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Rona Kartika
"Diabetes melitus (DM) tipe 2 adalah penyakit yang berhubungan dengan kondisi inflamasi ringan kronis. Selain terjadi peningkatan kadar sitokin proinflamasi, diduga terjadi gangguan pada mediator antiinflamasi, yaitu enzim indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis produksi IDO dari kultur peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) pada penderita DM tipe 2 dan meneliti hubungan IDO dengan kadar sitokin proinflamasi seperti TNF-α, IL-6, dan IFN-γ; serta sitokin antiinflamasi, IL-10. Sampel PBMC diambil dari 21 pasien DM tipe 2 dan 17 subjek kontrol sehat kemudian dilakukan kultur dengan stimulasi phytohemagglutinin (PHA). Setelah kultur selama 3 hari, produksi TNF-α, IL-6, IFN-γ, dan IL-10 diukur menggunakan multiplex immunoassay, sedangkan kadar IDO diukur menggunakan ELISA. Kadar IDO dari kultur PBMC tanpa stimulasi dan dengan stimulasi PHA secara signifikan lebih tinggi pada pasien DM tipe 2 dengan p<0,001 dan p=0,012. Sebanyak 52,8% pasien DM tipe 2 mengalami penurunan produksi IDO setelah distimulasi PHA dan hal tersebut berhubungan dengan kadar IFN-γ yang rendah dengan p=0,005. Di lain pihak, 42,8% pasien DM tipe 2 mengalami peningkatan produksi IDO setelah stimulasi PHA dan hal ini berhubungan dengan rasio TNF-α/IL-10 (r=0,513 p=0,079), IL-6/IL-10 (r=0,446 p=0,114) dan IFN-γ/IL-10 (r=0,422 p=0,129). Pada DM tipe 2, terjadi perubahan produksi IDO. IFN-γ yang rendah berkontribusi pada penurunan produksi IDO. Sementara itu, respon proinflamasi berhubungan dengan peningkatan produksi IDO.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is associated with chronic low-grade inflammatory condition. Besides the increased of proinflammatory cytokines level, it was found that anti-inflammatory mediators were disturbed. So, we would analyse the production of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) in PHA-stimulated PBMC from type 2 DM patients and investigate its association to pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines. PBMC samples were collected from 21 patients with T2DM and 17 healthy subjects, then followed by 3-day PHA stimulation. In vitro production of TNF-α, IL-6, IFN-γ and IL-10 were measured using multiplex immunoassay; meanwhile, IDO level was assessed using ELISA. IDO concentration from unstimulated and PHA-stimulated PBMC were significantly higher in T2DM patients with p<0,001 and p=0.012 respectively. Reduced IDO production occurred in 52,8% of T2DM and it was associated with low interferon γ with p=0.005; whereas 42,8% of T2DM had higher IDO production and had moderate positive correlations with ratio of TNF-α/IL-10 (r=0,513 p=0,079), IL-6/IL-10 (r=0,446 p=0,114) and IFN-γ/IL-10 (r=0,422 p=0,129). We could conclude that there is an alteration of IDO production after PHA stimulation in T2DM. Low interferon γ level seems to contribute in reducing IDO production. In T2DM with higher IDO production, proinflammatory responses are more influential in increasing IDO production."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abbas, Abul K.
Philadelphia : Elsevier Saunder, 2012
616.01 ABB c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitand Brilliane Natalia
Latar Belakang. Infertilitas merupakan sumber keluhan dan kecemasan pada pasangan suami istri. Infertilitas dialami oleh sekitar 50 ndash; 80 juta pasangan di dunia. Di Indonesia terdapat kurang lebih 12 pasangan infertil. Salah satu penyebab gangguan kesuburan atau infertilitas yang dialami pasangan suami istri adalah yang penyebabnya tidak terjelaskan unexplainned . Dikatakan infertil tidak terjelaskan karena pada semua pemeriksaan standar pasangan suami istri termasuk tes ovulasi, patensi tuba dan analisis sperma berada dalam keadaan normal. Sebagian besar masalah infertil tidak terjelaskan dikaitkan dengan gangguan imunologi yang terjadi antara suami istri, dengan adanya perubahan peningkatan indeks proliferasi limfosit sebagai indikator.Metode. Dilakukan pengambilan sampel darah tepi dan pemisahan SMDT pasangan infertil tidak terjelaskan. Sebelum dilakukan kultur MLR Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction , SMDT suami diinkubasi dengan Mitomycin C. Kultur MLR SMDT suami dan istri selama 72 jam. Dilakukan labelling sel dengan BrdU untuk mengetahui indeks proliferasi yang menunjukkan nilai proliferasi sel limfosit. Hasilnya dibandingkan dengan istri pasangan fertil.Hasil. Dari 11 pasangan Infertil tidak terjelaskan dan 4 pasangan fertil, terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara indeks prolifersi sel limfosit istri dengan medium standar pasangan infertil tidak terjelaskan dibandingkan indeks prolifersi sel limfosit istri pasangan fertil p = 0,01 . Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara indeks proliferasi sel limfosit istri yang diberi stimulan IL2 pasangan infertil tidak terjelaskan dengan sel limfosit istri pasangan fertil setelah kultur 72 jam p = 0,049 . Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara indeks proliferasi sel limfosit istri pasangan infertil tidak terjelaskan dengan sel limfosit istri pasangan fertil yang di stimulasi oleh sel limfosit suami setelah kultur MLR 72 jam p = 0,014 . Tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara indeks proliferasi sel limfosit istri pasangan infertil tidak terjelaskan yang diberi stimulan IL2 dengan sel limfosit istri pasangan fertil yang di stimulasi oleh sel limfosit suami setelah kultur MLR 72 jam p = 0,115 . Tidak terdapat perbedaan antara proliferasi sel limfosit pasangan infertil tidak terjelaskan dengan metode MLR pada pasangan infertil tidak terjelaskan setelah menikah lebih dari 5 tahun dan kurang dari 5 tahun p=0,202 . Hasil penelitian ini menguatkan dugaan adanya peran imunologi sebagaian dalam terjadinya infertil tidak terjelaskan.

Infertility is a source of worry of the couple. Infertility is occured in 50 80 millions couple in the world. There is almost 12 infertile couple in Indonesia. One of the reason of this infertility problem is unexplainned. Diagnosis of unexplainned infertility is made when all of the basic evaluation including ovulation test, tubal patency and normal sperm analysis are established. The potential cause of unexplainned infertility has been described mostly as an immunology problem, where as there is a change of lymphocyte proliferation as an indicator.Method. Peripheral blood and lymphocyte isolation were collected from unexplainned infertile couples and fertile couples. Before MLR the husband rsquo s lymphocytes were incubated with mitomycin C. The MLR between husband and wife rsquo s lymphocytes were cultured for 72 hours. The cell were labelled with BrdU to measure proliferation index that show lymphocyte proliferation assay. The result were compared between unexplainned infertile couples and controls. Result. From 11 unexplainned infertile couples and 4 fertile couples, There was a significant difference between wife rsquo s lymphocyte proliferation index with the standard medium of unexplained infertile couples compared to the fertile wife 39 s lymphocyte proliferation index p 0.01 . There was a significant difference between the proliferation index of wife rsquo s lymphocyte cells induced by IL2 stimulant of unexplained infertile couples with fertile lymphocyte cell after culture 72 hours p 0.049 . There was a significant difference between unexplainned infertile couples lymphocyte cell proliferation index indices with the fertile wife lymphocyte cell were stimulated by husband 39 s lymphocyte cells after culture of MLR 72 hours p 0.014 . There was no significant difference between unexplained infertile couples lymphocyte cell proliferation index induced by IL2 stimulant with fertile lymphocyte cells stimulated by husband lymphocyte cells after culture of MLR 72 hours p 0.115 . There was no difference between unexplained infertile lymphocyte cell proliferation with MLR method in unexplained infertile couples after marriage of more than 5 years and less than 5 years p 0.202 . The results of this study reinforce the alleged existence of immunological role in the occurrence of infertile unexplained. Keywords unexplainned infertility, MLR culture, cell proliferation, index proliferation"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prasetyo Widhi Buwono
"Latar Belakang : Infeksi sering didapatkan pada pasien kenker nasofaring yang menjalani kemoterapi. Infeksi disebabkan oleh rusaknya barier fisik karena efek kemoterapi atau efek kemoterapi yang akan menurunkan imunitas tubuh,Infeksi pasca kemoterapi akan menunda kemoterapi berikutnya, akibatnya respon kemoterapi menjadi tidak optimal.
Tujuan : Mendapatkan data status imunitas selular primer dan sekunder, pasca kemoterapi neoajuvan 3 siklus, data kekerapan infeksi dan perbandingan kekerapan infeksi pada pasien KNF stadium lanjut yang mendapatkan kemoterapi neoadjuvan 3 siklus pada pasien kanker nasofaring stadium lanjut, antara yang imunitas selular menurun dan yang tidak menurun.
Metode : Penelitian one group before and after observasional, 1 kelompok tanpa kontrol selama 3 bulan di gedung A lantai 8 RSCM, juli ndash; september 2015.Penurunan rerata jumlah lekosit, netrofil, CD4 , CD8, kejadian infeksi dianalisis bivariat dengan uji T berpasangan atau uji Mann Whitney.Penelitian ini juga melihat kekerapan kejadian infejsi post kemoterapi neoadjuvan.Penelitian ini menggunakan tingkat kemaknaan 0,005, interval kepercayaan 95.
Hasil : Tidak ada penurunan status imunitas selular primer, lekosit p=0,356 dan netrofil p=0,289.Terdapat penurunan status imunitas selular sekunder, CD 4 P=0,002, CD 8 P=0,001, dengan ratio CD 4 /CD 8 tidak berubah rerata CD 4 sudah rendah sejak sebelum kemoterapi.Mukositis oral dan pneumonia merupakan infeksi yang kerap didapatkan. CD4 yang rendah pada kelompok sebelum kemoterapi meningkatkan potensi infeksi selama dan sesudah kemoterapi neoadjuvan.Penurunan imunitas seluler sekunder nilai rerata jumlah CD4 berhubungan dengan peningkatan kejadian infeksi pasca siklus ke 2 p=0,016.
Kesimpulan : Tidak terdapat penurunan imunitas selular primer dan didapatkan penurunan imunitas selular sekunder pada pasien karsinoma nasofaring stadium lanjut yang menjalani kemoterapi neoadjuvan 3 siklus.Pada pasien dengan penurunan imunitas selular sekunder terdapat peningkatan kejadian infeksi mukositis oral dan pneumonia CD 4 yang rendah merupakan prediktor kejadian infeksi. Penurunan imunitas selular sekunder hanya akan meningkatkan kejadian infeksi pasca siklus ke 2 kemoterapi neoadjuvan.

Background: The infections especially in a the oropharynx often get on cancer patients nasopharyngeal .One of the causes of infection include breakdowns physical mucous barier because the tumor growth or because the effects of chemotherapy and radiation .Chemotherapy and radiation will result in side effects namely the inflammation and ulceration mouth and the oropharynx mucous called mukositis oral.selama endure chemotherapy, besides mukositis oral, infections of the also often found .Chemotherapy resulted in an emphasis on cell production immune response that result in the lekopenia with rob possibilities infection become larger.
The purpose: To asess of immunity cellular status on advanced stage nasaofaringeal patient to get 3 cycle neoadjuvan chemotherapy and assess the incident lung infection and tumor area after undergoing 3 cycle neoadjuvan chemotherapy.
The methode: Research one group before and after observational use 1 group without control. The research was done during the three months in the building a floor 8 Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital juli september 2015. The Data on the background respondents will be analyzed by a sort of descriptive set by using analysis univariat.hubungan between chemotherapy neoadjuvan and an immune response cellular will be analyzed bivariat by test wilcoxon sign rank test. In this research also be seen the proportion of the infection before pre and post chemotherapy neoadjuvan .This research using level evidence 0.05 to the interval trust 95.
Results: From 17 subject of research , 12 subjects 70,6 is laki laki , women made up subjects 29,4 .Median age patient is 46,7 , 10 patients 58,8 less than median age , 7 patients 42,2 more of age median.stadium 4a obtained on 4 patients 23,5 patients , while stadium 4 b obtained on 13 patients 76,5 .Seen from the infection after chemotherapy neoadjuvan 9 subjects 52,8 never would have experienced infection , 8 subjects 47,2 experienced infection. Looks the relationship between chemotherapy neoadjuvan 3 cycle in immunity cellular p 0,007 on cds 4 and p 0,005 on cds 8 , the immunity cellular decline in the infection look after chemotherapy neoadjuvan cycle to 2 p 0,016 on cds 4 while after cycle to 3 not seen the relationship between chemotherapy neoadjuvan 3 cycle in the infection .Count of leukosit and lymphocytes cannot be used to predict a decrease in an immune response cellular after undergoing 3 cycle neoadjuvan chemotherapy.
Conclusions: Immune response decreased on advanced stage nasopharynx carcinoma patient are undergoing 3 cycle neoadjuvan chemotherapy neoadjuvan 3 . The Decreased of cellular immune response has played of increased infection in the lung and tumor area post 2 cycle neoadjuvan chemotherapy.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abbas, Abul K.
Philadelpia: Saunders Elsevier, 2010
616.079 ABB c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abbas, Abul K.
Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier, 2018
616.079 ABB c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abbas, Abul K.
"Popular for its highly visual, straightforward approach, Cellular and Molecular Immunology delivers an accessible yet thorough understanding of this active and fast-changing field. Drs. Abul K. Abbas, Andrew H. Lichtman, and Shiv Pillai present key updates in this new edition to cover the latest developments in antigen receptors and signal transduction in immune cells, mucosal and skin immunity, cytokines, leukocyte-endothelial interaction, and more. With additional online features, this is an ideal resource for medical, graduate and undergraduate students of immunology who need a clear, intr."
Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier, 2015
616.079 ABB c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library