"Sektor jus kemasan Indonesia memiliki pasar yang besar dan berkontribusi terhadap PDB negara. Gudang berperan sebagai tempat penyimpanan dan sumber informasi ketersediaan barang untuk memenuhi permintaan konsumen. Masih terdapat tantangan di gudang yang dapat menurunkan efisiensi operasi gudang dan membuatnya kurang responsif terhadap kebutuhan pelanggan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang perbaikan operasional pergudangan pada industri jus kemasan melalui pendekatan Business Process Reengineering (BPR) dengan memanfaatkan teknologi Internet of Things (IoT) untuk meningkatkan efisiensi waktu. Model sistem informasi juga dirancang untuk mendukung hasil proses perbaikan dengan skenario 4 yang menggunakan automated inventory system berbasis RFID, handheld mobile computer, dan automated picking direction by voice yang memiliki efisiensi waktu paling tinggi yaitu untuk gudang bahan baku inbound (8%), outbound (25%), stock opname (35%) dan gudang barang jadi untuk inbound (3%), outbound (45%), dan stock opname (25%).
......Indonesia's packaged juice sector has a large market and contributes to the country's GDP. It is necessary to have a supply chain that responds to high customer demand to meet these needs. The warehouse acts as a storage and a source of information on the availability of goods to meet consumer demand, giving a significant impact on overall business process operations. There are still challenges in the warehouse that might lower warehouse operations' efficiency and make them less responsive to customer needs. This study aims to design improvements of the warehousing operations in the packaged juice industry through a Business Process Reengineering (BPR) approach by utilizing Internet of Things (IoT) technology to improve the time efficiency. The information system model is also designed to support the results of the improvement process with scenario 4 which uses RFID-based inventory management, handheld mobile computers, and automated picking direction by voice which have the highest time efficiency, namely for raw material warehouses, inbound (8%), outbound (25%) ), and stock opname (35%) and finished goods warehouse, for inbound (3%), outbound (45%), and stock opname (25%)."