as production of space, proxemics, social domination, and social action. It was found that women tended to be more careful in public spaces. Because of the tendency to maintain greater distance from strangers, a tactic which is a rational-instrumental action is adopted. Men tend not to perceive public space as a dangerous place, so they tend to act traditionally. For individuals with cross-gender expression, expression in the public space is considered to be value-rational action. Public spaces such as Roads and transportation facilities are gendered to be masculine, characterized by their association with masculine traits. In public transportation, women's need for security and the closed nature of the space then led to voyeurs creating a strategy that is the creation of women's sexed spaces, so that public spaces can still be safe places for women. For individuals with cross-gender expressions, this space tends to be seen as an uncomfortable place because of the gender bias of the space regulator and the surrounding people.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dimitrius, Jo
Abstrak :
how to understand people and predict their behavior-anytime, anyplace
New york: Ballantine,, 1999
155.28 DIM r
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arini Febrina
Abstrak :
Kecelakaan lalu lintas merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian tertinggi pada beberapa negara di dunia (WHO, 2010). Keselamatan lalu lintas di Indonesia adalah yang terburuk se-ASEAN (ADB, 2006) dan hampir setengah dari kasus kecelakaan sepeda motor disebabkan oleh perilaku tidak aman (Raymond, 2008). Dalam prasurvei awal tahun 2012 yang dilakukan pada pengendara ojek stasiun Citayam, ditemukan hampir seluruhnya tidak menggunakan helm, +50% ugal-ugalan, +30% berkendara sambil menggunakan telepon genggam, dan sebagainya, sehingga sangat berbahaya dan tidak sesuai dengan regulasi UU Lalin No. 22/2009, PP No. 43/1993 mengenai batas kecepatan, dan tata cara berkendara motor dari Dirjen Perhubungan RI tahun 2005. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk melihat gambaran faktor resiko perilaku tidak aman pengendara ojek stasiun Citayam, Depok tahun 2012. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Informan dari penelitian dipilih sebanyak 4 orang pengendara ojek, dan 2 orang penumpang serta 2 orang pejalan kaki untuk triangulasi data. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi dan wawancara, yang kemudian dikroscek sebagai validitas data. Data diolah dalam bentuk narasi dan tabel. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Safety Triad dari Geller (2001) dimana perilaku dipengaruhi oleh adanya faktor manusia dan faktor lingkungan. Teori ini digunakan karena dianggap cukup tepat dalam menganalisis perilaku tidak aman pengendara ojek. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar pengendara ojek stasiun Citayam, Depok berperilaku tidak aman dalam berkendara. Faktor manusia yang mempengaruhi perilaku tidak aman adalah ketiadaan motivasi dalam bentuk pengalaman celaka, rendahnya pengetahuan mengenai regulasi berkendara, dan ketidaktahuan standar keterampilan berkendara yang baik, sedangkan kondisi fisik tidak terlalu berhubungan dengan perilaku tidak aman. Pada faktor lingkungan yang berhubungan dalam membentuk perilaku tidak aman adalah kondisi kendaraan, kondisi cuaca, dan intervensi penumpang, sedangkan kondisi jalan tidak berpengaruh. Untuk itu disarankan ada penegakkan hukum yang konsisten dan melaksanakan penyuluhan melalui media sosialiasi, diskusi, poster, atau stiker yang berisi pengenalan regulasi berlalu lintas dan berkendara dan penjelasan mengenai bahaya resiko kecelakaan jalan raya. ......Traffic accident is the one of the highest cause of death of several countries in the world (WHO, 2010). Road safety in Indonesia is the worst in ASEAN (ADB, 2006) and almost half of motorcycle accidents are caused by unsafe behavior (Raymond, 2008). At the pra-survey in early 2012 on a ojek riders in Citayam railway station, found that almost entirely riders did not use helmet, +50% bad riding, +30% using their cell phone while riding, etc., so that really dangerous and not compliance with Traffic Act No.22/2009, PP about speed limit No. 43/1993, and safety riding procedures from Dirjen Perhubungan RI 2005. This study intends to see the description of risk factors related with unsafe behavior of ojek riders in Citayam railway station, Depok 2012 by using descriptive approach and qualitative method. Informants was chosen amounted 4 ojek riders, 2 passengers, and 2 pedestrians for triangulated purposes. In collecting data, the study using observation and in-depth interview methods which later be cross-checked for validation. Then data being processed in narative and table. This study is using Safety Triad Theory by Geller (2001) which explained that behavior is influenced by individual factor and environmental factor. It is used because it quite appropriate to analize unsafe behavior of ojek riders. The result showed that almost all ojek riders in Citayam railway station, Depok, do unsafe behavior while riding. Individual factors that influenced unsafe behavior are lack of motivation in having a bad experience while riding, lack of knowledge about riding regulation, and the ignorance of standards in good riding skill, whereas the physical condition is not really related with unsafe behavior. Environmental factors that related with unsafe behavior are motorcycle condition, weather condition, and passengers intervention, whereas bad road condition is not really influenced in making an unsafe behavior. It is recommended to consistently enforce the law and do a kind of counseling by using social media, discussion, poster, or sticker which contain the regulation of traffic and riding, and also about hazards & risks of road accidents.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simanjuntak, Megawati
Abstrak :
Halal label is a label on food that justified according to Islamic law, qualified and did not harm our health. The purpose of this research was to analyze the effect of intrinsic factors (individual characteristics and family characteristics), extrinsic factors, knowledge, religiosity and the attitude towards behavior of reading the halal label on food products of undergraduate students. This study used cross sectional study with survey method. The research involved 400 students of Bogor Agricultural University that were chosen by multistage random sampling with gender as a layer. There was significant difference between female and male in knowledge, religiosity value, and attitude in reading halal label, whereas the behavior in reading label had no significant difference. Age, religiosity value, and attitude were found affected significantly behavior of reading halal label on food products.
Management Research Center (MRC) Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia and Philip Kotler Center, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dita Siti Nurhayati Anastasia Diliani
Abstrak :
This study introduces Public Leader Organization Scale (POLS) as the tool to identify the effectiveness of leadership in a public organization. To show the reliability and validity of this tool, a case study of subjective evaluation is addressed to three former and one active government leaders. The implication of the study is twofold: first that it shows POLS as an appropriate tool to be used in identifying public leaders' performance. This study finds that leader's consistency, listening communication skills, managing resources skill and exchange tactics become the strongest behaviors associated to government performance. Second, among these behaviors, leaders' personal integrity (consistency) is considered to contribute more to the region's performance rather than the leader's skills or the leader's influence. In essence, we believe that the current study findings will enrich the existing theory of leadership particularly in public organization issues.

Penelitian ini memperkenalkan Skala Pengukuran Pemimpin Organisasi Publik atau Public Leader Organization Scale (POLS) sebagai suatu instrument untuk mengidentifikasi efektivitas kepemimpinan suatu organisasi publik. Untuk menunjukkan reliabilitas dan validitas instrument tersebut, sebuah studi kasus yang bersifat subjektif dilakukan terhadap tiga mantan kepala daerah dan satu orang kepala daerah yang masih aktif. Implikasi dari studi ini ada dua, yaitu pertama, bahwa POLS dapat menjadi instrument yang tepat untuk digunakan dalam mengidentifikasi kinerja pemimpin publik dimana dalam studi ini ditemukan bahwa konsistensi, kemampuan komunikasi mendengar, keahlian mengatur sumber daya dan kemampuan negosiasi merupakan prilaku terkuat yang dikaitkan dengan kinerja pemerintah. Kedua, studi ini juga menemukan bahwa diantara prilaku-prilaku tersebut, integritas pemimpin (konsistensi) menunjukkan pengaruh yang lebih besar terhadap kinerja daerah daripada keahlian yang dimilikinya atau kemampuan persuasifnya. Pada intinya, temuan pada studi ini diharapkan akan menambah kasanah teori kepemimpinan yang ada khususnya terkait dengan organisasi publik.
National Cheng Chi University, 2016
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reniastoetie Djojoasmoro
Abstrak :
Sumatran orangutans, found in the Province of Nangroe Aceh Darussalam and North Sumatra Province, are fragmented into four populations. One of these populations exists in Angkola, a forested area located in the southern part of Lake Toba. This population is considered small and narrowly distributed. Our survey shows that individual orangutans appear in and around the Dolok Sibualbuali Nature Reserve. This indicates that orangutans can adapt to fragmented habitats, such as those found near Dolok Sibualbuali Nature Reserve, south of Tapanuli, North Sumatra. The preliminary study was conducted from April 2002 to January 2003. This study recorded the distribution and daily activities of orangutans in Dolok Sibualbuali Nature Reserve. Repeated crisscrossing surveys and focal animal observation were used to document orangutan distribution and daily activity. Human activities are the main factor for the loss of orangutan habitat. Illegal logging, forest conversion for timber concessions and plantations, road construction, and settlement are the main factors for forest loss. This forces orangutans out of their native habitat and makes them vulnerable to extinction. Based on direct sightings, orangutans are found at Aek Nabara and Sitolu. Moreover, the presence of orangutans is indicated by nests at the Sihulambu and Bulu Mario sites. The orangutan population is not evenly distributed but seems to be present at locations with food resources. Seven individuals were chosen as focal animals. They consisted of three adult females, three sub-adult males, and one juvenile. Total observation time was 757 hours and 40 minutes. Feeding, moving, resting, nesting, and social activities were the main activities that were recorded. Orangutans spent their daily activity budgets as follows: feeding (42.29%), moving (16.47%), resting (37.41%), nesting (1.89%), and social contact (1.93%). Orangutans spent much of their time (42.29%) feeding, particularly when food resources were abundant. Due to their large body size, food consumption was high. There are 115 types of orangutan food consisting of fruits (36.6%), flowers (3.89%), leaves (28.33%), bark (17.7%), and pith/stem (11.67%), and other food types (insects, honey, etc.) (1.67%). Fruit is the main source of orangutans' food. We concluded that the distribution and daily activity of orangutans at Dolok Sibualbuali Nature Reserve are greatly influenced by the availability of food, particularly fruit. When favored fruit is abundantly available, orangutans will constantly consume that fruit and visit fruit trees of the same species in other locations. Orangutans will also search for other food in community farms near the Nature Reserve when forest fruit availability is low, leading to conflict with local people.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa kebutuhan informasi dan perilaku pencarian informasi eks wanita tuna susila pada layanan Perpustakaan Elektronik Keliling (Pusteling) Perpustakaan Nasional RI. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus.. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa sumber informasi yang digunakan adalah facebook dan youtube. Topik informasi yang ditelusur yakni berita aktual dengan topik berita berkaitan erat dengan pengalaman masa lalu informan. Google menjadi alat penelusuran utama. Perilaku pencarian informasi eks wanita tuna susila pada layanan Pusteling dapat dijelaskan melalui model Wilson yaitu perhatian pasif, pencarian pasif, pencarian aktif, pencarian berkelanjutan. Hambatan yang terjadi pada saat penelusuran informasi di layanan pusteling adalah kemampuan menggunakan komputer yang masih minim, kebingungan dalam menncari informasi, internet yang lambat, waktu yang singkat, pustakwan kurang responsif, dan fasilitas lain seperti laptop, tempat duduk, dan pendingin ruangan yang kurang memadai. Informan belum mengetahui informasi yang ingin dicarinya dan muncul kebutuhan informasi pada saat berada di pusteling. Tujuan datang ke pusteling adalah untuk belajar dan melepas penat. Dalam menentukan sumber informasi, Informan tidak mengedepankan kredibilitas dan kebenaran (valid) pada sumber berita tetapi berdasarkan kebiasaan, kesukaan dan pengalaman.
This study aims to identify and analyze information needs and information retrieval behavior of ex-prostitute women at the Mobile Electronic Library Service National Library of Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data collection is conducted by observation, interviews and documentation studies. The results of this study found that the sources of information used were Facebook and YouTube. The topic of information traced is the actual news with the news topic is closely related to the informant's past experience. Google is the main search tool. Information seeking behavior can be described through Wilson model namely passive attention, passive search, active search and ongoing search. The obstacles that occur when searching for information on Pusteling services are the limited ability to use computers, confusion in searching for information, slow internet, short time, unresponsive librarian and other facilities such as laptops, seating, and inadequate air conditioning. Informants do not yet know the information they want to look for and information needs arise while in Pusteling. The purpose of coming to Pusteling is to study and refreshing. In determining the source of information, the informant does not prioritize credibility and truth (valid) in the news source.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ridley, Mark
Boston : Blackwell, 1995
591.51 RID a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alcock, John
Sunderland : Sinauer Associates, 1989
591.51 ALC a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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