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Ditemukan 52 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
The contamination of some kinds of mold as aspergillus spp., Penicillium spp., and Mucor spp., can be found in feed and espicially corn. The contamination causes health disturbance of animals. The disease is not only caused by the mold, but also by toxin produced. Health loss in term of economy due to the mold contaqminiation is quite significant...
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Selama tahun 1984 hingga 1995 jumlah kendaraan di Jakarta meningkat dua setengah kali lipat, dari 1.213.352 kendaraan pada tahun 1984 menjadi 3.021.136 pada tahun 1995 (BPS, 1987; 1991 & 1991). Berdasarkan pemantauan BAPEDAL (World Bank, 1994), sekitar 85 % timbal di udara berasal dari lalu lintas kendaraan bensin yang menggunakan timbal (Pb). Laporan World Bank (1994), menunjukkan dari indikator kualitas udara pencemar di daerah perkotaan padat lalu lintas, telah melebihi baku mutu ambien nasional, yaitu timbal, belerang dioksida, dan nitrogen oksida. Timbal adalah bahan beracun yang dapat mengganggu kesehatan manusia, untuk melindungi kesehatan masyarakat, Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia menetapkan kandungan timbal maksimum pada buah dan olahannya sebesar 2,0 mg/kg.Di Jakarta banyak penjual buah-buahan di kios tepi jalan yang berjarak 3-5 meter dari jalan raya. Partikulat gas buang kendaraan yang mengandung timbal lepas ke udara, akan mencemari lingkungan sekitarnya termasuk kios buah beserta buah-buahan dagangannya. Umumnya, penjual tidak menutup buah-buahan dagangannya, sehingga debu udara yang bercampur partikulat timbal gas buang akan mudah mencemarinya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1. Mengetahui pengaruh lama pemaparan buah anggur di kios buah tepi JI. Inspeksi Saluran Kali Malang, Jakarta Timur terhadap kadar cemaran timbal yang diduga dari gas buang kendaraan bermotor. 2. Mengetahui seberapa jauh pengurangan kadar timbal pada buah anggur tercemar dengan pencucian air. Hipotesis penelitian adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Semakin lama buah anggur dijajakan terbuka di kios buah tepi J1. Inspeksi Saluran Kali Malang, Jakarta Timur, akan semakin tinggi kadar timbalnya. 2. Pencucian pada buah anggur terpapar, akan menurunkan kadar timbal cemaran timbal. Dalam penelitian ini, digunakan desain Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) untuk perlakuan pemaparan anggur selama 5 hari, setiap hari mulai pukul 06.00 hingga pukul 24.00 WIB; analisis statistik regresi linier sederhana untuk mengetahui kecenderungan lama waktu pamaparan anggur terhadap kadar timbal; digunakan hipotesis Uji F (o,05) untuk menguji apakah ada beda perlakuan pemaparan pada buah anggur antar waktu. Untuk percobaan pengurangan kadar timbal anggur hari ke 5 dengan tiga cara pencucian juga digunakan RAL, digunakan Uji-t (0.05) untuk mengetahui apakah ada beda nyata antar masing-masing perlakuan pencucian. Pengujian kadar Pb dengan metode Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) di laboratorium DNA Rekombinan MTP, Balai Penelitian Bioteknologi Tanaman Pangan, Departemen Pertanian di Bogor. Hasil pengujian kadar Pb sampel anggur percobaan dan hasil analisis statistik dilakukan dengan menggunakan program Microsoft Excel, adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Rata-rata kadar timbal pada buah anggur yang dipaparkanldipajang di salah satu kios buah JI. Inspeksi Saluran Kali Malang Jakarta Timur dari hari ke 1 hingga hari ke 5 berturut-turut 2,60 ppm; 3,41 ppm; 3,82 ppm; 3,99 ppm; dan 4,18 ppm. 2. Diperoleh persamaan garis regresi Y = 1,5218 + 0,4993 X yang menunjukkan hubungan positip. 3. Penggunaan Uji F dengan tingkat kepercayaan 0,05 terhadap kadar Pb pada anggur karena efek lama pemaparan selama lima hari, diperoleh hasil F hitung 188,4051 > F tabel 5.12 3,1058, maka Ho ditolak, dapat disimpulkan ada perbedaan kadar Pb pada anggur karena perlakuan waktu pemaparan. 4. Uji t untuk data berpasangan, menggunakan tingkat kepercayaan 0,05 terhadap rata-rata kadar Pb pada anggur had ke 5 Vs kadar Pb pada anggur hari ke 5 yang mendapat tiga perlakuan pencucian, diperoleh kesimpulan tidak ada perbedaan rata-rata kadar Pb anggur hari ke 5 setelah dicuci air satu per satu Vs anggur hari ke 5 yang dicuci dengan air mengalir. Sedangkan perlakuan perendaman terhadap kedua perlakuan pencucian lainnya berbeda nyata. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat diambil kesimpulan: Semakin lama buah anggur dijajakan secara terbuka (lebih dari l8 jam) di kios tepi jalan raga, kadar cemaran timbalnya semakin tinggi sehingga melebihi peraturan Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Pencucian dengan air dapat mengurangi kadar timbal pada buah anggur tercemar. Kadar Pb yang tinggi pada buah anggur tersebut, merupakan indikator telah terjadi pencemaran Pb pada bahan pangan yang dijual di tepi jalan. Disarankan agar diberikan penyuluhan kepada pedagang buah, mengenai cara penjualan yang dapat mencegah cemaran timbal dari udara sekaligus memperpanjang masa simpan; kepada pembeli dianjurkan memilih anggur yang relatif segar dan mencucinya sebelum dimakan. Pemerintah agar mengurangi penggunaan bensin kadar timbal tinggi dan kemungkinan penerapan pajak untuk bahan bakar yang potensial mencemari udara, serta membangun sistem angkutan masal.
ABSTRACT During the first decades of 1980s and 1990s, especially between 1984 and 1996, the number of vehicle in Jakarta had increased about twice and a half, i.e. from 1,213,352 to 3,444,095. Based on BAPEDAL monitoring in 1991, it showed that 85% of lead toxic substance in the air pollution was brought about by the ever more heavy traffic on most of the roads and streets. World Bank reports (1994), showed that the indicators of air pollution quality in the traffic areas had reached more than the national ambient standard, including such substances as sulphur oxide, nitrogen oxide, lead, and so on. Lead (Pb) is a toxic substance that recognized as health hazard for humans. In this regard, to protect from lead contamination, the Indonesian Government had decided to set up regulation on lead contained in fruits and its processing. It should be lower than 2.0 mg/kg. In Jakarta, there are lots of fruit-stalls on the sidewalks of the back streets, the distance of which is less than 3 to 5m from the street ways. Lead release coming out from the car exhausts will mix up with the dust flying in the air and spread all over the places, including the fruit-stalls found at the sidewalks. Commonly, the fruits, including the grapes, are freely open or at least not properly wrapped up in plastic papers for hours, so that they tend to be easily reached by the dust blown out of the exhaust gas of the busy traffic on the street sides. The result is that any harmful substances like lead will easily contaminate the grapes and other fruits at the stalls. The purpose this research as follows: How much would the impact of the length exposure be on the probable level of lead accumulation in grapes sold at the sidewalk fruit stalls on JI. Inspeksi Saluran Kali Malang, Jakarta Timur? Would the washing up of the grapes with water significantly reduce the probable lead contaminant in them? The hypotheses based on the problems above can. be formulated as follows: The longer the exposure of the grapes as displayed at the sidewalk fruit stalls on JI. Inspeksi Saluran-Kalimalang, Jakarta Timur the higher the level of lead accumulation will be. The washing up of the grapes displayed as such will significantly reduce the level of lead contaminant. In order to provide an objective account for the tendency of the length of exposure that causes the probable lead contamination upon grapes on the spot, a linear regression statistic analysis was used. The data gathered for the purpose were taken out through a random sampling of the experimented grapes, sold at the stalls during the 1st day up to the 5th day of exposure. Whereas to get the answer to the question whether or not In Jakarta, there are lots of fruit-stalls on the sidewalks of the back streets, the distance of which is less than 3 to 5m from the street ways. Lead release coming out from the car exhausts will mix up with the dust flying in the air and spread all over the places, including the fruit-stalls found at the sidewalks. Commonly, the fruits, including the grapes, are freely open or at least not properly wrapped up in plastic papers for hours, so that they tend to be easily reached by the dust blown out of the exhaust gas of the busy traffic on the street sides. The result is that any harmful substances like lead will easily contaminate the grapes and other fruits at the stalls. The purpose this research as follows: 1. How much would the impact of the length exposure be on the probable level of lead accumulation in grapes sold at the sidewalk fruit stalls on JI. Inspeksi Saluran Kali Malang, Jakarta Timur? 2. Would the washing up of the grapes with water significantly reduce the probable lead contaminant in them? The hypotheses based on the problems above can be formulated as follows: 1. The longer the exposure of the grapes as displayed at the sidewalk fruit stalls on Jl_ inspeksi Saluran-Kalimalang, Jakarta Timur the higher the level of lead accumulation will be. 2. The washing up of the grapes displayed as such will significantly reduce the [evel of read contaminant. In order to provide an objective account for the tendency of the length of exposure that causes the probable lead contamination upon grapes on the spot, a linear regression statistic analysis was used. The data gathered for the purpose were taken out through a random sampling of the experimented grapes, sold at the stalls during the '1st day up to the 5th day of exposure. Whereas to get the answer to the question whether or not Conclusion: The longer the exposure of the grapes as displayed at the sidewalk fruit stalls (longer than 18 hours), the higher the level of lead accumulation will be over the standard maximum tolerable of the Department of Health. The way of washing the grapes diminish the level of lead contaminant. The high lead level in grapes is an indicator of air pollution into the foods sold at the road side. Recommendation: It is suggested that guidance be given to the grape sellers at the sidewalk stalls on the way exposing the grapes sold in order to avoid probable lead contaminant caused by air pollution as well as to prolong shelf life; it is recommended that the grape consumers choose fresher grapes as for as possible and wash them up before consuming_ It is also hope that the Government would phase out any remaining of lead additives in gasoline and the possibility of the applying the tax for gasoline of air pollution potency, and developing mass transportation.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kusyati Agustin
Abstrak :
A study on microbiological quality of Nasi Rames was carried out ifrom December 1996 to January 1997. One hundred and two samples of Nasi Rames were collected and 102 food handler were interviewed.

The microbiological contamination was assessed by using the method of enumeration of Indicator organisms (Aerobic Plate Count, Coliforms, and Escherichia coli) in PetrifilmTM at SEAMEO TROPMED Laboratory, Jakarta.

High microbial counts were found in food samples. More than 21 % of food samples contained APC higher than 106 CFUIg food. Coliform counts higher than 102 CFUIg was found in 75.5% of Nasi Rames and 42.2% of the samples were contaminated with E. coll.

The study did not find geographical pattern of microbiological contamination in studied area or any significant differences between districts as well as environment. Statistical analysis showed there was significant difference in microbial counts between vendor 1 and vendor 2.

Further statistical analysis on risk factors contribute to microbial contamination showed that water source was associated with high counts of APC (p=0.016) and that the manner of waste disposal was associated with E. coli contamination (p=0.025).

The study has suggested that the basic facilities were essential in the street vending operation. Considering that street food cater for numerous people, there are urgent needs to improve the microbiological quality of street foods. Actions should be taken to provide basic facilities and introduce the knowledge on food hygiene to street food vendors as well as the consumer.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anton Wibawa
Abstrak :
Makanan merupakan salah satu kebutuhan dasar pada manusia, sehingga makanan harus aman untuk dikonsumsi. Penyakit bawaan makanan adalah suatu penyakit yang ditimbulkan oleh makanan yang terkontaminasi oleh mikroorganisme pathogen. Makanan jajanan merupakan salah satu hasil produk dari tempat pengolahan makanan dan banyak dijumpai di lingkungan sekitar sekolah serta umumnya rutin dikonsumsi oleh sebagian besar anak usia sekolah. Selain mempunyai peran yang menguntungkan makanan jajanan mempunyai risiko untuk menimbulkan masalah kesehatan seperti kejadian keracunan makanan di sekolah. Beberapa faktor yang dapat memungkinkan terjadinya penularan penyakit melalui makanan adalah perilaku yang tidak higienis, adanya sumber penyakit menular, adanya media dan resipien. Tujuan Umum dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran kondisi higiene sanitasi makanan jajanan serta faktor yang mempengaruhinya di kabupaten Tangerang tahun 2006. Penelitian ini menggunakan disain potong lintang (Cross Sectional), dengan memanfaatkan data sekunder kegiatan pengawasan makanan dan minuman yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Tangerang terhadap pedagang makanan jajanan di Sekolah Dasar di Kabupaten Tangerang tahun 2006. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah makanan jajanan yang diambil dari 159 Sekolah Dasar di kabupaten Tangerang tahun 2006 adapun variabel yang diamati adalah : pengetahuan, perilaku, peralatan sarana air bersih, sarana pembuangan Iimbah, tempat pembuangan sampah dan lokasi usaha, sedangkan yang menjadi variabel terikat adalah kontaminasi bakteri E.CoIi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan sampel makanan yang terkontaminasi sebanyak 37,1%. Untuk pengetahuan Iebih dari separuh (62,9%) tidak baik, Sedangkan untuk perilaku sebagian besar tidak baik (76,7%). Lokasi usaha lebih dari separuh tidak memenuhi syaraf (53,5%). Bggitu pula untuk peralatan yang digunakan lebih dari separuhnya yaitu 57,2% tidak memenuhi syarat. Sedangkan untuk fasilitas sanitasi menunjukan hampir sebagian besar kondisi tempat sampah tidak memenuhi syarat (93,1%), untuk sarana air bersih hampir sebagian besar (75,5%) tidak memenuhi syarat. Begitu pula untuk sarana pembuangan limbah 86,2% tidak memenuhi syarat. Hasil uji bivariat menunjukan hanya empat variabel yang bermakna yaitu : pengetahuan (p = 0,028), perilaku (p = 0,009), peralatan (p = 0,039) dan sarana air bersih (p= (1,037) sehingga variabel ini masuk menjadi kandidat analisis multivariat. Pada analisis multivariat lalu dilakukan seleksi kandidat dengan memasukan variabel dengan nilai p<0,2S. Dari hasil akhir analisis multivariat tersebut diketahui bahwa perilaku merupakan variabel murni yang mempengaruhi terjadinya kontaminasi pada makanan jajanan (p = 0,011) dengan nilai OR 3,2 (95% : CI) dengan persamaan matematisnya adalah sebagai berikut : Logit (kontaminasi makanan) = 0,297 + 1,158*perilaku = 0,81 Saran secara akademik adalah perlunya perbaikan metode dalam penyusunan kuesioner dan kejelasan dalam Iangkah kerja ketika mengambil sampel. Saran secara praktis adalah Dinas Kesehatan hendaknya meningkatkan upaya pembinaan dan pengawasan atau inspeksi sanitasi terhadap pedagang makanan jajanan di Sekolah Dasar secara rutin, adanya kerjasama dengan pihak sekolah dalam upaya pengelolaan kantin sekolah yang sehat serta penyediaan fasilitas sanitasi yang diperlukan. Upaya Iainnya adanya Iomba kantin seknlah sehat yang bisa memotivasi perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat pada pedagang makanan jajanan di sekolah serta membuat sentra makanan jajanan dengan menggabungkan para pedagang dalam satu tempat. ......It has been known that food is one of the human basic needs. Therefore, food should be safe to be consumed. Food born disease is a disease that originated from food that contaminated by pathogenic microorganism. Street food is a food that produced, processed and mainly found in the area surrounding the school and routinely consume by most of the students in their break time. Although it is found that street food has an advantages side, but it is also has a risk on their health, like food poisoning. Some factors that could be occurring in food born disease are: unhygienic behavior, the source of the contagious disease, the media, and the recipient. The main purpose of the study is to describe the condition of sanitation hygienic of the street food and factors related to the condition, at the district of Tangerang 2006. The study use the cross sectional design with secondary data obtained from the activities of food and drink monitoring that carried out by the Health District Authority of Tangerang towards food street vendors in all Primary School in Tangerang. Samples are food from street food that sells in 159 Primary School at the district of Tangerang. Variables observed are including the knowledge, behavior, eating utensils and clean water, waste disposal appliance, the garbage storage, and the location on where the food is selling. The E. coli contamination is being the dependent variable of the study. The study found that food sampled has have contaminated is around 37.1%. More than half (62.9%) has poor knowledge, and mainly (76.7%) has poor behavior. Mostly (53.5%), the location on where the food is selling has poor condition. Same situation for the condition of eating utensils, 57.2% have unconditional state. Meanwhile, most of sanitary facilities are in poor condition, 93.1% of garbage storages are unconditional, 75.5% of clean water facilities are poor, as well as 86.2% of waste disposal appliances. From the bivariate analysis, there four variables are found have significant relationship, i.e. knowledge (p = 0.028), behavior (p = 0.009), utensils (p = 0.039), and clean water appliances (p = 0.037), which lead to included to multivariate analysis. From the final analysis of multivariate, it has found that behavior is to be the sole variable that influences the occurrence of street food contamination (p = 0.011) with OR 3.2 (95% C.I) with its mathematical formulation is: Logit (food contamination) = 0.297 + 1.158*behavior = 0.81 Suggestion on academic issues is suppose to improve the method of questionnaires arrangement and clarification on the step of activities on sampling. Suggestion in practical issue, for the Health Authority that suppose to increase the capacity building and sanitary monitoring or inspection towards street food vendors surrounding the school in routinely base. There is a need on good collaboration between school management in order to obtain a healthy school canteen, as well as providing the sanitary facilities that urgently needed. Other form of endeavor is to create a healthy canteen competition in order to encourage the clean and healthy lifestyle towards street food vendors, as well as creating the center for street food that merging all street vendors into one selling location.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anton Wibawa
Abstrak :
Makanan merupakan salah satu kebutuhan dasar pada manusia, sehingga makanan harus aman untuk dikonsumsi. Penyakit bawaan makanan adalah suatu penyakit yang ditimbulkan oleh makanan yang terkontaminasi oleh mikroorganisme pathogen.

Saran secara akademik adalah perlunya perbaikan metode dalam penyusunan kuesioner dan kejelasan dalam langkah kerja ketika mengambil sampel. Saran secara praktis adalah Dinas Kesehatan hendaknya meningkatkan upaya pembinaan dan pengawasan atau inspeksi sanitasi terhadap pedagang rnakanan jajanan di Sekolah Dasar secara rutin, adanya kerjasama dengan pihak sekolah dalam upaya pengelolaan kantin sekoIah yang sehat serta penyediaan fasilitas sanitasi yang diperlukan. Upaya lainnya adanya lomba kantin sekolah sehat yang bisa memotivasi perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat pada pedagang makanan jajanan di sekoiah serta mernbuat sentra makanan jajanan dengan menggabungkan para pedagang dalam setempat. ......It has been known that food is one of the human basic needs. Therefore, food should be safe to be consumed. Food born disease is a disease that originated from food that contaminated by pathogenic microorganism. Street food is a food that produced, processed and mainly found in the area surrounding the school and routinely consume by most of the students in their break time. Although it is found that street food has an advantages side, but it is also has a risk on their health, like food poisoning. Some factors that could be occurring in food born disease are: unhygienic behavior, the source of the contagious disease, the media, and the recipient. The main purpose of the study is to describe the condition of sanitation hygienic of the street food and factors related to the condition, at the district of Tangerang 2006. The study use the cross sectional design with secondary data obtained from the activities of food and drink monitoring that carried out by the Health District Authority of Tangerang towards food street vendors in all Primary School in Tangerang. Samples are food from street food that sells in 159 Primary School at the district of Tangerang. Variables observed are including the knowledge, behavior, eating utensils and clean water, waste disposal appliance, the garbage storage, and the location on where the food is selling. The E. coil contamination is being the dependent variable of the study. The study found that food sampled has have contaminated is around 37.1%. More than half (62.9%) has poor knowledge, and mainly (76.7%) has poor behavior. Mostly (53.5%), the location on where the food is se/lintl, has poor condition. Same situation for the condition of eating utensils, 57.2% have unconditional state_ Meanwhile, most of sanitary facilities are in poor condition, 93.1% of garbage storages are unconditional, 75.5% of clean water facilities are poor, as well as 86.2% of waste disposal appliances. From the bivariate analysis_ there four variables ale found have significant relationship, i.e. knowledge (p = 0.028), behavior (p = 0.009), utensils (p — 0.039), and clean water appliances (p = 0.037), which lead to included to multivariate analysis. From the final analysis of multivariate, it has found that behavior is to be the sole variable that influences the occurrence of street food contamination ( p = 0.011) with OR 3.2(95% C.1) with its mathematical formulation is: Logit (rood con(amination) 0.297 + /.158*behavior = 0.81 Suggestion on academic issues is suppose Lo improve the method of questionnaires arrangement and clarification on the step of activities on sampling. Suggestion in practical issue, for the Health Authority that suppose to increase the capacity building and sanitary monitoring or inspection towards street food vendors surrounding the school in routinely base. There is a need on good collaboration between school management in order to obtain a healthy school canteen, as well as providing the sanitary facilities that urgently needed. Other form of endeavor is to create a healthy canteen competition in order to encourage the clean and healthy lifestyle towards street food vendors, as well as creating the center for street food that merging all street vendors into one selling location.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratih Dwi Anggraeni
Abstrak :
Saat ini, warga yang tinggal di RW 07 Kelurahan Pulo Gebang Kecamatan Cakung menggunakan air tanah untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari karena belum masuknya PDAM/PAM. Air tanah di kawasan tersebut terindikasi mengalami pencemaran oleh fecal coliform yang dilihat dari adanya 6.388 kasus diare pada tahun 2013 dimana 43% penderitanya merupakan balita. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui potensi pencemaran air tanah oleh septic tank, perbedaan jumlah fecal coliform pada tiga tipe rumah (besar, sedang, dan kecil) dan potensi pencemaran lainnya. Enumerasi mikroorganisme dilakukan dengan metode MTF sedangkan uji statistik menggunakan uji ANOVA. Hasil dari 46 sampel air tanah menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada sampel yang memenuhi baku mutu Permenkes RI No 492 Tahun 2010 dan hanya 34,78% rumah yang memenuhi baku mutu dalam PP RI Nomor 82 Tahun 2001. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan adanya perbedaan konsentrasi fecal coliform antara rumah tipe besar, sedang, dan kecil. Hasil juga menunjukkan ada potensi pencemaran lainnya yang berasal dari IPLT Pulo Gebang dan Sungai BKT. Hal tersebut terlihat dari hasil pemeriksaan kualitas air di sumur pantau dan sungai hasilnya telah melebihi baku mutu. Selain itu, jenis tanah yang sandy silt dan bergradasi buruk dengan permeabilitas dan porositas tinggi mendukung potensi penyebaran kontaminasi fecal coliform yang berasal dari septic tank, IPLT, atau Sungai BKT.
Today, people who live in neighborhood 07, Pulo Gebang residense, Cakung district, use groundwater to meet their daily needs because of lack of access to water supply. Groundwater in that area indicated having fecal coliform contamination, which seen from high number of diarrhea cases as approximately 6.388 cases in 2013 nd out of 43% occurred children. The purposes of this research are to determine the potential groundwater contamination by septic tanks, the difference of fecal coliform concentration based on three types of houses (large, medium, and small) and other potential sources of fecal coliform. Enumeration of fecal coliform conducted by MTF method and statistical test carried out by using ANOVA test. The results of 46 groundwater samples showed that no samples that met with the standard based on Permenkes RI No. 492 of 2010 and only 34.78% that met the quality standard based on PP No. 82 of 2001. Statistical test indicated that the presence of fecal coliform concentration differ among the three type of houses. The results also showed that other potential sources of contamination are coming from sewage treatment plant (IPLT) Pulo Gebang and BKT River. It is indicated by the results of water quality from monitoring wells of IPLT and river have exceeded the quality standard. In addition, the type of soil in that area is sandy silt, which is having poor graded, high permeability and porosity suspected contribute to the spread of fecal coliform contamination from septic tanks, IPLT, or BKT river.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
There are of poisoned cases or diseases in Indonesia caused by microbial contaminated food as the salmoneilosis, eve, by expired food. The cases of food poisoning between 2003-2005,reported by mass media gave the information about condition of food safety in Indonesia.......
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Made Djaja
Abstrak :
Makanan dengan kandungan zat gizinya sangat dibutuhkan oleh mahluk hidup termasuk manusia untuk tumbuh dan berkembang biak. Sebaliknya melalui makanan dapat juga dipindahkan beberapa penyakit yang ditularkan melalui makanan seperti diare dan keracunan makanan. Tingkat kontaminasi makanan masih cukup tinggi (oleh E. coli 65,5%) dan prevalensi penyakit diare sebanyak 116.075 kasus tahun 1995 dan Kejadian Luar Biasa (KLB) keracunan makanan juga masih tinggi yaitu 31.919 kasus tahun 1997, dengan angka kematian kasus (CFR) 0,15%. Penelitian prospektif dilakukan pada 255 buah Tempat Pengelolaan Makanan (TPM) yang terdiri dari 3 jenis TPM yaitu masing-masing sebanyak 85 buah TPM dari jenis Pedagang Kakilima, Rumah Makan dan Restoran dan Jasaboga. Makanan yang diteliti adalah makanan dari daging yang dimasak dengan air sebagai bahan penunjang pengolahan makanan (daging berkuah), dengan bakteri E. coli sebagai indikasi kontaminasi makanan. Data dianalisis dengan analisis multi variabel regresi logistik ganda untuk mengetahui faktor kontaminasi makanan. Tingkat kontaminasi makanan disajikan oleh E. coli 12,2%. Kontaminasi makanan baru matang oleh E. coli 7,5%. Kontaminasi bahan makanan oleh E. coli 40,0%. Kontaminasi air oleh E. coli 12,9%. Kontaminasi tangan pengolah oleh E. coli 12,5%. Kontaminasi pewadahan oleh E. coli 16,9%. Suhu pemasakan makanan adalah 99,5 oC dan lamanya pemasakan makanan 20,6 menit. Suhu penyimpanan 28,9 oC, lamanya penyimpanan makanan matang 409,2 menit dan suhu penyajian adalah 28,7 oC. Kontaminasi oleh E. coli pada makanan yang disajikan dipengaruhi oleh suhu pemasakan dan Jenis TPM (Pedagang Kakilima dengan resiko 3,5 kali dibandingkan dengan Jasaboga dan Restoran).
Food with its nutrient constituencies is important and needed by all biological organisms including human live. On theaters hand through food could transfer some of diseases agent that could cause gastro-intestinal disorder and food intoxication. Food contamination prevalence is still height (by E. coli 65.5%) and diarrhea cases 116.075 in 1995, food out break intoxication 31.919 occur in 1997, and with CFR 0.15%. Prospective study has been done in order to identify the E. coli food contamination rate on food serve by food establishment in South Jakarta. Sample size of 255, with 85 food establishment each type food establishment group such as street food vendor, catering, and restaurant. Meat with height water activities is used for food sample and E. coli contamination on food is used as an indicator for pathogenic bacterial food contamination. Data analysis using multiple logistic regression, to identify food contamination factors. E. coli served food contamination was 12.2%, fresh cooked food E. coli contamination was 7.5%, row food E. coli contamination was 40.0%, water contamination was 12.9%, food handler hand contamination was 12.5%, and kitchen utensil especially for cooked food container contamination was 16.9%. Cooking processing temperature was 99.5 0C, average cooking period was 20.6 minute, food storage temperature and period were 28.9 0C and 409.2 minute, and room temperature of food served was 28.7 0C. Factors involved on E. coli served food contamination were cooking temperature and street food vendor (with OR=3.5 compare with restaurant and catering).
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
As the food and beverages industry grows in Indonesia, there also has been an increase in the soft-drinks production in the society. There are elements often added into the drinks; such as caffeine, artifical sweetener and preservatives,which the content should be monitored. Because, if they are over-used, they will be hazardous to health. The purpose of this research is to obtain the optimum analysis condition for determining the content of saccharin, aspartame, benzoic acid, sorbic acid and caffeine, which are in the soft-drinks, using the reversed phase High-Performance-Liquid-Chromatography (HPLC). In this study, the condition used are Latek 18 column (15 cm x 4.0 mm), mobile phase as a mixture of acetonitrile and acetat buffer pH 5(5:95), flow rate 1,0 ml/minutes and detected by a 254 nm length-wave. The detection limit discovered by this method are for saccharin, benzoic acid, sorbic acid, caffeine and aspartame, respectively, are 0,2 ppm; 0,2 ppm; 0,007 ppm; 0,142 ppm; and 6,5 ppm. Whereas, the quantitative limit for saccharin, benzoic acid, sorbic acid, caffeine and aspartame, respectively, are 0,689 ppm; 0,852 ppm; 0,027 ppm; 0,452 ppm; 25,2 ppm. The calibration curve ranged between 1-60 ppm for saccharin and benzoid acid, 1-40 ppm for caffeine, 0.05-2 ppm for sorbic acid, and 30-100 ppm for aspartame. The investigation has been done for five (5) brands od soft-drinks. The analysis results are sample A contains caffeine 96,66 ppm, sample B contains saccharin 112,13 ppm, benzoic acid 206,81 ppm, and caffeine 130,63 ppm. Sample C contains benzoic acid 10,83 ppm and caffeine 97,66 ppm. Sample D contains benzoic acid 163,78 ppm, caffeine 101,52 ppm, and aspartame 231,20 ppm. The amounts of saccharin, benzoic acid, caffeine, and aspartame which has been found in the sample, do not exceed the tolerance limit of usage, whereas the amount of benzoic acid which has been found in sample B exceed the tolerance limit of usage.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Radhin Naufal Ilhamdimas
Abstrak :
Dalam konteks urbanisasi dan peningkatan populasi, pencemaran air masih menjadi masalah serius, terutama di wilayah yang tidak mempunyai pengolahan air limbah yang memadai. Kota besar yang berkembang pesat di Jakarta, Indonesia, mengalami penurunan kualitas air akibat polusi dan pengolahan air limbah yang tidak memadai. Untuk memfasilitasi pengembangan sistem pemantauan yang andal dan rencana pengelolaan kualitas air jangka panjang, analisis yang disajikan di sini menunjukkan dengan tepat alasan penurunan kualitas air. Inisiatif-inisiatif ini akan mendukung upaya berkelanjutan pemerintah Jakarta untuk meningkatkan standar air. Berdasarkan kesimpulan penelitian, kolam stabilisasi bisa menjadi pilihan yang baik untuk pengolahan air limbah DAS Cipinang. Namun studi tersebut menemukan bahwa kolam retensi mungkin juga mempunyai dampak buruk terhadap ekosistem, seperti eutrofikasi dan emisi gas rumah kaca. Penggunaan metode Runge-kutta orde keempat membantu menurunkan nilai konsentrasi TSS, COD, amoniak dan E. Coli di Waduk Kampung Rambutan 2, dengan nilai penurunan 12.2 mg/L, 0.015 mg/L, 49.46 mg /L dan 14,478 Jumlah/100 mL masing-masing. Dengan nilai tersebut kita dapat melihat peningkatan kualitas air setelah kolam stabilisasi dibangun ......In the context of urbanization and population increase, water contamination remains a serious problem, especially in areas without sufficient wastewater treatment. The fast expanding megacity of Jakarta, Indonesia, is experiencing deteriorating water quality as a result of pollution and inadequate wastewater treatment. In order to facilitate the development of reliable monitoring systems and long-term water quality management plans, the analysis offered here pinpoints the reasons for the deterioration of water quality. These initiatives will support the Jakartan government's continued efforts to raise the standard of the water. According to the study's conclusions, stabilization ponds could be a good choice for the Cipinang watershed's wastewater treatment. The study did discover, however, that retention ponds may also have unfavorable effects on the ecosystem, such as eutrophication and the emission of greenhouse gases. The used of the Runge-kutta Fouth order method, helps to reduce the concentration value for TSS, COD, ammonia and E. Coli at the Kampung Rambutan reservoir 2, As the reduced value 12.2 mg/L, 0.015 mg/L, 49.46 mg/L and 14.478 Amount/100 mL respectively. With this value we can see the improvement for the water quality after the stabilization are built
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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