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Abstrak :
Perubahan iklim yang dipicu oleh pemanasan global dapat mengakibatkan adanya ancaman gelombang ekstrim, yang pada gilirannya menimbulkan kerawanan wilayah pesisir terutama untuk wilayah pesisir utara Jawa yang relatif datar dan padat penduduknya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kerentanan wilayah pesisir utara Jawa Barat terhadap ancaman kenaikan muka laut berdasarkan variabel fisik dan sosial-ekonomi. Pengolahan data dan analisis spasial kerentanan dilakukan dengan menerapkan SIG dengan teknik tumpang susun, yang digabungkan dengan analisis sensitivitas MRAS dan metode regresi linier untuk mengkaji kaitan variabel-variabel penyebab kerentanan wilayah.

Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa distribusi kerentanan desa-desa di daerah penelitian sebagai berikut : 12 % berada pada tingkat kerentanan fisik sangat tinggi, 21 % dengan tingkat kerentanan tinggi, 31 % dengan tingkat kerentanan sedang, 26 % dengan tingkat kerentanan rendah dan 9,3 % dengan tingkat kerentanan sangat rendah.

Dari 10 variabel kerentanan ternyata variabel gelombang memiliki kontribusi paling tinggi dan variabel kepadatan penduduk memiliki kontribusi paling rendah pada kerentanan wilayah. Sedangkan dari analisis statistik diperoleh model persamaan yang menunjukan hubungan antara variabel IKF dan IKSE terhadap IKT, yaitu : IKT = 0,237 + 0,990 IKF + 0,996 IKSE.
Climate change triggered by global warming could lead to the threat of extreme waves, which in turn lead to vulnerability of coastal areas, especially to the north coast of Java are relatively flat and densely populated. This study aims to assess the vulnerability of coastal areas of northern West Java to the threat of sea level rise based on physical variables and socio-economic. Processing of vulnerability data and spatial analysis carried out by applying GIS to overlapping stacking technique, which combined with MRAS sensitivity analysis and linear regression methods to examines the link variables of the cause of vulnerability.

The analysis shows that the distribution of vulnerability in the study area as follows: 12% of the villages are at very high levels of physical vulnerability, 21% with a high degree of vulnerability, the vulnerability level of 31% with moderate, 26% with low susceptibility and 9.3 % with a degree of vulnerability very low. Of the 10 variables, wave variable has highest contribution and variable population density has the lowest contribution to the vulnerability of the region.

From the statistical analysis obtained regression equation model that shows the vulnerability of the relationship between variables IKF and IKSE to IKT, the equation is IKT = 0.237 + 0.990 IKF + 0.996 IKSE.
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Duto Nugroho
Abstrak :
Penelitian resiliensi ikan demersal dengan alat tangkap modifikasi cantrang di Laut Jawa bagian barat dilakukan selama kurun waktu Agustus 2014 - Juli 2015. Pengumpulan data dilakukan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai kota Tegal, Jawa Tengah.Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan indikator resiliensi populasi ikan demersalterhadap gangguan akibat pemanfaatan oleh perikanan cantrang di laut Jawa bagian Barat. Resiliensi sumberdaya ikan diperlihatkan dalam bentuk indikator kemampuanikan untuk memulihkan populasinya. Kajian dilandasi oleh tiga kajian yaitu: (1) Keanekaragaman jenis, (2) Karakteristik biologi ikan swangi (Priacanthus tayenus,Richardson, 1846); coklatan (Scolopsis taenioptera Cuvier, 1830) dan kuniran (Upeneussulphureus Cuvier, 1829) serta (3) Sensitivitas biologi, kerentanan dan resiliensi ikandemersal. Hasil observasi mengindikasikan bahwa Indeks Keaneka-ragaman hayatiberada kondisi yang dikategorikan tidak sehat. Kelimpahan cenderung rendah (25--30%) dibandingkan tahun 1974--1975. Hasil tangkapan didominasi kelompok jenis berumur pendek dan pada ukuran belum berpijah. Indeks kerentanan pada jenis ikanyang berukuran besar menggambarkan tingginya gangguan perhadap pemulihan padasaat terjadi penipisan kelimpahan dan dugaan terjadinya modifikasi habitat akibataktivitas pemanfaatan oleh cantrang. Resiliensi ikan demersal pada status tertekan yangmengarah pada proses natural resilient. Status dicirikan oleh adanya periodepemanfaatan kelimpahan yang bersifat eksponensial pada kelompok jenis ikanberukuran kecil dan penipisan kelimpahan dan kerapuhan terjadi pada kelompok jenisikan besar dengan tingkat trofik tinggi. Penipisan mengarah pada periode runtuhnya(collaps) potensi kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman sumberdaya ikan demersal sehinggadiperlukan jeda waktu pemanenan bagi proses reorganisasi struktur populasi secaraalamiah untuk pemulihannya. Sistem pemanenan yang tidak terkendali menjadipenyebab utama status ikan demersal beresiko tinggi bagi kemampuan pemulihan secara alami. ......Biodiversity globally recognized as a corner stone of healthy ecosystem.Biodiversity conservation is increasingly become one of important aim of environmental management. Ocean healthiness is declining since years, and the big impact that has been affecting is fisheries. Human removed too much and the abundance of the fish species tend to diminish. Fishing is shaping not only numbers and structure of the harvested populations, but also the life history and behavioural traits of targeted species. Widespread developments of fisheries become the major issues on ecological impact to marine biodiversity. In the Java Sea, target species of modified demersal Danish seine fisheries shifted from large to small size group of species. Purple-spotted big eye Priacan thus tayenus (Richardson, 1846), lattice monocle bream Scolopsis taenioptera (Cuvier, 1830) and goatfish Upeneus sulphureus (Cuvier, 1829) play significant role as the major spesies in demersal fish landing since years. This paper presents research findings concerning biodiversity of demersal ichthyofaunal, abundance, life history, habitat mofication, bio-exploitation status and its resilience to fishing pressure. The result showed that diversity index at poor to moderate status particularly in coastal waters, fish sizes from juvenile to adult were landed, mostly at immature cohort sand medium low trophic level species. Plotting vulnerability index of 15 major species indicates that most of large demersal demersal fish were at medium risk.The resilience of the demersal fish were characterized as 'natural resilient' indicated by exponential change for group small size of fishes and growing static and fragility of large size and high trophic level species. These phenomenon indicates that the harvest status of demersal fish tend to collaps or increasing fragile if no significant effort were initiated to reduce fishing pressures.Therefore, it is suggested to reevaluate the existing fisheries system in order to release creative destruction and shift to periods of reorganization for renewal its community structure. These would be increased the probability recovery of diversity index and abundance fish population including protecting sensitive habitat.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Habibah Nurul Rahmah
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Malaria merupakan penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh parasit Plasmodium dan ditularkan ke manusia melalui gigitan nyamuk Anopheles betina. Malaria masih menjadi penyakit menular paling mematikan kedua di dunia dan masih menjadi penyakit endemis di Indonesia. Kabupaten Mimika merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Indonesia yang berstatus endemis tinggi malaria (API 597,58‰ per tahun 2022). Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan antara faktor iklim (suhu udara, kelembaban, dan curah hujan) dan pengobatan malaria dengan kejadian malaria di Kabupaten Mimika tahun 2016-2022. Metode: Desain studi ekologi menggunakan data sekunder dengan analisis korelasi dan uji regresi linear ganda. Skenario waktu time lag 0, 1, dan 2 diterapkan untuk melihat hubungan antara faktor iklim dengan kejadian malaria per bulan di Kabupaten Mimika tahun 2016-2022. Hasil: Hasil analisis dengan uji korelasi menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan antara pengobatan malaria dengan kejadian malaria tahun 2016-2022 (p = 0,000; r = 0,990). Tidak ditemukan hubungan yang signifikan antara suhu udara, kelembaban, dan curah hujan rata-rata dengan kejadian malaria di Kabupaten Mimika tahun 2016-2022 pada seluruh skenario waktu. Analisis dengan uji regresi linear ganda menghasilkan model prediksi dengan persamaan Kejadian Malaria = 4912,9 - 129,3 (suhu udara) - 3,36 (curah hujan) - 13,6 (kelembaban) + 0,997 (pengobatan ACT). Berdasarkan hasil uji regresi linear ganda model dapat menjelaskan 98% variasi variabel kejadian malaria (R Square = 0,980). Variabel yang paling dominan terhadap kejadian malaria di Kabupaten Mimika tahun 2016-2022 adalah pengobatan malaria. ......Background: Malaria is an infectious disease caused by Plasmodium parasites and transmitted to humans through the bite of female Anopheles mosquitoes. Malaria is the wolrd’s second deadliest infectious disease and an endemic disease in Indonesia. Mimika Regency is one of the regencies in Indonesia that has a high malaria endemic status (API 597.58‰ as of 2022). Objective: To determine the relationship between climatic factors (air temperature, humidity, and rainfall) and malaria treatment with malaria incidence in Mimika Regency in 2016–2022. Methods: Ecological study using secondary data with correlation analysis and multiple linear regression. Scenarios of time lag 0, 1, and 2 were applied to investigate the relationship between climate factors and malaria incidence in Mimika Regency in 2016–2022. Results: The results of the correlation test showed a significant relationship between malaria treatment and the incidence of malaria in 2016–2022 (p = 0,000; r = 0,990). No significant relationship was found between average air temperature, humidity, and rainfall with malaria incidence in Mimika Regency in 2016–2022 in all time scenarios. Multiple linear regression analysis produced a predictive model with the equation Malaria Incidence = 4912,9 - 129,3 (air temperature) - 3,36 (rainfall) - 13,6 (humidity) + 0,997 (ACT treatment). Based on the multiple linear regression result, the model can explain 98% of malaria incidence variation (R Square = 0,980). The most dominant variable for malaria incidence in Mimika Regency in 2016–2022 is malaria treatment.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cambridge: CAB International, 2012
577.22 TEM
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sirait, Simon Juanda
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Pemanasan global menjadi fenomena yang terus terjadi, hal ini menyebabkan meningkatnya suhu bumi sebesar 87oC setiap tahun. Saat ini 90% transportasi untuk industri dilakukan melalui jalur laut. Terdapat dua komponen yang paling berperan dalam jalur laut yaitu kapal dan pelabuhan. Penelitian ini akan berfokus pada perhitungan emisi yang ada dalam keseluruhan proses di pelabuhan, mulai dari kapal berlabuh, proses bongkar muat, transfer dari dermaga ke daerah penumpukan, aktivitas penumpukan dan sebaliknya. Metodologi penelitian ini adalah dengan mengumpulkan data kinerja pelabuhan selama satu tahun mulai dari data kapal berlabuh, data alat dan utilitas, konsumsi bahan bakar dan listrik. Pelabuhan yang diteliti adalah Belawan International Container Terminal (BICT), Jakarta International Container Terminal, dan Terminal Teluk Lamong (TTL). Faktor emisi yang digunakan untuk bahan bakar berdasarkan ketentuan yang dikeluarkan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup yang telah meratifkasi IPCC 2006 dan untuk listrik menggunakan faktor emisi pembangkit Jawa Madura Bali yaitu 0.844 kg CO2/KWH. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, didapat bahwa emisi berdasarkan keseluruhan peralatan pelabuhan BICT menjadi paling hemat dengan 15.93 kg CO2/teus kemudian JICT 16.40 kg CO2/teus dan TTL 18.66 kg CO2/teus. Untuk emisi yang dihasilkan berdasarkan bahan bakar atau emisi langsung di daerah pelabuhan, TTL menjadi paling rendah emisi dengan 9.00 kg CO2/teus kemudian BICT 10.64 kg CO2/teus dan BICT dengan 15.38 kg CO2/teus. Untuk emisi yang berdasarkan keseluruhan proses di pelabuhan mulai dari kapal sandar hingga peti kemas keluar pelabuhan BICT menajadi paling rendah emisi dengan 29.08 kg CO2/teus kemudian JICT dengan 36.59 kg CO2/teus dan BICT 48.56 kg CO2/teus. Emisi yang sangat besar dihasilkan saat kapal sedang bersandar dan dengan penggunaan power on shore akan dapat mengurangi emisi ini dan secara keseluruhan emisi di daerah pelabuhan menjadi kecil.
ABSTRACT The port sector has been playing one of the important roles in global trade as ports are one of the transportational chain-rings in building environmental-social performance. As we all know, the usage of means of transportation are spreading further across the world. Starting with the Kyoto Protocol for ships, the environmentally friendly trend has also drawn in the port sector. However, it is difficult to find a model with the same characteristics as those of the ports as the models. The models can be used to compare the operational performances in the aspect of CO2 emission production. On that basis, this research aimed at estimating the CO2 emissions in container ports in order to portray how a port deals with its operational matters using models suiTabel for ideal circumstances based on the available equipment. This calculative system applies the bottom-up calculation of the work activities done in the ports, of the amount of fuel consumption, not as an input variable, but as the result of the calculation of the calculation itself. As for the input variables, they are the throughput, transshipment process, transportational modality and terminal layout. The result shows that several equipment operational activities can be optimized by comparing the results of the calculation of the CO2 actual emissions. In this research, it was found that each TEUS produced CO2 emissions as many as 15.93 kg CO2 /teus in BICT, 16.40 kg CO2 /teus in JICT, and 18.66 kg CO2 /teus in TTL, after calculating the emissions which had either direct or indirect effects. Then, the result of the calculation of only the CO2 emissions which had direct effects on the ports, i.e. the emissions of non-electrically operated equipment, was each TEUS produced as many as 9.00 kg CO2 /teus in TTL, 10.64 kg CO2 /teus in JICT, and 15.38 kg CO2 /teus in JICT. For emissions that go through the entire process at the port starting from the ship to the container out of the port of BICT it becomes the lowest emission with 29.08 kg CO2 / teus from JICT with 36.59 kg CO2 /teus and BICT 48.56 kg CO2/teus. This research is potentially of considerable use to ports since it shows how to calculate CO2 emissions in a port under ideal circumstances, the used models can adapt to the characteristics of any port, and the data serving as the input variables are not difficult to get.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dordrecht: Springer, 2014
634.909 73 CLI
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pearce-Higgins, James W.
Abstrak :
Notes: From the red grouse to the Ethiopian bush-crow, bird populations around the world can provide us with vital insights into the effects of climate change on species and ecosystems. They are among the best studied and monitored of organisms, yet many are already under threat of extinction as a result of habitat loss, overexploitation and pollution. Providing a single source of information for students, scientists, practitioners and policy-makers, this book begins with a critical review of the existing impacts of climate change on birds, including changes in the timing of migration and breeding and effects on bird populations around the world. The second part considers how conservationists can assess potential future impacts, quantifying how extinction risk is linked to the magnitude of global change
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2014
598.15 PEA b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This volume presents a comprehensive review of reintroduction projects and practices, the circumstances of their successes or failures, lessons learned, and the potential role for reintroductions in preserving species threatened by climate change. Contributors examine current plant reintroduction practices, from selecting appropriate source material and recipient sites to assessing population demography. These guidelines cover stages from planning and implementation to long-term monitoring, and offer not only recommended actions but also checklists of questions to consider that are applicable to projects around the world.
Washingto, D.C.: Island Press, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jones, Clara B.
Abstrak :
The proposed project will place particular emphasis upon the adaptive complex in relation to endogenous (e.g., genomes, neurophysiology) and exogenous (abiotic and biotic, including social environments) organismal features discussed as regulatory and environmental perturbations with the potential to induce, and, often, constrain variability and novelty of form and function
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
di Prisco, Guido, editor
Abstrak :
The poles undergo climate changes exceeding those in the rest of the world in terms of their speed and extent, and have a key role in modulating the climate of the Earth. Ecosystems adapted to polar environments are likely to become vulnerable to climate changes. Their responses allow us to analyse and foresee the impact of changes at lower latitudes. We need to increase our knowledge of the polar marine fauna of continental shelves, slopes and deep sea, as identifying the responses of species and communities is crucial to establishing efficient strategies against threats to biodiversity, using international and cross-disciplinary approaches.
Heidelberg : Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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