ABSTRAKProyek Jalan Layang Khusus Busway (JLKB) merupakan proyek dengan
kompleksitas tinggi dan terletak di lokasi terbuka, sehingga dengan minimnya
identifikasi risiko beserta pengendaliannya dapat meningkatkan tingkat kecelakaan
kerja. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi tahapan kegiatan serta faktor
risiko yang berpotensi bahaya, dan menganalisa faktor risiko dominan guna
pengembangan Safety Planning/ RK3K berdasarkan Permen PU
No.05/PRT/M/2014. Metode penelitian meliputi studi literatur, observasi, analisa
risiko dan benchmarking. Hasil penelitian terdapat 65 peristiwa risiko yang
teridentifikasi berpotensi bahaya, serta 15 risiko dominan yang berpengaruh
terhadap kinerja K3. Faktor risiko tersebut kemudian dilakukan tinjau ulang level
risikonya terhadap respon risiko dengan hasil penurunan yang signifikan
ABSTRACTThe project of Jalan Layang Khusus Busway (JLKB) is a type of project with high
complexity and is located in an open space, so with the lack of risk that can be
identified and their control could increase the work accident rate. The objectives of
the research are to identify the phase of the bridge construction and risk factors that
potentially dangerous, and to analyze the dominant risk factors for the
development of safety planning/ RK3K based on Permen PU No.05/PRT/M/2014.
The methodology consists of literature study, observation, risk analysis and
benchmarking. The research found 65 risk factors and 15 dominant risks which
affect the safety performance. The level of these risk factors are then reviewed
based on the risk responses, and have proven to reduce the risk level significantly."