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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Nurul Evi
Abstrak :
[Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan efektivitas mengunyah permen karet dan intervensi mobilisasi dini. Sebuah penelitian time series, 46 wanita pasca bedah sesar elektif dengan anestesi spinal dibagi ke dalam dua kelompok. Uji man-whitney dan chi-square digunakan untuk analisis statistik. Frekuensi bising usus (7 ± 5-10 dibanding 6 ± 1-8,). Waktu pertama kali flatus (7 ± 6-10 dibanding 16 ± 11-20), secara signifikan lebih cepat muncul pada kelompok mengunyah permen karet dan intervensi mobilisasi dini dibandingkan dengan yang intervensi mobilisasi dini. Nilai masing-masing p=0,00 dan p=0,00. Mengunyah permen karet dan intervensi mobilisasi dini efektif dalam mempercepat pengembalian motilitas usus pasca bedah sesar dan dapat digunakan sebagai manajemen protokol pasca operasi;The aim of study was to prove the effectiveness of gum‑chewing and early mobilization intervention. A time series study with fourty-six women for elective caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia were divided into two groups. The Student’s man-whitney and chi‑square test were used for statistical analysis. The frequency of bowel sounds (7 ± 5-10 vs 6 ± 1-8). The first passage of flatus (7 ± 6-10 vs 16 ± 11-20), were significantly reduced in patients that chewed gum and early mobilization intervention compared with early mobilization intervention. p=0,00 and p=0,00, respectively. Gum‑chewing and early mobilization intervention have a beneficial effect on early return of bowel function following cesarean section and should be included in the postoperative management protocol., The aim of study was to prove the effectiveness of gum‑chewing and early mobilization intervention. A time series study with fourty-six women for elective caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia were divided into two groups. The Student’s man-whitney and chi‑square test were used for statistical analysis. The frequency of bowel sounds (7 ± 5-10 vs 6 ± 1-8). The first passage of flatus (7 ± 6-10 vs 16 ± 11-20), were significantly reduced in patients that chewed gum and early mobilization intervention compared with early mobilization intervention. p=0,00 and p=0,00, respectively. Gum‑chewing and early mobilization intervention have a beneficial effect on early return of bowel function following cesarean section and should be included in the postoperative management protocol.]
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saragih, Betty Luinta
Abstrak :
Gangguan sistem muskuloskeletal dapat terjadi pada semua usia dan mempengaruhi kualitas hidup penderitanya. Masalah sistem ini dapat mengakibatkan peningkatan angka morbiditas dan mortalitas bila tidak ditangani dengan segera dan tepat. Intervensi keperawatan berdasarkan hasil telaah bukti dalam praktik keperawatan medikal bedah diperlukan dalam memperoleh pelayanan professional dan berkualitas. Praktik Ners Residensi Spesialis dilakukan untuk mengimplementasikan peran Ners Spesialis sebagai care giver, pendidik, pengelola pelayanan keperawatan, peneliti, pembaharu dan pelaksana tugas berdasarkan pelimpahan wewenang. Peran Ners Spesialis sebagai care giver dilakukan secara langsung pada 1 klien sebagai kasus kelolaan utama dengan Osteoarthritis genu bilateral dan 30 klien sebagai kasus resume dengan variasi penyakit menggunakan pendekatan teori self-care Orem. Peran Ners Spesialis sebagai edukator selain dilakukan terhadap pasien juga dengan rekan sejawat di tatanan pelayanan rumah sakit melalui kegiatan journal reading berdasarkan fenomena lapangan. Peran Ners Spesialis sebagai peneliti dengan penerapan EBN (Evidence Based Nursing) menggunakan chewing gum sebagai pencegahan postoperative ileus pada fraktur hip. Sedangkan, peran Ners Spesialis sebagai pembaharu dengan melakukan proyek inovasi berupa pengkajian awal risiko deep vein thrombus (DVT) menggunakan “Autar Scale” sebagai pemikiran dasar dalam melakukan asuhan keperawatan terhadap klien gangguan ekstremitas bawah. ...... Musculoskeletal system disorders can occur at any age and affect the quality of life of sufferers. If not treated promptly and appropriately, this disorder can lead to increased morbidity and mortality. Nursing interventions based on the results of evidence review in medical surgical nursing practice are necessary in order to obtain professional and quality services. The Specialist Nurse Residency Practice is carried out to implement the role of Specialist Nurse as a care giver, educator, manager of nursing services, researcher, reformer, and executor of duties based on delegation of authority. The role of the Specialist Nurse as a care giver is carried out directly to 1 client as the main case managed with bilateral genu Osteoarthritis and 30 clients as resume cases with a variety of diseases. Orem's self-care theory is utilized as an approach of the research. The role of Specialist Nurses as educators is carried out not only for patients but also with colleagues in the hospital service setting through journal reading activities based on the field phenomena. The role of the Specialist Nurse as a researcher with the application of EBN (Evidence Based Nursing) is using chewing gum as a prevention of postoperative ileus in hip fractures. Meanwhile, the role of the Specialist Nurse as a reformer is carrying out an innovative project in the form of initial risk assessment of deep vein thrombus (DVT) using the "Autar Scale" as the core idea in carrying out nursing care for patients with lower limb disorders.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Nurian Sharfina Irianto
Abstrak :
Karies gigi merupakan penyakit periodonsium yang terjadi akibat demineralisasi enamel gigi oleh asam yang berasal dari aktivitas bakteri kariogenik, khususnya Streptococcus mutans. Permen karet terbukti ampuh membantu pencegahan karies gigi dengan menstimulasi aliran saliva sehingga dapat mengurangi nutrisi bagi bakteri kariogenik. Dalam penelitian ini permen karet bebas gula diformulasikan dengan menggunakan lateks jelutong (Dyera costulata) sebagai komponen kunyahan dasar permen karet dengan penambahan zat aktif antibakteri berupa lilin propolis (1-5%) untuk menginhibisi aktivitas bakteri S. mutans sebagai upaya pencegahan karies gigi. Hasil karakterisasi (DSC dan TGA) lateks jelutong menunjukkan bahwa lateks tersebut memiliki suhu Tg pada -22,46 ºC dan 33,86 ºC, serta mengandung komponen volatil (14,96%), komponen polimer (84,43%), komponen organik (0,36%), dan komponen anorganik (0,25%). Lilin propolis yang digunakan sebagai zat aktif permen karet merupakan produk samping pemurnian raw propolis Apis mellifera yang tersusun atas komponen resin dan lilin. Senyawa flavonoid yang berperan sebagai antibakteri pada propolis, disinyalir masih terkandung dalam lilin propolis sehingga diduga kuat bahwa lilin propolis memiliki sifat antibakteri selayaknya propolis. Hasil pengujian in vitro menunjukkan bahwa dengan konsentrasi 5% dalam sediaan permen karet bebas gula, lilin propolis 80% lebih efektif menginhibisi aktivitas S.mutans dalam pembentukan biofilm plak gigi relatif terhadap kontrol negatif (tanpa permen karet). ...... Dental caries is a periodontium disease caused by demineralization of tooth surface by organic acid as the result of cariogenic bacteria metabolism, especially Streptococcus mutans. Chewing gum has been proven to help prevent dental caries formation by stimulating salivary flow thus reduce the nutrients for cariogenic bacteria. In this study, sugar-free chewing gum are formulated by using latex from jelutong (Dyer costuata) with the addition of propolis wax (1-5%) as the antibacterial agent to inhibit the activity of S. mutans to prevent biofilm formation which is an earlier stage of dental caries. Characterization of latex jelutong (DSC and TGA) shows that the latex has a temperature Tg at -22.46 ° C and 33.86 ° C, and contain volatile components (14.96%), the polymer component (84.43%), organic components (0.36%), and the inorganic component (0.25%). Propolis wax that used in this formulation is a by-product of raw propolis Apis mellifera purification which generally composed of resin and wax. Flavonoids which act as antibacterial compound in propolis, presumably also contained in propolis wax, so allegedly it also have the antibacterial properties of propolis. The in vitro test showed that 5% of propolis wax in sugar-free chewing gum is able to prevent the formation of dental caries by inhibiting biofilm formation up to 80% more effective relative to the negative control (without chewing gum).
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library