"Tujuan penulisan tesis ini adalah untuk menggambarkan kegiatan diplomasi pertahanan yang dilakukan Indonesia terhadap Korea Selatan selama kurun waktu empat tahun atau secara spesifik pada periode 2006 hingga 2009. Penggambaran kegiatan diplomasi pertahanan tersebut dianalisis melalui pendekatan konsep diplomasi pertahanan yang mengembangkan tiga karakter utama, yaitu defense diplomacy for confidence building measure, defense diplomacy for defense capability dan defense diplomacy for defense industry.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menyajikan data mengenai kegiatan diplomasi pertahanan Indonesia terhadap Korea Selatan dan mengelompokkannya ke dalam tiga konsep diplomasi pertahanan di atas. Penelitian ini telah membuktikan bahwa kegiatan diplomasi pertahanan Indonesia terhadap Korea Selatan semakin mempererat hubungan pertahanan kedua negara terutama setelah ditandatanganinya Joint Declaration between the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of Korea on Strategic Partnership to Promote Friendship and Cooperation in the 21st Century.
The aim of this thesis is describing Indonesia defense diplomacy activities towards South Korea within four years, especially in 2006 until 2009 period. The defense diplomacy description analyzed by defense diplomacy concept which is developing three main characteristics such as defense diplomacy for confidence building measure, defense diplomacy for defense capability and defense diplomacy for defense industry.
This thesis conducted by serving data that contain Indonesia defense diplomacy activities towards South Korea and classifying them to the defense diplomacy concept above. This thesis proves, that the activities of Indonesia defense diplomacy towards South Korea, has tighten the relationship of both of the two countries especially after the signing of the Joint Declaration between the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of Korea on Strategic Partnership to Promote Friendship and Cooperation in the 21st Century."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2010