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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Chacha Annisa
Ideologi good motherhood menyebabkan perempuan teropresi dari peran reproduksinya. Salah satu peran reproduksi yang teropresi adalah peran ibu menyusui. Ideologi good motherhood telah membuat perempuan tidak memiliki kontrol akan tubuhnya. Menyusui menjadi sebuah konsekuensi yang harus dilakukan ibu pasca melahirkan. Dalam penelitian ini penulis akan menggambarkan bagaimana pengalaman pribadi ketika memaknai kontrol tubuhnya terkait keputusan menyusui. Penulis menceritakan pengalaman jurnalis perempuan yang bekerja di industri televisi ketika memutuskan untuk menyusui bayi. Pemaknaan akan kontrol tubuh tersebut dijelaskan dalam kerangka pemikiran feminis radikal dan feminis psikoanalis. Dalam penelitian kualitatif ini penulis juga menguraikan bagaimana ideologi good motherhood berperan besar dalam terciptanya trend ASI Eklsusif. Sehingga akhirnya penulis menggugat trend ASI Ekslusif. Namun bukan untuk menunjukkan penolakan terhadap ASI Ekslusif, melainkan untuk membebaskan perempuan dalam memaknai kontrol tubuhnya ketika menyusui.

The ideologi of good motherhood has led the women to be opressed from their role of reproduction. One of their oppressed reproduction roles is the responsibility of breastfeeding. The ideology of good motherhood seems to have contributed to the loss of control in women‟s bodies. Breastfeeding has become an obligation and consequence that women ought to undertake after birth. In this research, the writer will depict her own stories while controlling her body in terms of breastfeeding decision. In addition, the writer also examine the experiences of several woman television journalist while taking responsibility for breastfeeding. The perspective of bodies control is explained in a framework of radical feminist and feminist psychoanalyse, how the ideology of good motherhood plays in privat role in creating the trend of exclusive breast milk. Eventually, the writer will be questioning the trend of exclusive breast milk without refusing it. The writer is merely trying to help women to interpret the control of their bodies in exclusive breastfeeding, The ideologi of good motherhood has led the women to be opressed from their role of reproduction. One of their oppressed reproduction roles is the responsibility of breastfeeding. The ideology of good motherhood seems to have contributed to the loss of control in women‟s bodies. Breastfeeding has become an obligation and consequence that women ought to undertake after birth. In this research, the writer will depict her own stories while controlling her body in terms of breastfeeding decision. In addition, the writer also examine the experiences of several woman television journalist while taking responsibility for breastfeeding. The perspective of bodies control is explained in a framework of radical feminist and feminist psychoanalyse, how the ideology of good motherhood plays in privat role in creating the trend of exclusive breast milk. Eventually, the writer will be questioning the trend of exclusive breast milk without refusing it. The writer is merely trying to help women to interpret the control of their bodies in exclusive breastfeeding]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amatus Yudi Ismanto
"Imunisasi pada masa anak-anak merupakan tindakan yang menimbulkan trauma karena menyebabkan nyeri. Tujuan penelitian untuk membandingkan pemberian ASI dan topikal anestesi terhadap respon nyeri imunisasi pada bayi di Puskesmas Bahu Manado. Desain penelitian adalah quasi experimental dengan rancangan perbandingan kelompok (static group comparism). Sampel yaitu bayi usia 0-12 bulan yang dilakukan tindakan penyuntikan imunisasi yang terdiri dari 49 responden kelompok intervensi ASI dan 49 responden kelompok intervensi topikal anestesi. Analisis perbedaan respon nyeri saat penyuntikan imunisasi menggunakan Mann-Whitney U test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa respon nyeri bayi yang diberi ASI lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan bayi yang diberi topikal anestesi (p= 0,000). Rekomendasi penelitian ini yaitu ASI dapat digunakan untuk menurunkan respon nyeri bagi bayi.
......Immunization in childhood is a traumatic event for children, because it's causes pain. Research purposes to compare of providing milk and topical anesthesia administration to the pain response in infants immunized at the Primary Health Care Bahu Manado. Design research is quasi-experimental with comparison group design (static group comparism). The sample of infants aged 0-12 months who perceived immunization injection consisting of 49 respondents breastfeeding intervention group and 49 intervention group respondents topical anesthesia. Analysis of differences in pain response during immunization injections using the Mann-Whitney U test. The results showed that pain response of breastfed babies is lower compared with infants who were given topical anesthesia (p = 0.000). Recommendations of this study that breast feeding can be used to reduce the pain response for infants."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurrahmi Ika Aminy Putri
Ibu menyusui merupakan salah satu kelompok yang beresiko tinggi mengalami kekurangan gizi akibat perilaku pantang makanan. Perilaku pantang makanan masih banyak terjadi di daerah yang masih memiliki budaya yang kuat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali informasi lebih mendalam terkait perilaku pantang makanan pada ibu menyusui di desa Duwet Kedampul Kecamatan Tumpang Kabupaten Malang Jawa Timur. Desain studi yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode FGD pada ibu menyusui dan kader posyandu dan wawancara mendalam dengan anggota keluarga dan bidan desa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ibu menyusui masih mematuhi pantang makanan yang telah diturunkan antargenerasi. Faktor pencetus antara lain pengetahuan, kepercayaan, nilai, dan sikap. Ibu menyusui dan anggota keluarga memiliki sikap positif terkait perilaku pantang makanan tersebut. Sebaliknya, bidan dan kader posyandu memiliki sifat negatif terhadap pantang makanan pada ibu menyusui. Pantang makanan pada ibu menyusui didasarkan pada kepercayaan bahwa dengan menghindarkan makanan yang dipantang dapat mencegahkan ibu dan bayi terhadap bahaya (magis). Faktor pendukung antara lain yakni sarana berupa akses informasi yang didapat dari orang terdekat ibu menyusui, bidan, ataupun media cetak. Faktor penguat yakni pengaruh dari keluarga dan pengaruh dari petugas kesehatan sehingga diperlukan penyuluhan terkait pantang makanan pada ibu menyusui.

;Breastfeeding mothers is one of the group with undernutrition risk because of food taboo practice. The food taboo is still exist in the community with strong culture. This research aimed to explain the food taboo behavior among breastfeeding mother in Duwet Kedampul Village, Tumpang sub District, Malang District, East Java. Study design is descriptive qualitative by using method FGD in breastfeeding mothers and kader and in-depth interviews with family members and midwife. The results showed that breastfeeding mothers still obey abdicated intergeneration food taboos. Predisposing factors such as knowledge, beliefs, values, and attitudes. Breastfeeding mothers and family members have a positive attitude toward food taboo. But, midwife and kader have negative attitudes toward food taboo among breastfeeding mother. Food taboo exist is based on the belief that by avoiding the food, mother and her baby can be saved from certain dangers (magical). Enabling factors consists of form of access to the information obtained from the nearest breastfeeding mothers such as her husband or parents, midwife, or flyers. Reinforcing factors consists of influence from family such as husband or parents and influence from health care workers such as kader and midwifes. So, the health care workers have to make education discussion about food taboo to breastfeeding mothers and her family., Breastfeeding mothers is one of the group with undernutrition risk because of food taboo practice. The food taboo is still exist in the community with strong culture. This research aimed to explain the food taboo behavior among breastfeeding mother in Duwet Kedampul Village, Tumpang sub District, Malang District, East Java. Study design is descriptive qualitative by using method FGD in breastfeeding mothers and kader and in-depth interviews with family members and midwife. The results showed that breastfeeding mothers still obey abdicated intergeneration food taboos. Predisposing factors such as knowledge, beliefs, values, and attitudes. Breastfeeding mothers and family members have a positive attitude toward food taboo. But, midwife and kader have negative attitudes toward food taboo among breastfeeding mother. Food taboo exist is based on the belief that by avoiding the food, mother and her baby can be saved from certain dangers (magical). Enabling factors consists of form of access to the information obtained from the nearest breastfeeding mothers such as her husband or parents, midwife, or flyers. Reinforcing factors consists of influence from family such as husband or parents and influence from health care workers such as kader and midwifes. So, the health care workers have to make education discussion about food taboo to breastfeeding mothers and her family.]"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pemberian ASI eksklusif masih rendah sehingga perlu dilakukan upaya untuk
meningkatkan cakupannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah teridentifikasi mitos, budaya,
pengetahuan dan sikap yang mempengaruhi pemberian ASI ekslusif, terbentuknya
model pendidikan kesehatan terhadap perilaku pemberian ASI eksklusif sebagai dasar
untuk suksesnya target pencapaian pemberian ASI eksklusif melalui penerapan model
pendidikan kesehatan berbasis budaya yang telah teruji, dan praktek pemberian ASI 1
bulan. Penelitian ini merupakan operasional riset dengan menggunakan mixed method
yaitu kualitatif dan kuantitaif. Sampel kualitatif diambil secara snowboll dengan
jumlah 19 orang dan kuantitaif diambil secara puorposive sesuai kriteria inklusi
dengan jumlah 84 orang dan terbagi dalam dua kelompok yaitu 42 orang kelompok
intervensi dan 42 orang kelompok kontol. Kelompok intervensi mendapatkan
pendidikan kesehatan IMTASIE. Hasil penelitian kualitatif mengidentifikasi mitos
dan budaya yang mempengaruhi pemberian ASI eksklusif masih sangat kuat
dipertahankan, pengetahuan ibu kurang, dan semua ibu ingin memberikan ASI. Hasil
penelitian kuantitatif Model IMTASIE yang dikembangkan secara signifikan
memberikan efek terhadap praktik pemberian ASI satu bulan dengan nilai p value
0.026 (<0.05). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini direkomendasikan perlunya pelibatan
tokoh masyarakat dalam kegiatan pendidikan kesehatan tentang pemberian ASI
eksklusiff dari perspektif budaya

Exclusive breastfeeing rate is still low, hence needs marked promotion. The objective
of this study is to identify the myths, culture, knowledge, and attitude affecting the
exclusive breastfeeding practice, to form and to implement a culture-based health
education model (IMTASIE) on exclusive breastfeeding. This study was designed as
an operational mixed-method research. Qualitative sample was recruited through
snowball sampling and reached 19 participants. Whereas, purposive sampling of 84
participants, divided into treatment and control group, each comprised of 42
participants, involved in the quantitative test. Treatment group received IMTASIE
health education. The qualitative results revealed the myths and culture surrounding
exclusive breastfeeding practice which were still strongly held by mothers, lack of
mothers? knowledge on exclusive breastfeeding in spite of their willingness to
breastfeed. IMTASIE model significantly influenced the exclusive breastfeeding
practice for the first month with p value 0.026 (<0.05). The results implied the
importance of involving community leaders in culture-based health education on
exclusive breastfeeding."
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manurung, Mega Anara
"Provinsi Papua merupakan salah satu provinsi di Indonesia yang masuk dalam kategori provinsi dengan status gizi anak yang buruk. Meskipun demikian, dari studi sebelumnya didapatkan bahwa pemberian ASI eksklusif di Kabupaten Jayawijaya Provinsi Papua termasuk yang terbaik. Karena adanya perbedaan tersebut, peneliti mencari tahu apakah ada hubungan antara pengetahuan pemberian ASI eksklusif dan makanan tambahan bayi dengan status gizi anak usia 0-36 bulan di Kabupaten Jayawijaya Provinsi Papua. Penelitian ini merupakan studi cross-sectional. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui wawancara 104 orang ibu dengan anak usia 0-36 bulan di berbagai kecamatan di Kabupaten Jayawijaya Provinsi Papua.
Dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil bahwa tidak ada hubungan pengetahuan pemberian ASI eksklusif dengan status gizi anak usia 0-36 bulan (p > 0,05) dan hubungan pengetahuan pemberian makanan tambahan dengan status gizi anak usia 0-36 bulan (p > 0,05). Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan pengetahuan pemberian ASI eksklusif dan makanan tambahan bayi dengan status gizi anak usia 0- 36 bulan di Kabupaten Jayawijaya Provinsi Papua tahun 2014. Diperlukan studi lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui adanya faktor-faktor lain yang kemungkinan berhubungan dengan status gizi anak usia 0-36 bulan di sana.
Papua is one of the provinces in Indonesia that included in category of provinces with poor nutritional status of children. Nonetheless, from a previous study found that 3 of 5 children received exclusive breastfeeding in Jayawijaya, Papua Province while studies state that exclusive breastfeeding have many advantages for child growth and development. Because of those previous studies, we found out whether there is a relation between knowledge in providing exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding with nutritional status of children aged 0-36 months in Jayawijaya Papua Province. This study is a cross-sectional study. Data were collected through interviews with 104 mothers of children aged 0-36 months and antrophometric measurements for children in various districts in Jayawijaya, Papua Province. We classified the nutritional status as based on the z-score categories (weight-for-height, height-for-age, and weight-for-age).
The results shows that the prevalence of of stunting and severely stunting (49,03%), according to height-for-age, is higher than national prevalence (40%). According to weight-for-height category, the prevalence of underweight children (12,50%) is hight than the national prevalence (11,9%). From the Chi square analysis, there was no relation between knowledge in providing exclusive breastfeeding and nutritional status of children aged 0-36 months (p> 0.05) and no relation between knowledge in providing complementary feeding and nutritional status of children aged 0-36 months (p > 0.05). Therefore, it can be concluded that there is no relation between knowledge in providing exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding with nutritional status of children aged 0- 36 months in Jayawijaya, Papua Province in 2014."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Athena P. Kourtis, editor
"In this book, expert HIV researchers critically review every aspect of this highly evolving and topical subject. The opening chapters deal with the epidemiology, global magnitude and biologic mechanisms of HIV-1 transmission from mother to child through breastfeeding and include considerations of the virus (quantity, compartments, characteristics) and the host (genetic, immunity-innate, cellular, humoral). The effects of breastfeeding on the HIV-infected mother’s health and nutritional status, and the social and cultural issues associated with the practice of breastfeeding are also discussed. The next few chapters provide cutting-edge reviews of the latest approaches to prevention of HIV transmission to the infant through breastfeeding, including antiretroviral strategies, nutritional and immune-based approaches, and treatment of expressed breast milk. The remaining chapters provide a fascinating review of the many iterations this subject has received, as reflected in the several different sets of guidelines for infant feeding by HIV-infected mothers issued by the World Health Organization, and a debate by leading scientists on whether HIV-infected mothers should breastfeed their infants-in resource-limited and in resource-rich settings. A comprehensive overview of the current state of implementing the new evidence for prevention of breastfeeding transmission of HIV all over the world is also presented."
New York: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library