The rapid and uncontrolled population growth of the city causes pressure on the availability of land. In addition, various problems such as uneven public facilities such as disasters such as floods and landslides that occur at this time will be even worse in the future. This research attempts to make projections regarding population growth so that the available land can be used sustainably. Modeling system is a method that can describe real situations regarding land availability. Land use suitability assessment is the main determinant in the planning and decision making process. The variables taken for this study are slope, altitude, and land cover. This study provides information on projections of population growth and built areas, as well as land suitability for future city formation and flood and landslide mitigation strategies for the development of built areas.
Keberadaan aktivitas penambangan batubara secara terbuka menyebabkan kerusakan lingkungan sekitar. Salah satu kerusakan tersebut yaitu terbentuknya lubang bekas tambang (void). Void tersebut dapat dideteksi dengan citra satelit. Kota Samarinda memiliki ratusan lubang void dan berpotensi untuk bertambah. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan sebaran void dan menganalisis void tersebut dengan analisis kesesuaian wilayah untuk area pengembangan panel surya terapung dan bendungan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode dijitasi pada citra resolusi tinggi dan metode Fuzzy Logic. Tahapan pertama yaitu mengidentifikasi sebaran void menggunakan dijitasi citra satelit pada wilayah izin usaha pertambangan di Kota Samarinda. Setelah itu melakukan identifikasi kesesuaian wilayah panel surya dan bendungan. Kriteria kesesuaian wilayah diklasifikasikan menggunakan metode Fuzzy Membership dan metode Fuzzy Overlay. Selanjutnya, peta kesesuaian wilayah tersebut di overlay dengan peta sebaran void untuk mendapatkan wilayah kesesuaian panel surya terapung dan bendungan pada void di Kota Samarinda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 442 void dengan luas total 7,901 km2. Tingkat kesesuaian wilayah panel surya terapung dan bendungan dibagi menjadi 4 kelas, yaitu S1, S2, S3, dan S4/N. Jumlah void pada kelas kesesuaian panel surya terapung berturut-turut 17, 26, 40, dan 359. Adapun jumlah void pada kesesuaian bendungan berturut-turut 45, 133, 210, dan 54. Mayoritas void tersebar pada wilayah yang memiliki aksesibilitas rendah dengan jarak lebih dari 1 km, berada pada wilayah dengan penyinaran matahari yang cukup tinggi dengan 1800-1900 kWh/m2/tahun, dan berada pada wilayah dengan kemiringan lereng yang lebih dari 10 %.
The existence of open coal mining activities causes damage to the surrounding environment. One such damage is the formation of a former mine pit (voids). These voids can be detected with satellite imagery. Samarinda City has hundreds of void holes and has the potential to increase. Therefore, this study aims to map the distribution of voids and analyze these voids by analyzing the suitability of the area for the development area of floating solar panels and dams. This research uses digitizing methods in high-resolution images and Fuzzy Logic methods. The first stage is identifying void distribution using digitalized satellite imagery in the mining business permit area in Samarinda City. After that, determine the suitability of the solar panel area and the dam. Region suitability criteria are classified using the Fuzzy Membership method and then overlaid using the Fuzzy Overlay method. Furthermore, the suitability map of the area is overlaid using the intersect with the void distribution map to get the suitability of the floating solar panels and the dams on the voids in Samarinda City. The results showed that there were 442 voids with a total area of 7,901 km2. The suitability level of the floating solar panel and dam is divided into four classes, namely S1, S2, S3, and S4/N. The number of voids in the suitability class of floating solar panels are 17, 26, 40, and 359. The number of voids in the suitability of the dam is 45, 133, 210, and 54. The majority of voids are scattered in areas that have low accessibility with a distance of more than 1 km, are in areas with high solar radiation with 1800-1900 kWh/m2/year, and are in areas with slopes of more than 10 %.