"[When within a couple difficulties and misunderstandings become the rule, the report traps in a spiral of frustration and revenge. Often this problem is a consequence of psychological subjection that characterizes it, and that is a phenomenology of modern couple widespread and underestimated.
The guilt, the psychological blackmail, the belittling sense of capacity of its partners are some signs of what, according to the author, can be defined as a "neurotic attachment": a real psychological trap into which we fall every time we leave the way we interpret reality and we engage to that supplied to us by the partner, thus losing the "center of gravity" of our own being.
The couple trapped addresses this phenomenon based on numerous experiences of psychotherapy, making clear the dynamics and providing tips and hints not only for all operators that orbit around the couple, but also for those who are involved in such hooks neurotic, sometimes unconsciously., When within a couple difficulties and misunderstandings become the rule, the report traps in a spiral of frustration and revenge. Often this problem is a consequence of psychological subjection that characterizes it, and that is a phenomenology of modern couple widespread and underestimated.
The guilt, the psychological blackmail, the belittling sense of capacity of its partners are some signs of what, according to the author, can be defined as a "neurotic attachment": a real psychological trap into which we fall every time we leave the way we interpret reality and we engage to that supplied to us by the partner, thus losing the "center of gravity" of our own being.
The couple trapped addresses this phenomenon based on numerous experiences of psychotherapy, making clear the dynamics and providing tips and hints not only for all operators that orbit around the couple, but also for those who are involved in such hooks neurotic, sometimes unconsciously.]"