"Fenomena obyek penelitian adalah penerapan manajemen penyidikan tindak pidana korupsi pada Direktorat III Pidkor Bareskrim Mabes Polri. Tujuan penelitian mendeskripsikan penerapan manajemen penyidikan tindak pidana korupsi dan membahas SWOT dalam penerapan manajemen penyidikan.
Penerapan Analisis SWOT pada tahapan manajemen penyidikan tindak pidana korupsi pada Direktorat III Pidkor Bareksrim belum dijadikan Standard Operating Procedure penerapan manajemen penyidikan tindak pidana korupsi.
Kelemahan tersebut menyebabkan kinerja Direktorat III Pidkor Bareskrim Polri menjadi kurang efektif dalam menangani perkara korupsi. Sebab itu, penerapan Standard Operating Procedure manajemen penyidikan tindak pidana korupsi menjadi salah satu persyaratan manajerial yang dapat mengefektifkan kinerja Direktorat III Pidkor Bareskrim Polri.
......The phenomenon of object of research is the application of management investigation of corruption in the Directorate III Penal Corruption of Crime Investigation. Describe the application of management research objective investigation of corruption and discusses the application of SWOT in investigation management.
Application of SWOT analysis on the management stage of investigation of corruption at the Directorate III Penal Corruption of Crime Investigation Board in Indonesia National Police Headquarter in Standard Operating Procedures have not made the application of management corruption investigations.
The weakness is causing the performance of the Corruption Penal Investigation Management at Directorate III Penal Corruption of Crime Investigation become less effective in dealing with corruption cases. Therefore, the application of Standard Operating Procedure management corruption investigation into one of the managerial requirements that can streamline the performance of the Directorate III Penal Corruption of Crime Investigation."