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H.R. Junizar
"Cerita Arjunawiwaha yang diangkat dari kakawin Ariunawiwaha dipahatkan sebagai relief pada beberapa bangunan kepurbakalaan di Jawa Timur, yaitu (secara kronologis) Gua Selamangleng (Tulungagung), Candi Jago (Malang), Gua Pasir (Tulungagung), Candi Surawana (Kediri), Candi Kedaton (Probolinggo), dan Candi Kendalisada (Gunung Penanggungan). Bangunan kepurbakalaan yang memahatkan cerita paling lengkap adalah Candi Jago. Identifikasi relief cerita Ariunawiwaha berdasarkan kakawin Arjunawiwaha pada candi tersebut dilakukan oleh J.L.A. Brandes. Kelengkapan cerita yang ditampilkan relief di Candi Jago dan hasil identifikasi Brandes merupakan dasar dilakukannya kajian dalam skripsi ini, yaitu berupaya mengungkapkan dan mengenali secara khusus tokoh-tokoh dalam relief cerita Ariunawiwaha di Candi Jago, sekaligus mengenali persamaan dan perbedaannya dengan kakawin. Tokoh-tokoh yang digambarkan dalam relief tetapi tidak digambarkan, atau digambarkan secara berbeda, dalam kakawin dibandingkan dengan tokoh-tokoh dalam relief cerita Arjunawiwaha pada bangunan-bangunan kepurbakalaan lain di Jawa Timur, yang sezaman dengan Candi Jago. Termasuk di dalamnya adalah bangunan-bangunan kepurbakalaan yang telah disebutkan terdahulu, kecuali Gua Selamangleng. Hal-hal yang dibandingkan adalah benda-benda yang terdapat pada tubuh tokoh dan sikap tubuh tokoh. Persamaan dan perbedaan yang tampak kemudian rupanya berkenaan dengan kreativitas seniman pemahat dan lingkungan tempat asalnya, yaitu dari kalangan istana atau desa."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1993
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"[Disertasi menguraikan tentang implementasi kebijakan pendidikan agama di Sekolah Katolik Kota Blitar ditinjau dari aspek Content of Policy, Context of Implementation, aspek kegagalan, dan dampak kegagalan implementasi kebijakan. Penelitian menggunakan paradigma postpositivisme, dengan metode kualitatif dan tipe deskriptif.
Penelitian ini menghasilkan beberapa temuan: Pertama, aspek content of policy menunjukkan bahwa rumusan kebijakan pendidikan agama dinilai tidak mewakili agregasi kepentingan kelompok sasaran, sehingga mengalami kegagalan dalam implementasi. Kedua, aspek context of implementation menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan pendidikan agama tidak semata proses administrasi, namun dipengaruhi oleh 'interpenetrasi’ faktor politik dan nilai ideologi keagamaan. Ketiga, kegagalan implementasi kebijakan pendidikan agama disebabkan oleh adanya penolakan halus secara sistemik (sistemic subtle rejection), pendiaman pemegang kebijakan terhadap kendala implementasi (government silent on implementation gap), dan tidak adanya evaluasi terhadap kendala implementasi. Keempat, dampak kegagalan implementasi kebijakan pendidikan agama meliputi dampak pembelajaran, dampak psikologis dan dampak substansi nilai keagamaan.
Implikasi teoritik penelitian ini adalah bahwa nilai ideologi keagamaan (ideological values) merupakan faktor determinan dalam keseluruhan proses kebijakan publik semenjak formulasi, implementasi dan evaluasi. Konteks Indonesia, pada kasus dalam penelitian, ketaatan kepada agama lebih besar daripada ketaatan terhadap kebijakan negara. Nilai ideologi dalam hal implementasi kebijakan selama ini lebih menekankan pada dimensi ideologi politik. Sehingga ideologi dalam konteks keagamaan menjadi ruang koreksi bagi teori implementasi kebijakan.
Berkaitan dengan temuan penelitian, maka sebuah proses implementasi kebijakan memerlukan langkah-langkah. Pertama, optimalisasi sosialisasi isi kebijakan dengan harapan terjadi peningkatan respon masyarakat (citizens partisipation), baik dalam pemahaman rumusan kebijakan maupun partisipasi dalam implementasi sehingga agregasi kepentingan masyarakat maupun nilai-nilai yang berkembang dalam masyarakat terakomodir dalam sebuah proses kebijakan; Kedua, Implementasi kebijakan publik perlu mempertimbangkan pola hubungan struktural antar instansi (the structure of intergovermental relation) agar tidak terjadi konflik kewenangan. Ketiga, Implementasi kebijakan perlu merumuskan strategi pencapaian tujuan sesuai dengan karakteristik lingkungan implementasi dengan pola sintesis yaitu gabungan pendekatan top-down dan bottom up dan melakukan evaluasi dalam setiap tahapan kebijakan.;The dissertation describes the implementation of religious education policy in Catholic schools Blitar review of aspects: Content of Policy, Context of Implementation, aspect failure, and the impact of the failure of policy implementation. This research using postpositivisme paradigm, the qualitative and descriptive methods.
The research produce some finding: First, aspects of the content of the policy indicates that the religious education policy formulation is not considered to represent the interests of the target group aggregation, so that a failure in implementation. Second, aspects of the context of implementation indicate that the implementation of the policy of religious education is not only the administrative process, but were influenced by the 'interpenetration' political factors and the value of religious ideology. Third, religious education policy implementation failure caused by subtle rejection systemically (systemic subtle rejection), the standing of the constraints of implementation of the policy holder (government silent on implementation gap), and the absence of an evaluation of the implementation constraints. Fourth, the impact of policy implementation failure religious education includes learning impact, psychological impact and effects of the substance of religious values.
Theoretical implication of this study is that the value of religious ideology (ideological values) is a determinant factor in the whole process of public policy since the formulation, implementation and evaluation. The case study of Indonesian context, adherence to religion is greater than adherence to state policy. Value of ideology in terms of policy implementation has been more emphasis on the dimension of political ideology. So the ideology in religious context become a space correction to the theory of policy implementation.
In connection with the research findings, a process of policy implementation requires some steps. First, the optimization of content dissemination policy in the hope of an increase in the response community (citizens partisipation), both in understanding participation in policy formulation and implementation so that the aggregation of the interests of society and the values that flourish in a society accommodated in the policy process; Third, policy implementation need to formulate strategies to achieve goals in accordance with the implementation of the environmental characteristics of the pattern of synthesis of a combined top-down and bottom-up evaluation in all stages of policy., The dissertation describes the implementation of religious education policy in Catholic schools Blitar review of aspects: Content of Policy, Context of Implementation, aspect failure, and the impact of the failure of policy implementation. This research using postpositivisme paradigm, the qualitative and descriptive methods.
The research produce some finding: First, aspects of the content of the policy indicates that the religious education policy formulation is not considered to represent the interests of the target group aggregation, so that a failure in implementation. Second, aspects of the context of implementation indicate that the implementation of the policy of religious education is not only the administrative process, but were influenced by the 'interpenetration' political factors and the value of religious ideology. Third, religious education policy implementation failure caused by subtle rejection systemically (systemic subtle rejection), the standing of the constraints of implementation of the policy holder (government silent on implementation gap), and the absence of an evaluation of the implementation constraints. Fourth, the impact of policy implementation failure religious education includes learning impact, psychological impact and effects of the substance of religious values.
Theoretical implication of this study is that the value of religious ideology (ideological values) is a determinant factor in the whole process of public policy since the formulation, implementation and evaluation. The case study of Indonesian context, adherence to religion is greater than adherence to state policy. Value of ideology in terms of policy implementation has been more emphasis on the dimension of political ideology. So the ideology in religious context become a space correction to the theory of policy implementation.
In connection with the research findings, a process of policy implementation requires some steps. First, the optimization of content dissemination policy in the hope of an increase in the response community (citizens partisipation), both in understanding participation in policy formulation and implementation so that the aggregation of the interests of society and the values that flourish in a society accommodated in the policy process; Third, policy implementation need to formulate strategies to achieve goals in accordance with the implementation of the environmental characteristics of the pattern of synthesis of a combined top-down and bottom-up evaluation in all stages of policy.]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Relief cerita binatang ini akan desebut satu persatu dan sedapat mungkin akan diberi keterangan cerita apa yang dimaksud oleh relief-relief ini masing-masing. Di bawah ini akan dikutip kedua ceria, tetapi hanya sebuah cerita saja yang dikutip bahasa Sanskertanya dan diterjemahkan. Masing-masing dikutip dari buku Pafichakhyanaka dan Pafichatantra terjemahan tuan van der Waals. Kedua cerita ini adalah: 1. ular yang menipu katak 2. Raja katak yang minta pertolongan ular..."
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1957
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zulva Ibadati
Fokus dari penelitian ini adalah layanan Bulk Loan dan pengelola layanan Bulk Loan. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh angka melek huruf yang sudah tinggi namun belum menunjukkan korelasi dengan minat baca masyarakat. Sudah banyak upaya untuk meningkatkan minat baca masyarakat. Salah satu upaya yang menarik perhatian peneliti adalah layanan paket buku (Bulk Loan) UPT Perpustakaan Proklamator Bung Karno yang berada di Blitar, Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui alasan pembentukan, pengelolaan layanan, pendapat pengelola terkait minat baca masyarakat Blitar, kendala yang dihadapi, serta dampak dari layanan Bulk Loan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif, metode studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi melalui laporan tahunan dan lini masa jejaring sosial Facebook. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa layanan Bulk Loan ini membawa dampak positif bagi masyarakat Blitar. Layanan Bulk Loan dapat merangsang masyarakat untuk membaca.
The focus of this study is the Bulk Loan service and its managers. This research is motivated by the fact that the literacy rate which is already high, but it does not correlate with reading interest of the population. There are efforts to increase population?s reading interest. One of them is the Bulk Loan service of Proklamator Bung Karno Library located in Blitar, East Java. It purposes are to know the reasons behind the establishment, management services, the manager?s opinion on reading interest of Blitar people, the, obstacle faced, as well as the impact of Bulk Loan service. This is qualitative research with descriptive design and the case study method. Depth-interview and documentation study through annual reports and Facebook are used to collect data. Result shows that the Bulk Loan service brings positive impact to Blitar people, which can attract people to read., The focus of this study is the Bulk Loan service and its managers. This research is motivated by the fact that the literacy rate which is already high, but it does not correlate with reading interest of the population. There are efforts to increase population’s reading interest. One of them is the Bulk Loan service of Proklamator Bung Karno Library located in Blitar, East Java. It purposes are to know the reasons behind the establishment, management services, the manager’s opinion on reading interest of Blitar people, the, obstacle faced, as well as the impact of Bulk Loan service. This is qualitative research with descriptive design and the case study method. Depth-interview and documentation study through annual reports and Facebook are used to collect data. Result shows that the Bulk Loan service brings positive impact to Blitar people, which can attract people to read.]"
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tino Suhartanto
"Candi Kalicilik terletak di desa Candirejo, Kec Ponggok, Kab. Blitar, Jawa Timur. Memiliki hiasan ornamental yang sanagt raya, sehingga bentuknya sangat indah walaupun ukurannya yang relatief kecil.
Hasil penelitian diperoleh menunjukan bahwa Candi Kilicilik memeliki satu tingkatan kaki candi, memiliki bagian kaki, tubuh dan atap secara lengkap, walupun atapnya merupakanhasil rekonstruksi. Bentuk atapnya sikhara dengan bahan yang sama dengan bahan penyusunan tubuh candi. Latar belakang keagamaan adalah Hindu Saiwa berdasarkan dari hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library