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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Hasbi Mahdy Qardhawi
Abstrak :

Pentingnya air bersih lebih sering diabaikan di negara berkembang. Banyak orang memahami pentingnya air, namun orang-orang ini cenderung tidak sepenuhnya memahami pentingnya air bersih itu. Di Indonesia, ancaman akan kurangnya air bersih tiap tahunnya selalu meningkat. Berdasarkan data World Resources Institute (WRI) mengenai sumber daya air tawar yang dimiliki oleh setiap negara di dunia, Indonesia menduduki peringkat ke-51 dengan tingkat krisis level resiko tinggi (High 40-80% possibility). Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih dengan memanfaatkan air laut membutuhkan pengembangan teknologi penjernihan air atau dikenal dengan desalinasi. Saat ini Proses desalinasi saat ini memanfaatkan proses termal dan membrane untuk menjernihkan air laut. Proses ini terus dikembangkan namun belum dapat mengatasi kelemahan utama pada kedua metode tersebut. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat metode alternatif yang memanfaatkan fenomena air entrainment. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lanjutan mengenai microbubble dan kemampuannya untuk melakukan flotasi digabungkan dengan penelitian tentang atomasi fluida menjadi dasar dalam perancangan metode ini. Penelitian ini akan merekayasa air laut dengan air garam lalu dipompa melewati nozzle dengan diameter yang divariasikan sehingga menjadi kabut atau uap air. Uap air yang terbentuk kemudian akan dialirkan menuju alat air entrainment akan dikondensasikan oleh microbubble. Beberapa variasi parameter penelitian ini adalah diameter nozzle, jumlah nozzle, nozzle orifice dan tekanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa diameter nozzle mempengaruhi debit alitan dan karakteristik semprotan air.


The importance of clean water is often overlooked in developing countries. Many people understand the importance of water, but these people tend not to fully understand the importance of clean water. In Indonesia, the threat of a lack of clean water is increasing every year. Based on data from the World Resources Institute (WRI) regarding freshwater resources owned by every country in the world, Indonesia is in the 51st position with a high level of crisis level of risk (High 40-80% possibility). To meet the need for clean water by utilizing sea water requires the development of water purification technology, known as desalination. Currently, the current desalination process utilizes thermal and membrane processes to purify seawater. This process continues to be developed but has not been able to overcome the major weaknesses of the two methods. Therefore, this study aims to create an alternative method that utilizes the water entrainment phenomenon. This research is a follow-up study on microbubble and its ability to perform flotation combined with research on fluid atomation as the basis for designing this method. This research will engineer seawater with salt water and then pump it through a nozzle with varying diameters so that it becomes mist or water vapor. The water vapor that is formed will then flow into the water entrainment device to be condensed by microbubble. Some variations in the parameters of this research are nozzle diameter, number of nozzles, nozzle orifice and pressure. The results showed that the nozzle diameter affected the flow rate and the characteristics of the water spray.

Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jesica Deviana
Abstrak :
Pertumbuhan sektor industri tekstil memunculkan fenomena pencemaran limbah tekstil yang dikualifikasi sebagai limbah bahan berbahaya dan beracun limbah B3. Kondisi nyata pencemaran limbah tekstil terjadi di Jawa Barat, khususnya DAS Citarum beserta anak sungainya. Hingga saat ini masih banyak perusahaan tekstil yang belum melaksanakan kewajiban pengelolaan limbah B3. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode penelitian hukum yuridis normatif. Permasalahan yang diteliti antara lain mengenai pengaturan tanggung jawab perusahaan tekstil dalam pengelolaan limbah B3 menurut peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia, sistem pengelolaan limbah B3 di PT. Kahatex II dalam mencegah pencemaran dan/atau kerusakan lingkungan hidup, serta kebutuhan pengaturan ke depan terkait pengelolaan limbah B3 cair yang dibuang ke sumber air. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa suatu perusahaan tektil bertanggung jawab untuk melaksanakan kewajiban dan tidak melakukan larangan yang diatur dalam izin pengelolaan limbah B3 maupun peraturan perundang-undangan terkait pengelolaan limbah B3. Selanjutnya PT. Kahatex II sebagai penanggungjawab usaha dan/kegiatan telah memenuhi tanggung jawab pengelolaan limbah B3 yang dibebankan terhadapnya. Kemudian terdapat kebutuhan pengaturan ke depan terkait pengelolaan limbah B3 cair perusahaan tekstil seperti pengaturan lebih lanjut mengenai kewajiban pengurangan limbah B3 dan sanksinya, standar kepekatan warna atau kekeruhan air limbah, penetapan baku mutu air sungai serta daya tampung beban pencemaran sumber air.
The growth of companies in textile industry raises the phenomenon of environmental pollution by textile waste pollution that is qualified as waste of hazardous and toxic materials waste of B3. The actual condition of environmental pollution by textile waste happened in Citarum River Basin and Citarum tributaries. Until now some of textile companies still throw out textile waste to the river without processing on installation of waste water treatment. The research method of this thesis is normative and juridical research. This thesis will examining the regulation in Indonesia about liability of textile industry in waste management of hazardous and toxic materials, the waste management system in PT. Kahatex II and future regulation that related to waste management of liquid hazardous and toxic materials. This research concludes that a textile company has some responsibility to fulfill its obligations on secure license from the authority and any regulation that related to waste management of hazardous and toxic materials. Furthermore, PT. Kahatex II has fulfilled the responsibilities on waste management of hazardous and toxic materials. Through this research, Indonesia need develop the regulations for the waste management of liquid waste from textile company such as regulation about penalty for disobeying the obligation to reduction waste of B3, color standard of water waste from textile company, quality standard of water and carrying capability of the river.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maasberg, Wolfgang, editor
Abstrak :
Commercial-industrial cleaning, by pressure-washing, hydro-blasting and UHP-jetting is the first proprietary manual for cleaning and rehabilitation through pressure-washing, hydro-blasting and ultra high pressure water jetting (UHP). It examines the cleaning, restoration and rehabilitation of statuary and historical structures; manufacturing hardware; and application technologies for residential, commercial and industrial areas, structures and buildings. Commercial-Industrial Cleaning, by Pressure-Washing, Hydro-Blasting and UHP-Jetting contains over 450 applications from agricultural, marine, municipal, food processing, paper-pulp, pharmaceutical and cosmetic, industrial and power generating maintenance areas. It includes gear lists to help readers easily identify the appropriate tooling and equipment for each specific application and industry.
London: [, Springer-Verlag], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library