"Upaya perpustakaan dalam menentukan layak atau tidaknya koleksi bagi anak dilakukan melalui kegiatan seleksi dan sensor. Penelitian ini membahas penerapan seleksi dan sensor pada koleksi anak di Perpustakaan Nasional RI. Selain itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor yang mempengaruhi kegiatan tersebut. Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, dan analisis dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Perpustakaan Nasional RI telah menerapkan seleksi dan sensor pada koleksi anak, meskipun belum ada kebijakan tertulis yang mengatur dan memandu kegiatan seleksi dan sensor khusus koleksi anak. Prosesnya dilakukan sebelum koleksi anak diakuisisi, yakni melalui tiga tahapan: persiapan alat seleksi, penilaian koleksi secara fisik maupun konten, dan tahap penentuan koleksi. Buku dengan penilaian positif akan terpilih untuk dilayankan, sedangkan buku dengan penilaian negatif akan disensor atau ditolak dari layanan anak. Namun, penyensoran dapat terjadi meskipun koleksi sudah dilayankan. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh adanya keluhan orang tua. Adapun kendala utama yang dihadapi pustakawan adalah perbedaan sudut pandang dalam menilai koleksi anak.
......The library's efforts to determine whether or not a collection for children is appropriate are carried out through selection and censorship activities. This study discusses the implementation of selection and censorship in children's collections at the National Library of Indonesia. This study aims to identify the factors that influence these activities. Data collection through interviews, observation, and document analysis. The results show that the National Library of Indonesia has implemented the selection and censorship of children's collections. However, no written policy regulates and guides the selection and censorship of activities for children's collections. The process is carried out before the children's collection is acquired through three stages: preparation of selection tools, physical and content assessment of the collection, and collection determination. Books with positive assessments will be selected for service, while books with negative assessments will be censored or rejected from children's services. However, censorship can occur even after the collection has been served. Parents' complaints influence this censorship. The main obstacle the librarians faced was the difference in point of view when assessing children's collections. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023