ABSTRAKLatar belakang: mengetahui hubungan antara asupan makronutrien dan gaya
hidup terhadap status HbA1c penyandang diabetes melitus (DM) tipe 2. Metode:
penyandang DM tipe 2 dikategorikan ke dalam 2 kelompok, yaitu kontrol
glikemik (KG) baik (HbA1c < 7,0) dan KG buruk (HbA1c > 7,0). Data
karakteristik dasar seperti usia, jenis kelamin, status gizi, durasi menderita DM,
jenis dan jumlah obat DM yang digunakan, serta ada/ tidaknya komplikasi DM
yang diderita. Asupan makronutrien terdiri dari asupan energi total harian, asupan
karbohidrat, protein, lemak dan serat. Faktor gaya hidup meliputi ketaatan
mengikuti diet sesuai yang direkomendasikan, aktivitas fisik, ketaatan konsumsi
obat, merokok dan minum alkohol. Data-data dari kedua kelompok kemudian
dihubungkan dengan status HbA1c dengan uji Chi square. Hasil penelitian: usia
penyandang DM yang lebih muda (< 55 tahun), asupan karbohidrat dan ketaatan
mengikuti diet berhubungan bermakna secara statistik dengan status HbA1c (P <
0,05). Rasio asupan makronutrien (karbohidrat, protein, lemak) pada kelompok
KG baik adalah 47: 18: 35 dan KG buruk 51: 16: 33. Kesimpulan : Hasil
penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa status HbA1c berhubungan bermakna dengan
faktor usia, asupan karbohidrat, dan ketaatan mengikuti diet. Edukasi sebaiknya
diberikan kepada penyandang DM tipe 2 dengan KG buruk, terutama yang berusia
< 55 tahun agar mengatur pola makannya sesuai dengan yang direkomendasikan
dengan memperhatikan jenis, jumlah, dan jadwal.
ABSTRACTBackground: Determining the relationship between macronutrients intake and lifestyle
factors and HbA1c status of diabetic type 2 patient in improving the effectiveness of
patient?s nutrition therapy and preventing diabetes complications. Methods: Diabetic
type 2 patients were categorized into 2 groups; patients with good glycemic control (GC)
or HbA1c < 7.0 and patients with poor glycemic control (PC) or HbA1c > 7.0. Clinical
characteristics were differentiated by age, gender, body mass index (BMI), duration of
illness, type and amount of diabetic medication, and other diabetic complication.
Macronutrient intake consisted of total daily calories and carbohydrate, protein, fat and
fiber intakes. Lifestyle factors consisted of the adherence to dietary advice and
medication, physical activities, smoking habit, and alcohol intake. The data were be used
to determine their relationship with HbA1c status using Chi Square test. Results:
Younger diabetic type 2 patients (< 55 years old), carbohydrate intake, and adherence to
dietary advice were identified as statistically significant variables related to HbA1c status
(P <0.05). Macronutrient intake ratio (carbohydrate : protein : fat) for GC was 47 : 18 : 35
and PC was 51 : 16 : 33. Conclusions: The results demonstrate that HbA1c status in
diabetic type 2 patient are related to age, carbohydrate intake and adherence to dietary
advice. Education to be provided to younger diabetic type 2 patients (<55 years old) to
maintain good dietary pattern according to medical nutrition therapy, Background: Determining the relationship between macronutrients intake and lifestyle
factors and HbA1c status of diabetic type 2 patient in improving the effectiveness of
patient’s nutrition therapy and preventing diabetes complications. Methods: Diabetic
type 2 patients were categorized into 2 groups; patients with good glycemic control (GC)
or HbA1c < 7.0 and patients with poor glycemic control (PC) or HbA1c > 7.0. Clinical
characteristics were differentiated by age, gender, body mass index (BMI), duration of
illness, type and amount of diabetic medication, and other diabetic complication.
Macronutrient intake consisted of total daily calories and carbohydrate, protein, fat and
fiber intakes. Lifestyle factors consisted of the adherence to dietary advice and
medication, physical activities, smoking habit, and alcohol intake. The data were be used
to determine their relationship with HbA1c status using Chi Square test. Results:
Younger diabetic type 2 patients (< 55 years old), carbohydrate intake, and adherence to
dietary advice were identified as statistically significant variables related to HbA1c status
(P <0.05). Macronutrient intake ratio (carbohydrate : protein : fat) for GC was 47 : 18 : 35
and PC was 51 : 16 : 33. Conclusions: The results demonstrate that HbA1c status in
diabetic type 2 patient are related to age, carbohydrate intake and adherence to dietary
advice. Education to be provided to younger diabetic type 2 patients (<55 years old) to
maintain good dietary pattern according to medical nutrition therapy]"